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Argentinian Rugby

ARC starts tomorrow. someone cares? or is it just me :)
uruguay beat canada in the first game in canada ( will play a second in montevideo after the arc to classify to the wc)
hope the team improves this year i trust contempomi for the task

the team
ARGENTINA XV: 1- Francisco Ferronato, 2- Gaspar Baldunciel, 3- Benjamín Espinal, 4- Jerónimo Ureta, 5- Ignacio Larrague, 6- Rodrigo Bruni, 7- Lautaro Bavaro (C), 8- Santiago Montagner, 9- Luca Magnasco, 10- Juan Cruz González, 11- Rodrigo Etchart, 12- Juan Cappiello, 13- Juan Cruz Mallía, 14- Germán Schulz, 15- Gastón Arias.

Suplentes: Diego Fortuny, Javier Díaz, Santiago Medrano, Santiago Portillo, Francisco Gorrisen, Facundo Nogueira, Tomás Granella, Tomás Malanos.
live ESPN 3 y Play 22hs Arg time
I'd love to watch it.
Almost impossible to catch here in Europe tho, other than online streaming.
I'll definitely be following the score of Uru vs Can.
Viste Uruguay vs Canada? No entendi el final. Canada tenia que ganar x 9 para ir al mundial y en el ultimo minuto hace un try que deja Canada 31 vs Uruguay 32. Falta la patada, pero no se hace....
Entiendo que no cambia el resultado para la clasificacion para el mundial, pero si cambia, o puede cambiar, los puntos para el ARC.
No se si Canada dijo "no pateo" o si el referi lo termino x voluntad propia. Muy raro.

Igual felicitaciones a Uruguay!
Entiendo que no cambia el resultado para la clasificacion para el mundial, pero si cambia, o puede cambiar, los puntos para el ARC.
The ARC game was the one in Canada. The game in Uruguay today only counts for RWC qualifying and World Rugby rankings.
I'm surprised that they didn't show the conversion on the stream, and also that they missed a conversion when the try was right under the posts...

But also, I'm surprised that Brazil is now ranked above Chile. It's like the whole ARC is upside down.
You are right, my bad. Thanks!
Still, i can imagine Canadian supporters would have preferred to take the chance of kicking for the game.
USA vs Arg live stream in case you are interested (it's WR's youtube channel, so (i guess) it's legal).

ya es costumbre perder con equipos inferiores. terrible ver arg xv empeñado en perder. usa nos gano con nada. más allá de la mala suerte del knock on en final.
el scrum argentino sigue retrocediendo. los backs despistados, en ataque sin ideas.
el medio scrum no me gustó. sin ideas, lento. flojos los aperturas también. las cagadas de capiello X el centro. los wings mejor. también aprobó el full back. los fowards fueron para atrás.
me hubiera ido a dormir
Quite a compelling second half. I know the Argentine players are probably young so not fully physically developed, but they just seem a bit underpowered in the pack (like the Pumas and Jaguares).

I'm not sure Contepomi is earning much credit in the past two years although I do think the US are improving slightly. I think Uruguay might even give Argentina XV a close game.
I agree with Petite, i liked the full back but our forwards were poor at best.
At some scrums i got the impression that we weren't being destroyed just because we had better technique and got the ball out fast, otherwise the disparity would have been every more obvious.
I recall at least one instance where the US got penalized at the scrum for pushing upwards, which is a silly mistake at this level.
I really like this competition, it suits every single team in terms of development and produces plenty of close games. My money would be on the USA to win now but I can see Uruguay giving them a game. I can't get over the improvement of Uruguay, it'll be a close game against Argentina XV.
USA brought some big players they also pass the ball in a good way. As for Arg XV i think they are going only for young players leaving other options out plus the time of the year( a lot of players are on vacations or starting to train again for their clubs). I saw a lot of ball handling mistakes against Uruguay plus over all lack of ideas.

I dont like being bullied in our back yard, i hope its only a " we are trying out players" and not this is the best ARG XV we can field and we are getting destroyed.
I dont want to be the i told you so guy but....0 out of 3, no improvement what so ever. It`s starting to look a lot like last year.
Article from a week ago: South American Professional Rugby Coming in 2019 (Americas Rugby News)

The headline makes it sound like it's certain, but I think it's speculation.

I presume this would be an August-October competition, same time as TRC and Mitre10 / NRC / Top League / Currie Cup - but avoiding the ARC, Sudamerica Rugby Cup and SR.

I think it would work better if most of the Jaguares players were available to play for different clubs in this new competition, but I don't see how that would be possible while Argentina is in SR and TRC, and uses the same players for the Jaguares and Pumas.

I'm sure if this competition happens, at least half of the teams would be in Argentina. Even the teams in Chile and Brazil will take 50% of their players from Argentina. It would just duplicate the Campeonato. (Though it would be a good thing, if the finances work)
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On second thought, maybe it's not so bad. It sounds like it's funded by World Rugby to give ARC players more games, and it doesn't need to be competitive or sell tickets. They will just play with a lot of Chilean and Brazilian players and lose all the time, but it will make the ARC more competitive and hopefully increase interest in ARC games.
We can muster a few teams from local players and players that dont make the cut to jaguares but are on pladar. Although it will drain the local tournament and Buenos aires teams dont allow pro players. So some player would only play for "this new teams" and Arg XV. I dont see it as bad thing since it will give us some depth....ti

...but we can only send no ones or very young players so i dont know how competive they will be.
Although it will drain the local tournament
Do you mean the provincial tournament in November-December, or the national club tournament in March-June? Or just whatever local club rugby is on in August-October? (Apparently the 2nd half of the regular season for the URBA Top 12, and probably others)

Or do you just mean the local tournaments will ban the players if they take a pro contract to represent their country? Is Argentina XV an amateur team? I'm sure players in the pro competition can turn down the money and still play, if they want to. But it would be best if the amateur competitions still accepted players who are semi-pro the other half of the season - they're playing for free in the amateur competition, and they return to their province of origin, that should be enough... right?

Separate question... which players from Argentina XV actually need more games at a higher level? Do the ones from Buenos Aires already get Major League level games year-round, so Major League should only be for Brazil/Chile/Uruguay and the interior? Or is NOA also a higher level than Uruguay vs Canada, so they don't need Major League either?

How many Argentina XV players come from each region at the moment?
[From the squad list on Wikipedia: Top 12 has 22, other BA 3, NOA 5, Centro 5, Oeste 4, Patagonia 1, none from Litoral/NEA/Pampeana]
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AHAH Santamarina that bashed Isa for leaving Jags is mad probably.

As the news say, players were tired of losing too. Pumas will gain a lot by having extra 5/7 players. Either to start or having good replacements.
Good in the short term for the Pumas, but what sort of calibre of player will the Jaguares retain from next season onwards?

And how will a player playing in France reintegrate into a team playing in Jaguares style?

I think this is fine, but only if they still give strong preference to Jaguares players and only pick European based players if they are by some distance superior to the alternative.

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