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A Political Thread pt. 2

Pretty certain Reeves won't be taking away the IHT exemption on political donations in next month's budget.
Run it all centrally - donations to the party for specific things (i.e. campaigning) rather than Taylor Swift tickets gifted to a shadow education minister for.....some reason, clothes given to the Prime Minister's wife etc.

I don't think any MP should be getting personal gifts tbh, ban it all outright
I think it is one of these areas that raises more questions than answers.

What sort of things 'should' donors get in return for donating to a major political party that wins power? What would the public be willing to accept? Donating to a political party in many cases is like placing a bet or making an investment - donors will always expect something in return especially if that bet comes off and the party gains power.

If it's being wined and dined at No.10 followed by a tour of the building in Starmer's free time on a Saturday night then I couldn't care less and I don't think stuff like that is newsworthy. Awarding Government contracts to donors is a different kettle of fish because that involves taxpayer's money.

What is best practice in other developed countries? Would a benchmarking review show our politicians/ministers are being paid the going rate? I suspect a lot of the issues are down to our archaic convention based political system which is badly in need of an overhaul. I just want better control, transparency and politicians to be held to similar standards as people who work in the public and private sectors who have to adhere to codes of conduct, anti-bribery & corruption, conflict of interest rules, etc.
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For me it's simple. Donations should only be money and ideally only to the party. However, I accept that some people want to back individuals, not the party, so individuals should have a separate public bank account solely for donations. Why does Starmer's wife need new clothes from someone wealthy? How is that related to politics?

Same as with communications, anything involving public service should be recorded on a government phone and records held. They don't have to be published, but nothing should be done on private phones that can be deleted.
For me it's simple. Donations should only be money and ideally only to the party. However, I accept that some people want to back individuals, not the party, so individuals should have a separate public bank account solely for donations. Why does Starmer's wife need new clothes from someone wealthy? How is that related to politics?

Same as with communications, anything involving public service should be recorded on a government phone and records held. They don't have to be published, but nothing should be done on private phones that can be deleted.
How is Rachel Reeves holiday to Cornwall related to politics ? The Education Secretaries 40th birthday party and her tickets to Taylor Swift ? Rayner's trip to NY ?
As for the photographer……PM's are allowed them, Deputies should pay themselves if they want such vanity projects.

A bunch of freeloaders by the sounds of it.
I think it is one of these areas that raises more questions than answers.

What sort of things 'should' donors get in return for donating to a major political party that wins power? What would the public be willing to accept? Donating to a political party in many cases is like placing a bet or making an investment - donors will always expect something in return especially if that bet comes off and the party gains power.

If it's being wined and dined at No.10 followed by a tour of the building in Starmer's free time on a Saturday night then I couldn't care less and I don't think stuff like that is newsworthy. Awarding Government contracts to donors is a different kettle of fish because that involves taxpayer's money.

What is best practice in other developed countries? Would a benchmarking review show our politicians/ministers are being paid the going rate? I suspect a lot of the issues are down to our archaic convention based political system which is badly in need of an overhaul. I just want better control, transparency and politicians to be held to similar standards as people who work in the public and private sectors who have to adhere to codes of conduct, anti-bribery & corruption, conflict of interest rules, etc.
I failed to declare a bottle of water once at work given by a shop keeper on a really hot day. Resulting in one massive bo!!ocking and a form to fill out.

I should have said I'm saving tax payers money by not getting heat stroke.
How is Rachel Reeves holiday to Cornwall related to politics ? The Education Secretaries 40th birthday party and her tickets to Taylor Swift ? Rayner's trip to NY ?
As for the photographer……PM's are allowed them, Deputies should pay themselves if they want such vanity projects.

A bunch of freeloaders by the sounds of it.
So no official pictures of the deputy PM at any event she attends or any other cabinet member?

Let's cut off press officers entirely then!
I failed to declare a bottle of water once at work given by a shop keeper on a really hot day. Resulting in one massive bo!!ocking and a form to fill out.

I should have said I'm saving tax payers money by not getting heat stroke.
Isn't this story coming about because they are declaring this stuff?
So no official pictures of the deputy PM at any event she attends or any other cabinet member?

Let's cut off press officers entirely then!
There would be photos of her….she doesn't need an official photographer to capture her every move.

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