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[2018-19 Guinness Pro 14] Round 5 (28 & 29/09/2018)

Would all those actions (that would have freed him back into the defensive line in a timely manner*) have involved use of the studs?

*Unless JVDF suddenly decided to let go - which lets face it - by the usual trend in the game as likely as the moon being made of cheese.

My point really is - if the IRB declared that holding players into a ruck meant open season on studs - would JVDF still have held him in?

Nah they wouldn't all have involved studs. In fact I think there's a case to be made that Robertson McCoy was already free by the time he stamped.

I think your point is really a wrong one. Getting stamped on by lads over 100kg wearing metal studs is not really proper retribution for a hold. Holding someone is sly and outside the rules, stamping is pure scumbaggery. It's up there with cheap shots and gouging as something pretty much guaranteed to start a fight.
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So your happy with it continuing in the game then?

[As I don't see any other means of the holded quickly showing the holder the error of their ways.]

If the alternative is a free for all in terms of players being able to stamp on a prone person then absolutely yes. How exactly do you justify someone potentially causing serious harm to another player because they're being held? It's swapping one wrong for a worse wrong. It's like if when someone was doing something innocuous to annoy you like whistling or something and you therefore, being entitled to kneecap them.

Alternatives are drawing one of the three referees attention to it, kicking yourself free, reaching down and removing their hand and several other illegal methods that are less dangerous.
Holding players at the ruck is annoying, but it's hardly as dangerous or as damaging to the reputation of the sport as stamping.
Alternatives are
(1) drawing one of the three referees attention to it,
(2) kicking yourself free,
(3) reaching down and removing their hand and
(4) several other illegal methods that are less dangerous.

(1) The referee does nothing about it.
(2) The referee is likely to punish you for kicking them.
(3) They are unlikely to let go.
(4) Cannot comment as methods not specified

While obviously stamping on someone's head is not really a good solution, a boot to the arm or hand would cause no long term damage and would likely get the message across.

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