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You used to be cool man.

Will we now have to start discussions on who Peat's secret identity is?
Do I smell bacon? Sorry Peat, you sellout, the lil banditos don't drink with pigs.
(Jk well done, see you in Focktober where you will be unmasked as the billionaire playboy you are)
Oh **** that.

Was it for this the Cymro and Draggs spread
The blue wing upon every tide;
For this that all that ****posting was done,
For this Luke Fitzgerald died?
Guess they were the best in the casting coach?

There is going to be more mods than users soon.

Bloody sell outs!!!!

Who needs the Mods.

Ban ban it the sound of the modlice?
this thread calls for some Method Man:

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T0BlXy3Roj4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just think, it'll be your turn when you grow up in five years or so... ^_^

Thanks. Also congrats to Heineken. We're gonna be like Sherlock & Dr Watson, except we're both super-geniuses.
My therapist says it'll be more like 12.
I will ****ing cut you.
Peat is under my protection now.
Some call it guerrilla warfare, others call it terrorism, I call it taking you down.
Guess they were the best in the casting coach?

There is going to be more mods than users soon.

Bloody sell outs!!!!

Who needs the Mods.

Ban ban it the sound of the modlice?
I've never loved and hated someone who is not me so much at the same time.
Sod it!
I like trees, and recycle!
Apparently anyone can become a 'Super' mod now,so I'm going for the 'Green' vote!
Vote for RichTaff! I'll pretend I care about stuff so I can get weird personal gratification online without having to enter a credit card number!

(I digress, I'm a little bit under the affluence of incahol atm).

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