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Worst Place in the World

Skelmersdale. In particular the Tanhouse and Digmoor areas. Oh and the 'town centre', basically a big shopping precinct full of Pound shops known as the'Concourse'. A town created to re-house people moved because of Slum clearence in Liverpool. A town planners dream turned into a nightmare. [/b]

Sounds like Milton Keynes.
To be fair to MK, the shopping is at least good.

Even if it is situated in the middle of a concrete nightmare.

Everytime I attempt the MK christymas run, all I get for my trouble is an inability to park anywhere that's not a quid for 30 minutes and finding nothing that I can't already get in Northampton.
Why pay for parking? Just drive 5 minutes walk away from the centre and park in one of the free bays that people ignore because they are too lazy to look anywhere but immediately outside the door of John Lewis.
I just walk into northampton now instead!

Althopugh getting a bus home if I'm too lazy means venturing into saidbus station... :ph34r:
You can play that one all you want, the Oxford English dictionary says it should be spelt CENTRE, no CENTER. Much as in merry old England, we would write METRE, not METER.


Ah yes, but which Oxford Dictionary? The most recent, dumbed down, trendy and Europhile version or the version that everyone REALLY has (the ones from the 1950s like a real supa G yo!)

If you go back to Oxford Dictionaries up unitl the 1970s, it was spelt "CENTER" not "Centre." "Centre" and "metre" are all imported gentrified spellings of the same word from the Continent.

Its just another sign of creeping Euro-isation of the UK...next you'll be trying to tell me that its "KPH" and not "MPH" and that its "Litres" and not "Pints" in "Merry old (Brussels ruled) England" chum :p

And anyway you fool, my sister has a masters in English and even she agrees with me :p
I have to disagree with you on that.
You can put whatever spin on it you want: It's still spelt "CENTRE" these days.
You don't go around spelling "tomorrow" as "to'morrow" do you?

I mean where do you stop if you don't want to acknowledge the present spelling of the word "centre" do you go back to shakespearian days with your "thou" and "hath" and speaking like,

"As I did stand my watch upon the hill
I looked toward Birnan and anon methought
The wood began to move."

Hell, why stop there, let's go right back, back to when we used to use grunts and groans. Let's go back hundreds of thousands of years ago when we were all but early forms of what we know to be human now, living in the blistering heats of africa, yeah?

Surely you don't spell centre like the way you claim, do you?
lol, your arguement is up there with saying you can still pay for things with Shillings or post a letter using a penny black.

It doesn't matter if what you claim was right or not, it isn't now. So therefore, you're wrong. YOU fool! :p
Try Blackpool on a wet, wintry, Saturday afternoon. Litter laying about, dog **** everywhere, shabby and cheap. Costs more to spend a weekend at some Hotel Paradiso style bording house than it does for two weeks in Spain. Ride a vomit filled tram along the sea front to see Chubby Brown at the North Pier - not exactly Shakespeare at Bristol Old Vic.
Why are nearly all the tattooed **** artists that stand about corners holding cans of lager Scottish?
Even the much vaunted fish and chips look as if they've been regurgitated.

Eeh, our Eli - brings back t'old memories, eh?
its probably already been said but...

Invercargill, New Zealand.

im not trying to slag the town i live in or anything but it is a really bad place down here. **** house weather, average clubs, the arse of every joke in new zealand and a real **** hole for tourists
Try Blackpool on a wet, wintry, Saturday afternoon. Litter laying about, dog **** everywhere, shabby and cheap. Costs more to spend a weekend at some Hotel Paradiso style bording house than it does for two weeks in Spain. Ride a vomit filled tram along the sea front to see Chubby Brown at the North Pier - not exactly Shakespeare at Bristol Old Vic.
Why are nearly all the tattooed **** artists that stand about corners holding cans of lager Scottish?
Even the much vaunted fish and chips look as if they've been regurgitated.

Eeh, our Eli - brings back t'old memories, eh? [/b]

Ah, Blackpool.... quality!
lol, your arguement is up there with saying you can still pay for things with Shillings or post a letter using a penny black.

It doesn't matter if what you claim was right or not, it isn't now. So therefore, you're wrong. YOU fool! :p

No its not, my argument is that "center" is just as valid a spelling as "centre" as is "meter", we're not talking about going back to the Victorian or Stone ages. :p

My argument also was that it was pretty stupid to go on about "merry olde England", only to insist on using spellings influenced from continental Europe. Wow! Yay! Go you! :bana:

"Centre" and "center" are equally valid, I just find it pretty amusing to see people bashing the yanks for using a word that we invented, only to use a word that was brought in from Europe as a shining bastion of British patriotism.

As I see it, its rather retarded and flawed arrogance that borders on that of the Quebecois and their anal obsession with inventing new French words (much to the bemusement of the actual French).
its The great commonwealth where these spellings came from, gave you your precious rugby!!! BE THANKFUL AND ACCEPT THE CORRECT SPELLINGS!!! :box:

Yes, and it is also "center" and "meter" :p

And those spellings didn't come from the Commonwealth, they came from Europe I'm afraid. And actually if I'm not mistaken, rugby didn't come from Australia.
The great commonwealth where these spellings came from, gave you your precious rugby!!! BE THANKFUL AND ACCEPT THE CORRECT SPELLINGS!!!
Fine, if you want to repeat yourself *shrug*

Those spellings didn't come from the Commonwealth, they came from Europe I'm afraid. And actually if I'm not mistaken, rugby didn't come from Australia.

EDIT: ooooh, I feel so rebellious, using a spelling of a word OTHER than the official party line! How invigorating! :p
I didn't say rugby came from Australia!!!!

I said rugby came from the great COMMONWEALTH!!!
BAH! YES IT DID! RUGBY CAME FROM THE COMMONWEALTH! are you saying that rugby wasn't invented at Rugby School by William Webb Ellis that just so happened to be in a commonwealth country??

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