Firstly, I apologise if this is in the wrong section
Okay, so Im 17 and I weigh +- 56 KG's (I have a rather high metabolism along with a rather athletic build). I want to take rugby more seriously (I've already played 1 season at school and I loved it!). I've been playing wing, primarily becuase I'm rather quick and I'm not large enough to play centre etc etc. Now as a winger I understand that one is to get the ball and run!^_^ (he he).
So I've been gyming a little bit recently and I have some USN supplements but I'm curious to know: what, in the short space of time in which I have before the season starts, should I be focussing on? I know that one's core/lower body is the most important part of the body but at gym should I be focussing on lower body or upper? My guess is lower body becuase with strong legs comes greater speed?:huh: I also don't want to only focus on lower body.
So guys, I know I've rambled on here and that there's quite a bit to take in but please offer any advice/opinions you may have.

Okay, so Im 17 and I weigh +- 56 KG's (I have a rather high metabolism along with a rather athletic build). I want to take rugby more seriously (I've already played 1 season at school and I loved it!). I've been playing wing, primarily becuase I'm rather quick and I'm not large enough to play centre etc etc. Now as a winger I understand that one is to get the ball and run!^_^ (he he).
So I've been gyming a little bit recently and I have some USN supplements but I'm curious to know: what, in the short space of time in which I have before the season starts, should I be focussing on? I know that one's core/lower body is the most important part of the body but at gym should I be focussing on lower body or upper? My guess is lower body becuase with strong legs comes greater speed?:huh: I also don't want to only focus on lower body.
So guys, I know I've rambled on here and that there's quite a bit to take in but please offer any advice/opinions you may have.