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who has the best stats???

  • Thread starter THE CHIROPRACTOR101
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lol i spoke too soon, i just used a different hex editor (hex workshop) so finally kaino and toeava are nzers

You are quite right: I simply can't multiply. 6' 10" is 82 inches - 60 = 22. As for the odd inch, that's nothing to EA Sports given some of the other errors, for example in the dates of birth of some players.


The values listed as Ranges are in decimal.

Presenting the nationalities etc as binary just makes it easier to see how the data is structured, although if I'd presented it in hex it would have been easier for anyone editing the datafile directly. How the original programmers saw it depends on what coding language they were working in.

Originally posted by EVOL@Apr 11 2006, 12:14 PM
lol i spoke too soon, i just used a different hex editor (hex workshop) so finally kaino and toeava are nzers
there was nothing wrong with them being available for the samoan team :D ...i use them in the worldcup

wish they had a editor in the game
So I'm messing around with the Hex editor ( i know jack by the way, nice fella) long story short
I found out how to change a players head/skin to anothers, well look at this pic

I'm using gregans Head/Skin for Jerome Thion for crying out loud, it also changes the little portraits in squad management etc.

HERES HOW (I'm sure HDK might know how better to explain it, i still don't knowmuch about hex editing)

Offset 90
1 byte
Range 2-255

I am trying to figure out how to put this in a program (bored at work) but i dont have a decent hex editing program here (used hex workshop more that 20 times and i cant unlock it lol)

if they were stored as integers and stuff i would be able to do this easy, or if i had a decent hex editing program that i could see all the binary info and stuff while i am trying to program it wouldnt be to hard. If you say they are done in decimal, well vb6 doesnt like decimals so i have to convert it to a totally differnt thing then try get to decimals. maybe i will have to go to c or something to do this, but i dont have this at work :) have that at home
meh worked out how to get the decimal figure, its been to long since i have worked in hex in vb6 havnt done any binary in vb6 so its worth me just playing around to see if i can get it done.

helpful for the stuff coming up at work as well
also to note, for the nationality you have france there twice, the second france i have no idea what it is as J.Robinson comes under this as well as M.Catt, D.Seymour(NZ), D.Grewcock, are all england. and if i go through them all there are no england. so i am guessing the second france is england and the england is not used.

all good

Does this mean you are going to do a player editor and if so will it be able to edit the roster file.
i am doing a roster one, dont know how good it will be or what it will do but it will only be a roster one, and one that you can create players.
i need to find out where the team rosters are kept as well but have no idea :D
yep, but thats the last thing i am going to look at, have to find a reference point for that.

going to get the players data sorted out first, its been to long since i have done anything like this.

i did a lineup editor for BLC but that was easy!
Just being able to edit a roster file would be all i need. You could change players around in game and then edit them using your editor. Will your editor be able to edit all the stats and other info as per the list I posted.
also to note, for the nationality you have france there twice, the second france i have no idea what it is as J.Robinson comes under this as well as M.Catt, D.Seymour(NZ), D.Grewcock, are all england. and if i go through them all there are no england. so i am guessing the second france is england and the england is not used.

woosah, you are right. I transcribed the table wrongly for the post (it is the other way up in my spreadsheet).

Offset 24
24 bits (3 bytes)

1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Georgia
0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" France
0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Fiji
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" England
0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" not used
0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Canada
0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Australia
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Argentina

0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Samoa
0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 â€" Russia
0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 â€" Romania
0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 â€" New Zealand
0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 â€" Namibia
0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 â€" Japan
0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 â€" Italy
0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 â€" Ireland

0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 â€" Wales
0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 â€" USA
0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 â€" Uruguay
0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 â€" not used
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 â€" Tonga
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 â€" Spain
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 â€" South Africa
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 â€" Scotland

You may already have teased this out but I have been attacking the World League data files (because I wanted to transfer a player who wasn't coming onto the market and to get round the irritating error which lists all the pure Number 8s as Backs, which distorts the squad eventually).

The team roster data is held in the same structure in .tmt and .ros files.

The teams are ordered and numbered as detailed in this file from data.gob:

(28d3f14b5de7a6923f483cf00683fe1d.xml is the French version).

The international sides come first (codes 1-25, starting with Argentina) then Australian Super-14 sides (codes 28-31). Code 26 is a blank block which marks the end of the international sides and 27 is a blank which is the beginning of the Australian category.

The list includes teams not implemented (Portugal, Borders, Connacht, Rotherham) and a category of US Colleges!

The team codes run to 136 (88h).

The data is in blocks of 104 bytes. In a roster file the pattern is as follows:

30 pairs of bytes identifying players; 4 bytes identifying the block; 40 bytes of duplicate player entries and zeros. (I believe these last 40 may have a meaning in World League files because they seem to list the players most recently transferred in, but this is uncertain for the time being. I cannot see a meaning for them in a .ros file)

Block 0 starts at
001Ch and contains 104 zeros

Block 1 - Argentina - runs as follows:
0084h - D6 2C - the ID code which is the first two bytes of Hasan's player record later in the file
0086h - 0C 2F - Mendez
etc ...
00BEh - 05 64 - J Miranda
00C0h - 01 00 00 00 00 - the block identifier
00C4h to 00EBh - the remainder of the block.

Block 2 starts at 00ECh and its identifier is found at 0128h.

and so on.

HDK are you making a program or just working it out?

that does help (after i read it a few times lol)

I am going to hopefully release my VERY beta tonight not going ot have any checking or anything in it. people can play with it and tell me what errors i have as i dont have time to test it. I will acknowledge anyone that helps me or tries to contribute in my program :)
This is what i get when i view the be2970b0ada8e42cf891ce60ffe69575.xml

correct me if i am wrong but where is the hex bytes in the *.xml file or is it in the dat file ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" standalone="no" ?>
<team Index="0" CodeId="BEGIN_INTERNATIONAL" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="1" CodeId="ID_ARGENTINA" TeamName="Argentina" TeamNameShort="Argentina" Abbreviation="ARG" FlagCharacter="H" HomeColour="128,175,192,255" AwayColour="0,57,157,255" Logo="arge" />
<team Index="2" CodeId="ID_AUSTRALIA" TeamName="Australia" TeamNameShort="Australia" Abbreviation="AUS" FlagCharacter="B" HomeColour="214,176,45,255" AwayColour="24,87,30,255" Logo="aus" />
<team Index="3" CodeId="ID_CANADA" TeamName="Canada" TeamNameShort="Canada" Abbreviation="CAN" FlagCharacter="W" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="238,238,238,255" Logo="can" />
<team Index="4" CodeId="ID_CHILE" TeamName="Chile" TeamNameShort="Chile" Abbreviation="CHI" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="chil" />
<team Index="5" CodeId="ID_ENGLAND" TeamName="England" TeamNameShort="England" Abbreviation="ENG" FlagCharacter="C" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="101,20,73,255" Logo="eng" />
<team Index="6" CodeId="ID_FIJI" TeamName="Fiji" TeamNameShort="Fiji" Abbreviation="FIJ" FlagCharacter="O" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="32,32,32,255" Logo="fiji" />
<team Index="7" CodeId="ID_FRANCE" TeamName="France" TeamNameShort="France" Abbreviation="FRA" FlagCharacter="D" HomeColour="48,65,169,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="fra" />
<team Index="8" CodeId="ID_GEORGIA" TeamName="Georgia" TeamNameShort="Georgia" Abbreviation="GEO" FlagCharacter="N" HomeColour="79,3,29,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="geor" />
<team Index="9" CodeId="ID_IRELAND" TeamName="Ireland" TeamNameShort="Ireland" Abbreviation="IRE" FlagCharacter="E" HomeColour="37,107,21,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="ire" />
<team Index="10" CodeId="ID_ITALY" TeamName="Italy" TeamNameShort="Italy" Abbreviation="ITA" FlagCharacter="F" HomeColour="60,86,197,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="ita" />
<team Index="11" CodeId="ID_JAPAN" TeamName="Japan" TeamNameShort="Japan" Abbreviation="JAP" FlagCharacter="P" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="1,29,115,255" Logo="jpn" />
<team Index="12" CodeId="ID_NAMIBIA" TeamName="Namibia" TeamNameShort="Namibia" Abbreviation="NAM" FlagCharacter="Q" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="207,205,1,255" Logo="nam" />
<team Index="13" CodeId="ID_NEW_ZEALAND" TeamName="New Zealand" TeamNameShort="N. Zealand" Abbreviation="NZL" FlagCharacter="A" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="nzl" />
<team Index="14" CodeId="ID_PORTUGAL" TeamName="Portugal" TeamNameShort="Portugal" Abbreviation="PTG" FlagCharacter="A" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="por" />
<team Index="15" CodeId="ID_ROMANIA" TeamName="Romania" TeamNameShort="Romania" Abbreviation="ROM" FlagCharacter="R" HomeColour="255,205,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,71,255" Logo="rom" />
<team Index="16" CodeId="ID_RUSSIA" TeamName="Russia" TeamNameShort="Russia" Abbreviation="RUS" FlagCharacter="J" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="rsa" />
<team Index="17" CodeId="ID_SCOTLAND" TeamName="Scotland" TeamNameShort="Scotland" Abbreviation="SCO" FlagCharacter="K" HomeColour="12,36,137,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="sco" />
<team Index="18" CodeId="ID_SOUTH_AFRICA" TeamName="South Africa" TeamNameShort="S. Africa" Abbreviation="SAF" FlagCharacter="L" HomeColour="24,87,30,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="saf" />
<team Index="19" CodeId="ID_SPAIN" TeamName="Spain" TeamNameShort="Spain" Abbreviation="ESP" FlagCharacter="S" HomeColour="232,232,23,255" AwayColour="0,8,136,255" Logo="spn" />
<team Index="20" CodeId="ID_SAMOA" TeamName="Samoa" TeamNameShort="Samoa" Abbreviation="SAM" FlagCharacter="M" HomeColour="48,67,245,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="samo" />
<team Index="21" CodeId="ID_TONGA" TeamName="Tonga" TeamNameShort="Tonga" Abbreviation="TON" FlagCharacter="T" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="tong" />
<team Index="22" CodeId="ID_TUNISIA" TeamName="Tunisia" TeamNameShort="Tunisia" Abbreviation="TUN" FlagCharacter="Y" HomeColour="255,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,255,125,255" Logo="tun" />
<team Index="23" CodeId="ID_URUGUAY" TeamName="Uruguay" TeamNameShort="Uruguay" Abbreviation="UGY" FlagCharacter="U" HomeColour="117,191,225,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="urug" />
<team Index="24" CodeId="ID_USA" TeamName="USA" TeamNameShort="USA" Abbreviation="USA" FlagCharacter="V" HomeColour="14,14,54,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="usa" />
<team Index="25" CodeId="ID_WALES" TeamName="Wales" TeamNameShort="Wales" Abbreviation="WAL" FlagCharacter="G" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="wal" />
<team Index="26" CodeId="FINISH_INTERNATIONAL" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="27" CodeId="BEGIN_AUSTRALIA" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="28" CodeId="ID_ACT_BRUMBIES" TeamName="Brumbies" TeamNameShort="Brumbies" Abbreviation="ACT" FlagCharacter="Y" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="1,1,49,255" Logo="brum" />
<team Index="29" CodeId="ID_THE_WARATAHS" TeamName="Waratahs" TeamNameShort="Waratahs" Abbreviation="NSW" FlagCharacter="Z" HomeColour="143,171,191,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="wara" />
<team Index="30" CodeId="ID_QUEENSLAND_REDS" TeamName="Reds" TeamNameShort="Reds" Abbreviation="QLD" FlagCharacter="X" HomeColour="92,34,49,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="reds" />
<team Index="31" CodeId="ID_WESTERN_FORCE" TeamName="Western Force" TeamNameShort="Western Force" Abbreviation="WSF" FlagCharacter="X" HomeColour="46,105,174,255" AwayColour="255,220,0,255" Logo="wsf" />
<team Index="32" CodeId="FINISH_AUSTRALIA" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="33" CodeId="BEGIN_ENGLAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="34" CodeId="ID_BATH_RUGBY" TeamName="Bath" TeamNameShort="Bath" Abbreviation="BTH" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="19,48,133,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="bath" />
<team Index="35" CodeId="ID_BRISTOL" TeamName="Bristol" TeamNameShort="Bristol" Abbreviation="BRI" FlagCharacter="f" HomeColour="12,36,137,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="bris" />
<team Index="36" CodeId="ID_GLOUCESTER" TeamName="Gloucester" TeamNameShort="Gloucester" Abbreviation="GLO" FlagCharacter="j" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="glo" />
<team Index="37" CodeId="ID_HARLEQUINS" TeamName="Richmond" TeamNameShort="Richmond" Abbreviation="RIC" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="107,167,193,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="38" CodeId="ID_LEEDS" TeamName="Leeds" TeamNameShort="Leeds" Abbreviation="LEE" FlagCharacter="f" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="12,36,137,255" Logo="leed" />
<team Index="39" CodeId="ID_LEICESTER_TIGERS" TeamName="Leicester" TeamNameShort="Leicester" Abbreviation="LCS" FlagCharacter="k" HomeColour="7,76,74,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="leic" />
<team Index="40" CodeId="ID_LONDON_IRISH" TeamName="London Irish" TeamNameShort="London Irish" Abbreviation="LON" FlagCharacter="n" HomeColour="39,75,57,255" AwayColour="245,245,245,255" Logo="liri" />
<team Index="41" CodeId="ID_NEWCASTLE" TeamName="Newcastle" TeamNameShort="Newcastle" Abbreviation="NEW" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="newc" />
<team Index="42" CodeId="ID_NORTHAMPTON" TeamName="Northampton" TeamNameShort="Northampton" Abbreviation="NHT" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="23,86,15,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="nort" />
<team Index="43" CodeId="ID_ROTHERHAM" TeamName="Rotherham" TeamNameShort="Rotherham" Abbreviation="RHM" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="2,121,41,255" AwayColour="189,126,0,255" Logo="roth" />
<team Index="44" CodeId="ID_SALE" TeamName="Sale" TeamNameShort="Sale" Abbreviation="SAL" FlagCharacter="u" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="27,55,129,255" Logo="sale" />
<team Index="45" CodeId="ID_SARACENS" TeamName="Saracens" TeamNameShort="Saracens" Abbreviation="SAR" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="sara" />
<team Index="46" CodeId="ID_WASPS" TeamName="London Wasps" TeamNameShort="Wasps" Abbreviation="WAS" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="255,209,27,255" Logo="wasp" />
<team Index="47" CodeId="ID_WORCESTER" TeamName="Worcester" TeamNameShort="Worcester" Abbreviation="WOR" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="12,36,137,255" AwayColour="117,191,225,255" Logo="wor" />
<team Index="48" CodeId="FINISH_ENGLAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="49" CodeId="BEGIN_FRANCE" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="50" CodeId="ID_AGEN" TeamName="Agen" TeamNameShort="Agen" Abbreviation="AGE" FlagCharacter="e" HomeColour="254,254,254,255" AwayColour="225,0,0,255" Logo="agen" />
<team Index="51" CodeId="ID_BEZIERS" TeamName="Beziers" TeamNameShort="Beziers" Abbreviation="BEZ" FlagCharacter="e" HomeColour="254,254,254,255" AwayColour="225,0,0,255" Logo="bez" />
<team Index="52" CodeId="ID_BIARRITZ" TeamName="Biarritz" TeamNameShort="Biarritz" Abbreviation="BIA" FlagCharacter="e" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="biar" />
<team Index="53" CodeId="ID_BOURGOIN" TeamName="Bourgoin" TeamNameShort="Bourgoin" Abbreviation="BOU" FlagCharacter="e" HomeColour="137,200,208,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="bour" />
<team Index="54" CodeId="ID_BRIVE" TeamName="Brive" TeamNameShort="Brive" Abbreviation="BRI" FlagCharacter="e" HomeColour="254,254,254,255" AwayColour="225,0,0,255" Logo="bez" />
<team Index="55" CodeId="ID_CASTRES_OLYMPIQUE" TeamName="Castres" TeamNameShort="Castres" Abbreviation="CAS" FlagCharacter="g" HomeColour="101,20,73,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="cast" />
<team Index="56" CodeId="ID_CLERMONT" TeamName="Clermont" TeamNameShort="Clermont" Abbreviation="CLE" FlagCharacter="o" HomeColour="48,65,169,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="cler" />
<team Index="57" CodeId="ID_PERPIGNAN" TeamName="Perpignan" TeamNameShort="Perpignan" Abbreviation="PER" FlagCharacter="c" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="116,193,221,255" Logo="perp" />
<team Index="58" CodeId="ID_STADE_FRANCAIS" TeamName="Paris" TeamNameShort="Paris" Abbreviation="PAR" FlagCharacter="v" HomeColour="0,29,97,255" AwayColour="246,128,175,255" Logo="stdf" />
<team Index="59" CodeId="ID_TOULOUSE" TeamName="Toulouse" TeamNameShort="Toulouse" Abbreviation="TOU" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="toul" />
<team Index="60" CodeId="FINISH_FRANCE" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="61" CodeId="BEGIN_IRELAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="62" CodeId="ID_LEINSTER" TeamName="Leinster" TeamNameShort="Leinster" Abbreviation="LNS" FlagCharacter="l" HomeColour="3,14,98,255" AwayColour="221,161,0,255" Logo="lein" />
<team Index="63" CodeId="ID_MUNSTER" TeamName="Munster" TeamNameShort="Munster" Abbreviation="MUN" FlagCharacter="p" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="0,6,54,255" Logo="muns" />
<team Index="64" CodeId="ID_ULSTER" TeamName="Ulster" TeamNameShort="Ulster" Abbreviation="ULS" FlagCharacter="y" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="180,36,8,255" Logo="ulst" />
<team Index="65" CodeId="ID_CONNACHT" TeamName="Connacht" TeamNameShort="Connacht" Abbreviation="CON" FlagCharacter="y" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="180,36,8,255" Logo="con" />
<team Index="66" CodeId="FINISH_IRELAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="67" CodeId="BEGIN_ITALY" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="68" CodeId="ID_BENNETTON_TREVISO" TeamName="Treviso" TeamNameShort="Treviso" Abbreviation="TRE" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="9,79,52,255" AwayColour="29,61,158,255" Logo="trev" />
<team Index="69" CodeId="ID_CALVISANO" TeamName="Brescia" TeamNameShort="Brescia" Abbreviation="BRE" FlagCharacter="a" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="calv" />
<team Index="70" CodeId="ID_VIADANA" TeamName="Viadana" TeamNameShort="Viadana" Abbreviation="VIA" FlagCharacter="z" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="226,178,0,255" Logo="viad" />
<team Index="71" CodeId="FINISH_ITALY" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="72" CodeId="BEGIN_NEWZEALAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="73" CodeId="ID_THE_BLUES" TeamName="Blues" TeamNameShort="Blues" Abbreviation="BLU" FlagCharacter="2" HomeColour="27,55,129,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="blue" />
<team Index="74" CodeId="ID_CANTERBURY_CRUSADERS" TeamName="Crusaders" TeamNameShort="Crusaders" Abbreviation="CRU" FlagCharacter="4" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="crus" />
<team Index="75" CodeId="ID_THE_HIGHLANDERS" TeamName="Highlanders" TeamNameShort="Highlanders" Abbreviation="HIL" FlagCharacter="1" HomeColour="5,17,71,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="high" />
<team Index="76" CodeId="ID_THE_CHIEFS" TeamName="Chiefs" TeamNameShort="Chiefs" Abbreviation="CHI" FlagCharacter="3" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="chie" />
<team Index="77" CodeId="ID_WELLINGTON_HURRICANES" TeamName="Hurricanes" TeamNameShort="Hurricanes" Abbreviation="HUR" FlagCharacter="5" HomeColour="255,220,0,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="hurr" />
<team Index="78" CodeId="FINISH_NEWZEALAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="79" CodeId="BEGIN_SOUTHAFRICA" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="80" CodeId="ID_THE_BULLS" TeamName="Bulls" TeamNameShort="Bulls" Abbreviation="BUL" FlagCharacter="7" HomeColour="106,136,176,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="bull" />
<team Index="81" CodeId="ID_THE_CATS" TeamName="Cats" TeamNameShort="Cats" Abbreviation="CAT" FlagCharacter="8" HomeColour="232,232,232,255" AwayColour="0,1,69,255" Logo="cats" />
<team Index="82" CodeId="ID_THE_SHARKS" TeamName="Sharks" TeamNameShort="Sharks" Abbreviation="SHA" FlagCharacter="6" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="182,186,196,255" Logo="shar" />
<team Index="83" CodeId="ID_THE_STORMERS" TeamName="Stormers" TeamNameShort="Stormers" Abbreviation="STO" FlagCharacter="9" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="stor" />
<team Index="84" CodeId="ID_5TH" TeamName="Cheetahs" TeamNameShort="Cheetahs" Abbreviation="CHE" FlagCharacter="9" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="252,175,66,255" Logo="chee" />
<team Index="85" CodeId="FINISH_SOUTHAFRICA" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="86" CodeId="BEGIN_SCOTLAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
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<team Index="88" CodeId="ID_EDINBURGH_RUGBY" TeamName="Edinburgh" TeamNameShort="Edinburgh" Abbreviation="EDI" FlagCharacter="h" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="edin" />
<team Index="89" CodeId="ID_GLASGOW_RUGBY" TeamName="Glasgow" TeamNameShort="Glasgow" Abbreviation="GLW" FlagCharacter="i" HomeColour="93,161,203,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="glas" />
<team Index="90" CodeId="FINISH_SCOTLAND" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="91" CodeId="BEGIN_WALES" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="92" CodeId="ID_BRIDGEND" TeamName="Bridgend" TeamNameShort="Bridgend" Abbreviation="BRG" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="brg" />
<team Index="93" CodeId="ID_CARDIFF" TeamName="Cardiff" TeamNameShort="Cardiff" Abbreviation="CAR" FlagCharacter="b" HomeColour="98,168,196,255" AwayColour="32,32,32,255" Logo="card" />
<team Index="94" CodeId="ID_LLANELLI" TeamName="Llanelli" TeamNameShort="Llanelli" Abbreviation="LLA" FlagCharacter="m" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="llan" />
<team Index="95" CodeId="ID_NEATH_SWANSEA" TeamName="Neath-Swansea" TeamNameShort="The Ospreys" Abbreviation="NEA" FlagCharacter="q" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="nesw" />
<team Index="96" CodeId="ID_NEWPORT_GWENT" TeamName="Newport Gwent" TeamNameShort="The Dragons" Abbreviation="NPT" FlagCharacter="r" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="newp" />
<team Index="97" CodeId="FINISH_WALES" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="98" CodeId="BEGIN_ALL_STARS" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="99" CodeId="ID_AUSTRALIA_A" TeamName="Australia A" TeamNameShort="Australia A" Abbreviation="AUA" FlagCharacter="B" HomeColour="214,176,45,255" AwayColour="24,87,30,255" Logo="ausa" />
<team Index="100" CodeId="ID_BARBARIANS" TeamName="Barbarians" TeamNameShort="Barbarians" Abbreviation="BAR" FlagCharacter="d" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="barb" />
<team Index="101" CodeId="ID_BRITISH_LIONS" TeamName="The Lions" TeamNameShort="The Lions" Abbreviation="LIO" FlagCharacter="I" HomeColour="180,36,8,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="lion" />
<team Index="102" CodeId="ID_EURO_ALL_STARS" TeamName="Euro All Stars" TeamNameShort="E. All Stars" Abbreviation="EUR" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="estr" />
<team Index="103" CodeId="ID_NEW_ZEALAND_MAORIS" TeamName="NZ Maori" TeamNameShort="The Maori" Abbreviation="NZM" FlagCharacter="A" HomeColour="32,32,32,255" AwayColour="243,243,243,255" Logo="maor" />
<team Index="104" CodeId="ID_NORTH_ALL_STARS" TeamName="North All Stars" TeamNameShort="N. All Stars" Abbreviation="NAS" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="nstr" />
<team Index="105" CodeId="ID_PACIFIC_ISLES" TeamName="Pacific Isles" TeamNameShort="Pacific Isles" Abbreviation="PAC" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="243,243,243,255" AwayColour="32,32,32,255" Logo="paci" />
<team Index="106" CodeId="ID_SOUTH_ALL_STARS" TeamName="South All Stars" TeamNameShort="S. All Stars" Abbreviation="SAS" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="sstr" />
<team Index="107" CodeId="ID_S12_ALL_STARS" TeamName="Super 12 All Stars" TeamNameShort="S12 All Stars" Abbreviation="S12" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="s12s" />
<team Index="108" CodeId="ID_WORLD_ALL_STARS" TeamName="World All Stars" TeamNameShort="W. All Stars" Abbreviation="WLD" FlagCharacter="x" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="wstr" />
<team Index="109" CodeId="FINISH_ALL_STARS" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="110" CodeId="BEGIN_COLLEGE" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="111" CodeId="ID_AIR_FORCE" TeamName="Air Force" TeamNameShort="Air Force" Abbreviation="AF" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,130,255" AwayColour="0,0,130,255" Logo="trainA" />
<team Index="112" CodeId="ID_HARVARD" TeamName="Harvard" TeamNameShort="Harvard" Abbreviation="HAR" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="130,0,0,255" AwayColour="130,0,0,255" Logo="trainB" />
<team Index="113" CodeId="ID_UC_BERKELEY" TeamName="UC Berkeley" TeamNameShort="UC Berkeley" Abbreviation="BRK" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refA" />
<team Index="114" CodeId="ID_ARMY" TeamName="Army" TeamNameShort="Army" Abbreviation="ARM" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refB" />
<team Index="115" CodeId="ID_NAVY" TeamName="Navy" TeamNameShort="Navy" Abbreviation="NAV" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refC" />
<team Index="116" CodeId="ID_OHIO_STATE" TeamName="Ohio State" TeamNameShort="Ohio State" Abbreviation="OHO" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refD" />
<team Index="117" CodeId="ID_CAL_POLY" TeamName="Cal Poly" TeamNameShort="Cal Poly" Abbreviation="CPL" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refE" />
<team Index="118" CodeId="ID_PENN_STATE" TeamName="Penn. State" TeamNameShort="Penn. State" Abbreviation="PEN" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="refF" />
<team Index="119" CodeId="ID_UC_SANTA_BARBARA" TeamName="UC Santa Barbara" TeamNameShort="UC Santa Barbara" Abbreviation="USB" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="" />
<team Index="120" CodeId="ID_TEXAS_AM" TeamName="Texas A &amp; M" TeamNameShort="Texas A &amp; M" Abbreviation="TAM" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="121" CodeId="ID_U_OF_NC" TeamName="U of North Carolina" TeamNameShort="U of N. C." Abbreviation="UNC" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="122" CodeId="ID_INDIANA" TeamName="Indiana" TeamNameShort="Indiana" Abbreviation="IND" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="123" CodeId="ID_VIRGINIA_TECH" TeamName="Virgina Tech" TeamNameShort="Virgina Tech" Abbreviation="VIR" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="124" CodeId="ID_ST_MARYS_COLLEGE" TeamName="St. Marys College" TeamNameShort="St. Marys College" Abbreviation="SMC" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="125" CodeId="ID_BOWLING_GREEN" TeamName="Bowling Green" TeamNameShort="Bowling Green" Abbreviation="BWG" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="126" CodeId="ID_U_OF_UTAH" TeamName="U of Utah" TeamNameShort="U of Utah" Abbreviation="UTH" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="127" CodeId="FINISH_COLLEGE" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="128" CodeId="BEGIN_BACKUP" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="129" CodeId="ID_BACK_1" TeamName="Backup 1" TeamNameShort="Backup 1" Abbreviation="BK1" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="130" CodeId="ID_BACK_2" TeamName="Backup 2" TeamNameShort="Backup 2" Abbreviation="BK2" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="131" CodeId="ID_BACK_3" TeamName="Backup 3" TeamNameShort="Backup 3" Abbreviation="BK3" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,0,255,255" Logo="harl" />
<team Index="132" CodeId="FINISH_BACKUP" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="0,0,0,0" AwayColour="0,0,0,0" Logo="" />
<team Index="133" CodeId="ID_USERTEAM1" TeamName="Team 1" TeamNameShort="Team 1" Abbreviation="US1" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,10,10,255" Logo="usr1" />
<team Index="134" CodeId="ID_USERTEAM2" TeamName="Team 2" TeamNameShort="Team 2" Abbreviation="US2" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,10,10,255" Logo="usr2" />
<team Index="135" CodeId="ID_USERTEAM3" TeamName="Team 3" TeamNameShort="Team 3" Abbreviation="US3" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,10,10,255" Logo="usr3" />
<team Index="136" CodeId="ID_USERTEAM4" TeamName="Free Agents" TeamNameShort="Free Agents" Abbreviation="UCO" FlagCharacter="s" HomeColour="0,0,0,255" AwayColour="0,10,10,255" Logo="usr4" />
<team Index="" CodeId="" TeamName="" TeamNameShort="" Abbreviation="" FlagCharacter="" HomeColour="" AwayColour="" Logo="" />
I think that the team index number points to where the data is held in the .ros files etc.

but thanks for that saves me looking for that file later on and getting all the names etc :)
Originally posted by HDK@Apr 23 2006, 12:16 PM

You may already have teased this out but I have been attacking the World League data files (because I wanted to transfer a player who wasn't coming onto the market and to get round the irritating error which lists all the pure Number 8s as Backs, which distorts the squad eventually).

The team roster data is held in the same structure in .tmt and .ros files.

The teams are ordered and numbered as detailed in this file from data.gob:

(28d3f14b5de7a6923f483cf00683fe1d.xml is the French version).

The international sides come first (codes 1-25, starting with Argentina) then Australian Super-14 sides (codes 28-31). Code 26 is a blank block which marks the end of the international sides and 27 is a blank which is the beginning of the Australian category.

The list includes teams not implemented (Portugal, Borders, Connacht, Rotherham) and a category of US Colleges!

The team codes run to 136 (88h).

The data is in blocks of 104 bytes. In a roster file the pattern is as follows:

30 pairs of bytes identifying players; 4 bytes identifying the block; 40 bytes of duplicate player entries and zeros. (I believe these last 40 may have a meaning in World League files because they seem to list the players most recently transferred in, but this is uncertain for the time being. I cannot see a meaning for them in a .ros file)

Block 0 starts at
001Ch and contains 104 zeros

Block 1 - Argentina - runs as follows:
0084h - D6 2C - the ID code which is the first two bytes of Hasan's player record later in the file
0086h - 0C 2F - Mendez
etc ...
00BEh - 05 64 - J Miranda
00C0h - 01 00 00 00 00 - the block identifier
00C4h to 00EBh - the remainder of the block.

Block 2 starts at 00ECh and its identifier is found at 0128h.

and so on.

Just to add, the last 40 bytes are the kicking positions and captains etc (guessing its captains etc) for example, kick offs goal kicking and such. havnt been able to figure them all out as i cant check whats what at work :D

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