Why should a country be guaranteed into the HC if they are bottom of the league?
Please remember it is a competition organised by the national unions, not the leagues. Hence each union will want representation.
Personally, I am changing my tune a bit on this - I now want to see some form of qualification, but at the same time I don't want to endanger the growth, or accelerate the decline of rugby in weaker nations. To that end, I don't want the financial split to change, regardless of what teams qualify from what country - so even if Ireland get all 4 teams in, Italy or Scotland (assuming they are the weaker nation) should still get their current financial share to help develop their game. Otherwise we face the scenario where only one our two countries can win the HEC
AND the 6 nations.
So leaving aside the financial argument and moving onto qualification.
20 teams:
Top 6 English
Top 6 French
Top Irish
Top Italian
Top Scottish
Top Welsh
Next 2 best placed Pro12 teams
Previous HEC winner
Previous Amlin winner
So that is a split of 30% English, 30% French, 5-15% Irish, 5-10% Italian, 5-10% Scottish, 5-15% Welsh. [leaving aside previous years winners]
24 teams:
Top 7 English
Top 7 French
Top Irish
Top Italian
Top Scottish
Top Welsh
Next 4 best placed Pro12 teams
Previous HEC winner
Previous Amlin winner
Which is a split of 29% English, 29% French, 4-17% Irish, 4-8% Italian, 4-8% Scottish, 4-17% Welsh. [again, leaving aside previous years winners]