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What games are you playing?

Is it? Until recently I'd never played a Fallout game so I've no idea, but a friend of mine was explaining it to me like it was the original PC iteration of Fallout.
Nope, fallout shelter is just a mobile game in 2d where you hit icons after a certain amount of time to get resources, rinse and repeat.
Fallout 76 is free on Prime Gaming atm.

I've only just found out Prime Gaming is a thing.
tell me more (have just logged in)....so does this download like a normal game or is it like some sort of streaming? basically wondering if i can play on my surface as i dont have a "real" PC
tell me more (have just logged in)....so does this download like a normal game or is it like some sort of streaming? basically wondering if i can play on my surface as i dont have a "real" PC
You get a code from prime gaming and use in on the corresponding store.

If you have Amazon Prime

No mans sky out Wednesday, hope my expectations aren't dashed. On pre order so hopefully Amazon send it a day early.
just picked up No Mans Sky on switch, its fun....maddening huge and the normal concerns over what will be valuable later in the game, had some frustration after i found a crashed ship which i claimed....but then when i went looking for resources i couldnt find it again :(
just picked up No Mans Sky on switch, its fun....maddening huge and the normal concerns over what will be valuable later in the game, had some frustration after i found a crashed ship which i claimed....but then when i went looking for resources i couldnt find it again :(
I've had no mans sky for a while. It's a very broad game but not very deep unfortunately. After a few hours, there's not much novel left to do and it becomes a case of just watching numbers go up.
I've had no mans sky for a while. It's a very broad game but not very deep unfortunately. After a few hours, there's not much novel left to do and it becomes a case of just watching numbers go up.
thats fine, was on sale and i was looking for a bit of a mindless game
Finished my first ever first-person shooter game Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus on super easy difficulty 'Can I play, Daddy?'

Game is so much fun, but man do I suck at FPS games.
A flight to Belfast got me to finally get to X-COM 2 on the Steam Deck which has been on my backlog for ages. Really enjoying it so far.