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What games are you playing?

Pipboy arrived really like it so not selling.

About to play the game.

TBH none other game I want to play really till round Christmas/Jan.

Waiting to play the Arkham and witcher games till GOTT comes out and won't have to buy the DLC.

Not fussed about Battlefront despite being a huge Star Wars fan.

Interested in Just cause but will get when on sales.
I got the Witcher 3 a few weeks ago. Incredible game. Best looking game I've ever played, best open world, best characters in any game, probably most things to do also. Its not perfect. The controls could be better and I couldn't be bothered studying the alchemy and upgrading parts etc but thats only a minor complaint. The variety or things to do and attention to detail have raised the bar for games.

I also bought Alien Isolation on a steam sale the other week and looking forward to playing it. It looks like a different type of game to the usual run and gun.
not sure where to ask this, this seems like the most laid back thread, but is anyone using that betfect website to bet on rugby, and can it really be profitable, i have a few friends on it but dont believe anyone when they tell me there making money gambling
Tropico 5 as nothing tempts me. Was looking forward to battlefront but have heard bad things.

Hopefully just cause 3 and rainbow 6 are good ones.

Witcher 3 by far the best game I've played this year.
Bought Battlefront (the full R1200 version) So far I have played roughly 10 hours on my pc and have been having a good time with it. I'm quite a big fan of star wars (while also being someone that plays a fair amount of Counter Strike) so the criticism was worrying. But I wasn't going into it expecting it to be a shooter on the level of Counter Strike or to be something more competitive then what it really is. I have had fun with it and I think I will be getting my moneys worth from it. Maps have been a concern for many but I have been enjoying the maps as they are and not getting bored of it. Plus having different game modes on those maps does make a fair amount of difference to how you play the match and I have enjoyed most of the different game modes. I wasn't happy paying so much for the season pass, but based on the economics of it I see where they are coming from and I will most likely get my moneys worth out of it.

That's not saying that everyone will though and it's definitely worth holding back on that to see how you enjoy the base game itself initially.
I picked up Sleeping Dogs yesterday, the Definitive Edition for the PS4, for a bargain at a shop that was closing down in town. I've only read and heard good things about the game so am looking forward to playing it this weekend.
Sleeping Dogs is one of my all time favourite games. Played it on 360 when it first came out but I've been considering getting the PS4 version.

Not got Battlefront yet, partly because I can't really afford it until after Christmas but also the talk of how it's a bit...empty? at the moment. As in there's not much content - might wait until the first lot of DLC is out.
I really enjoyed the beta, and I'm a big fan of the Battlefield franchise (and the original Battlefront games) so I've no doubt I'll love it.
Last night I decided to play half an hour of battlefront 2 to do a nostalgia free comparison of the new battlefront and the previous one. Have to say it really has aged quite poorly. The thing that probably surprised me the most was how bad the gun play was using the mouse. It was quite difficult to get the right level of sensitivity. Obviously it isn't as pretty as the new one, but it is also really a bit of a chaotic mess. The game was fun in its time, but to compare the two now is incredibly difficult. Having now taken a proper look at the game again, I can quite happily say that the people saying that battlefront two is better than the reboot are purely trading on old nostalgia.
I'm sorry but you got to compare the 2 games to the time they were around in.

Battlefront 2 at the time was amazing (I didn't play it on of so don't know about the mouse thing).
I'm sorry but you got to compare the 2 games to the time they were around in.

Battlefront 2 at the time was amazing (I didn't play it on of so don't know about the mouse thing).

Ah but there is something you are forgetting about with that. Battlefront 2 was not very different to its predecessor which came out the previous year, the game was more of a goty edition of the original, which from what I remember received a fair amount of criticism. Also when you look at the metacritic reviews Battlefront 2 got 78 on pc while the new version is sitting on 71, so not a vast expanse between the two.

That is not to say I didn't have loads of fun in battlefront two. Definitely have hundreds of hours logged in that game. I agree it was great fun, and was great at the time. But my comment was targeted at those saying that B2 is a better game than the reboot and that they would rather play that then the new one. If you compare the two games directly to each other right now, you can't compare the two.

PC Gamer also did a reinstall earlier this year and took a look at the game and people panned them in the comments for it, but really, having also attempted the replay I think they really nailed it on the head.
Action Henk.

It's got a free weekend on Steam, this weekend.
Completely and utterly addictive.
Star Wars: Battlefront is almost half price on the playstation store, so I've picked that up.
Also the Deadpool game,
Just got them downloading now :D
Star Wars: Battlefront is almost half price on the playstation store, so I've picked that up.
Also the Deadpool game,
Just got them downloading now :D

That's an alarmingly swift price drop, awfully tempting but I'm a pauper at the moment. Ho-hum. I have Bloodborne to finish for now.
It's part of their Christmas sale - I imagine they're willing to take the hit on the game price in the hope they'll sell more DLC further down the line.
Still full price in shops (I got Deadpool and Battlefront together for only £8 than Battlefront costs in Tesco)
I've avoided Battlefront as I was a massive fan of the first one (barely played the second) and don't really want to be dissapointed, as most in my position seem to have been.

I'm playing Myst for the first time... ( realMyst: Masterpiece edition) having only played Riven when I was about 10.

God damn it's challenging - it's not like there are puzzles presented to you and you have to solve them.... actually figuring out what the puzzles are in the first place is really, really hard.
I've avoided Battlefront as I was a massive fan of the first one (barely played the second) and don't really want to be dissapointed, as most in my position seem to have been.

To be honest I was the same and that's why I put off buying it (until the sale price made it a steal).
I've probably put more hours into BF2 than any other game, and the....limitations of this one made me avoid it.

That said it is FUN. If you don't go into it expecting Battlefront 3, but just a Star Wars FPS "battle" game then it's great. Visually stunning, sound is probably the best I've heard in a game, and just a really fun game to play.
What games are you all looking forward to this year?

The big ones for me are:

Dishonored 2
Mass Effect: Andromeda
The Banner Saga 2
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Star Citizen
TW: Warhammer

And a whole bunch of other, mostly smaller, games.
I'm actually quite optimistic about this being a pretty damn good year for games.

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