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What games are you playing?

FIFA 11 and NCAA Football 2011 on PS3, and Rugby World Cup 1995 on Mega Drive.
Football Manager 2011 before it started crashing loads.

FIFA 11 on Xbox 360. Though I keep planning on going back to Dragon Age or starting Arkham Asylum but FIFA 11 is madly addictive.
I'm not playing anything at the moment but I'm gonna get F1 2010 next week, I saw it's selling for cheaps on amazon.
Yeah it's ok. It comes on three different discs so the storyline is pretty long. It's quite clever how you have to interview people and guess wether they are lying or not.
Mass Effect 1 & 2 and then a few rounds of COD every now and then.
Age of Empires 2 and Footy Manager 2008. Same games I've been playing for the last 3 years.
Fifa 11 is my addiction at the moment.. also play CoD: Black Ops on the odd occasion but Fifa is the game I spend most time on haha
Duke Nukem Forever...
got it when it was released here in Europe..

Nostalgia :)
Got a PS1 emulator on my laptop, so Jonah Lomu Rugby and Crash Bandicoot 1-3 :D

Downloading "Rugby League Manager 2010" atm as well - 2011 is out in August but I can't imagine he's put much more into the game

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