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[Welsh] Helpu fi gyda'r fy'n Nghymraeg!



Nawr, dydw i ddim yn gallu ysgryfennu mwen cymreig yn dda, ond dwy'n hoffi'r ddysgu.
Mae'r HIGH HOPES gyda'r fi i mynd ymlaen gyda'r dysg.

Come on fluent Welsh boys, help me out here.
Maybe we can make this a "learn-a-word-a-day" kind of thing.
I'm terrible with welsh and can hold a conversation wtih using some terrible Wenglish...i want to progress.
Will you help?
+rep for those who can help me out...
I'll help.

First of all, a handy online dictionary here. Should be able to help with any words you struggle with.

Another simple (ahem) thing to remember is one of many rules about 'treigliadau'. This is the area that I fall down on, but I find this one relitively simple. After these words : [Am, Ar, At, Tros, Trwy, Tan, I, Wrth, O, Hyd, Heb, Gan] the word following it will 'treiglo'.

Example: Bydd Cymru ar ddydd Sadwrn yn curo Fiji gan gadw'r pel am gyfnodau hir.

I might have jumped the gun a bit here. You seem to have a very good grasp of writing in Welsh, possibly slightly muddled ordering of words in places.

Good luck.
Thought I'd correct the spelling mistakes you mad in you'r question.

Nawr, dydw i ddim yn gallu ysgryfennu mwen cymreig yn dda, ond dwy'n hoffi'r ddysgu.
Mae'r HIGH HOPES gyda'r fi i mynd ymlaen gyda'r dysg.

mwen -> mewn (typo proberly).
cymreig -> Cymraeg (always start with capital letter).
dwy'n -> dwi'n.
hoffi'r -> hoffi (no need for 'r).
Mae'r -> Mae (as above), or even 'Mae yna -> There are' if you want.
HIGH HOPES -> uchelgeision (cool word).
gyda'r -> gyda (again no need for 'r).
dysg -> dysgu.

You seem to have a tendancy to add an 'r to words where not needed.
This is something you could try looking up, try google for help.

Here's a couple of examples.

The player is a stupid bloke -> Mae'r chwaraewr yn bachan twp.
A rugby ball is an odd shape -> Mae pel rugby yn siap odd.
The rugby ball is an odd shape -> Mae'r pel rugby yn siap odd.
Shane is amazing -> Mae Shane yn gwefreiddiol.

Unfortunately, I just know when to use which, so I can't be of more help.

That's all for now.
not really related to your question, but could anyone tell me what language (if any) Welsh is derived from? or is it totally unique?

its just i cant think of any other languages similar to it - i mean most languages (except the likes of chineese) i can at least attempt to pronounce! (and at one point i could even sing Flower of Scotland in Gaelic! :D)
Welsh comes from Brythonic, which is the root of the Cornish and Breton language as well. Those three languages are quite similar. The other three celtic languages, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx, are related in the same way.

If you can speak Welsh it's easy to write because it's phonetic, so you pronounce every letter exactly the same way whatever the word (unlike English where the spelling of a word isn't always the same as how it is pronounced). The multiple 'LL', 'FF' and so on which are often lampooned by english speakers are actually one letter rather than two. They used to be represented by one character only before printing presses came along which didn't include those characters.

Dw i'n siarad Cymraeg hefyd, gyda llaw! Rho wybod os wyt ti eisiau gwybod unrhyw beth yn benodol RC.
so the "LL" ad "FF" are the same as a German double s? (which has its own sign - a B with the 'back' extended down.)

the exam board hate that symbol - but everyone i know used it!
Dw i'n siarad Cymraeg hefyd, gyda llaw! Rho wybod os wyt ti eisiau gwybod unrhyw beth yn benodol RC.

I can't be that bad at Welsh because i think i understood everyword there - except for "benodol".
Did you say you do Welsh sign language? That's pretty funky. My sister's doing that as well.

I think i've just got to try and implement Welsh more in my everyday conversations.
I have no one to talk to, but that never usually stops me from talking - so now i'll just talk to myself in Welsh.
My vocabulary and grammar are a big let down.

I wanted to say, "Thank you for offering to help" in welsh but then i realised i didn't know the word "offer" in welsh or how to say that sentence any other way.
This was the best i could come up with

Diolch i feddwl am fi i helpu gyda'r cymraeg.

How was that?
Tratan army, I don't speak German so I don't know! It sounds pretty similar. The Welsh alphabet is a, b, c, ch, d, dd, e, f, ff, g, ng, h, i, ll, m, n, o, p, ph, r, rh, s, t, th, u, w, y... all the double letters are actually one letter. For instance 'dd' is pronounced like the 'th' in The Rugby Forum.

One other belief about Welsh is that it is short on vowels, and for an English speaker scanning welsh words this might seem to be the case. But unlike in English the letters 'w' and 'y' are also vowels. W is pronounced like the 'oo' in too, and y is interchangable with u. So they are actually the same vowels as in English even though they're not represented by the same characters.

RC, your Welsh is coming on well, what you need is more experience of writing in it from day to day. It may be worth joining a welsh language forum like Maes-E.

Penodol - specific. So when I said 'Rho wybod os wyt ti eisiau gwybod unrhyw beth yn benodol RC' I meant 'Let me know if you want to know anything specific'!

'Gyda llaw' means 'by the way' or 'incidentally'. The literal translation is 'with hand', so maybe that's why you may have thought I could do sign language! I can't! :)

'Offer' - cynnig. So it's 'Diolch am gynnig i fy helpu i gyda fy Nghymraeg'. Watch out for the tricky mutation at the end there!

Welsh has always been a spoken language first, written language second, so you'll find that people write in a way that more closely mimics speech than the literary style. I speak with a thick north wales accent so my way of writing might be slightly different from someone in the south!

Diolch yn fawr am roi marc enw da (reputation) i fi, gyda llaw!
You missed the letters l and j out of the Welsh alphabet.

I think the fact that words are pronounced phonetically in Welsh makes it a reletively straighforward language to learn (initially). My brother, who's dislecsic always found Welsh easier than English, this showed in his GCSE results, where he got a B in Welsh and a C/D in English.

I speak without much of an accent atall, coming from Aberystwyth, there doesn't seem to much of an accent, unless you're a farmer. (My dad's a farmer, from Dinas Mawddwy originally, so he has a slight North accent. I always had non farming friends, so didn't inherit much of an accent.

lol at the sign language comment RC, can see why you might have thought that though.

Sut mae'r Cymraeg yn dod ymlaen RC, mae'n piti fod dim ffrindiau da ti i helpi mas. (annoying I can't use a to bach on these forums).