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I'm getting a warning from NoScript when browsing the forum (note: I have TRF as an "allowed" site for Javascript)

"NoScript filtered a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attempt from [https://therugbyforum.com]. Technical details have been logged to the console"

The relevant console content is.

XenForo.init() 125ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev xenforo.js:209:316
[NoScript InjectionChecker] JavaScript Injection in ///widgets/tweet_button.b3226572cee17eb8b0f0dfc053da78fc.en.html#dnt=true&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&original_referer=https://www.therugbyforum.com/threa...s-vs-reds-02-06-2017.39190/&size=m&text=[2017 Super Rugby] Round 15: Blues vs. Reds (02/06/2017)&time=1496174300448&type=share&url=https://www.therugbyforum.com/threads/2017-super-rugby-round-15-blues-vs-reds-02-06-2017.39190/
[NoScript XSS] Sanitized suspicious request. Original URL [https://platform.twitter.com/widget...ugby-round-15-blues-vs-reds-02-06-2017.39190/] requested from [https://www.therugbyforum.com/threads/2017-super-rugby-round-15-blues-vs-reds-02-06-2017.39190/]. Sanitized URL: [https://platform.twitter.com/widget...b8b0f0dfc053da78fc.en.html#652857978182352226].
[NoScript InjectionChecker] JavaScript Injection in ///as/direct;p=11237205086644;as=11237205085230;a=11237205049064;crs=11237205047713;cr=11237205047721;i.ts=1496174300/index.html?click=https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...g2M5izQ&client=ca-pub-1357070878455908&adurl=
(function anonymous() {
as/direct;p=11237205086644;as=11237205085230;a=11237205049064;crs=11237205047713;cr=11237205047721;i.ts=1496174300 /* COMMENT_TERMINATOR */
[NoScript XSS] Sanitized suspicious request. Original URL [https://ad.atdmt.com/as/direct;p=11...g2M5izQ&client=ca-pub-1357070878455908&adurl=] requested from [https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net...jBt56&p=https://www.therugbyforum.com&dtd=264]. Sanitized URL: [https://ad.atdmt.com/as/direct;p 11...durl=#23447532532560555400#853259354818816576].
Hi, we've had a look into your issue above and it appears to have been an error on Google's side with regards to advert handling. We'll keep an eye out nonetheless and would appreciate it if you could PM or email us if you see any more errors!
Hi, we won't be relaunching the app due to the new system having a much better mobile-friendly design. If you have any feedback for us on the mobile design that'd be great :)
Hi, we won't be relaunching the app due to the new system having a much better mobile-friendly design. If you have any feedback for us on the mobile design that'd be great :)

Ah fair enough. The app was a bit more practical as even when I select the stay signed in, I get logged out of the mobile site every time I go off of it but other than that it's ideal.
I'm staying logged in. Gotta say I'm really enjoying the new TRF experience, mobile website runs great. Any word on getting flags and flair on portrait mode yet?
Overall liking the new experience but I have to say I dislike the rating system. Maybe Im alone in this but it it seems too easy for WUMS to jam the dislike button because there's no reputation weighting. There are some good posters out there with a high percentage of dislikes just because they got into a back and forth with some idiot.
Overall liking the new experience but I have to say I dislike the rating system. Maybe Im alone in this but it it seems too easy for WUMS to jam the dislike button because there's no reputation weighting. There are some good posters out there with a high percentage of dislikes just because they got into a back and forth with some idiot.
Agreed, a weighted system should be used for the ratings. The software is going long enough that most people have ratings now so a hierarchical system would be best
At the moment there's no third-party plugin that will enable weighted reputation - until this is created the best we can do is to intervene when someone's abusing the dislikes. If you believe this is happening please feel free to report the post(s) in question.
At the moment there's no third-party plugin that will enable weighted reputation - until this is created the best we can do is to intervene when someone's abusing the dislikes. If you believe this is happening please feel free to report the post(s) in question.

On rugbyrefs.com we have removed the dislike button, people are rated purely on their likes, the more likes the better the reputation. if you don't like a post, you simply say nothing.

We also have a "thank you for this post" button for acknowledgement of assistance received.
Could one of the mods please reverse Valley Commando's negative ratings? He's behaving like a 5 year old giving a negative rating to anyone who posts something which he disagrees with (usually Wales related). Or could you please have a word with his Dad to see if he can limit his time on his forum before he goes to bed at 8pm. Thanks
Could one of the mods please reverse Valley Commando's negative ratings? He's behaving like a 5 year old giving a negative rating to anyone who posts something which he disagrees with (usually Wales related). Or could you please have a word with his Dad to see if he can limit his time on his forum before he goes to bed at 8pm. Thanks
I gotchu,

We're currently looking into the rep system to stop abuse (we've had a few complaints now).
I notice that this forum software doesn't support time coded youtube videos, i.e. if you right click a youtbe video and select "copy video URL at current time", it ignores your URL and just posts its own URL which doesn't start at the time you have selected.

Also, there appears to be no way to prevent the video URL from parsing, and you have to edit your post and use BBCode URL tags to make a link
I gotchu,

We're currently looking into the rep system to stop abuse (we've had a few complaints now).

Nice. I'd say limiting the dislikes someone can make in a day or week would be a good option. Or if possible, tying the number of dislikes to the number of likes you have (i.e. the more likes you have, the more dislikes you can make OR if you have more than 20% of feedback as dislikes, then you can't issue out dislikes of your own).

It just takes a mental adjustment though. If you make a lot of posts and have only a sliver of red in your bar, then newcomers should be able to work out that you probably aren't a bell end.
I think the system is fine... the bar lets you see who talks dribble and who has something useful to say. The ability to like and dislike lets you express your opinion and show your appreciation / disparagement for others' contributions, which is a good thing imo... I just reckon that people like VC who abuse the system should have their ratings given retracted and should lose the ability to give ratings... idk if it's possible to ban someone from giving ratings, but that would be ideal.
The like/dislike system really needs to be reviewed. We now have one or two posters who continually abuse the system, disliking even the most innocuous posts because they disagree with some minor aspect. I really think the dislike function needs to be removed, or if not, then at least in some ways limited. Some ideas might be

1. Disable people on your ignore list from disliking your posts
2. Limit user ability to dislike posts by the same user more than once within a specific time period (per day/week)
3. A weighted system based on the users number of posts and/or length of time as a member. (you get an allotted number of dislikes to use and once you have run out, you must earn more through posting/time)

I would also like to see a graph on the user information panel (to the left of each post) that shows how many likes/dislikes that poster has given. This would help to out the trolls on the forum.
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