I've ben doing a bit of messing with files from the PS2 version and I've come accross a few files that might have hold some interest here...
there seems to be a file for the pitch condition, giving three options;
there's also a file that seems to be for pitch surface @ different regions, the options are;
cold pitches,
Reg1 Hard, Normal
Reg2 Normal, Muddy, Snow, Soggy
Reg3 Dry, Hard, Hard-Clean
Reg4 Hard, Muddy
Reg5 Normal, Soggy
... So if EA have programmed this thing right and included all the data in these files... those are the diff kind of pitch conditions we can expect
I'm pretty sure that this all goes hand-in-hand with the type of weather conditions found at each ground... I found another file listing this weather status info for each stadia, four types... day, night, overcast, cold
Some of the grounds can have mutliple types e.g NorthernPark night & cold, WestLondon cold & overcast, Christchurch day & night
Also found the list of unlockables....
********* SPOILER *****************
tho I'll only post them up if folk actually wanna see them
Hope some of this puts minds at ease (if its actually included and not redundant data!!!
