Very Nice Eric. Keep up the good work. I will make Viadana minikits today, they are nice and simple.
Thank you very much !GREAT JOB :bravo: [/b]
Thank you. Fa'atau82 has asked if you can send the minikits to me, as I'm keeping the database for the patch
ok [/b]
Fantastic kits. (and good screens with my Biarritz kits )
Very nice.Clermont's MINIKITS :
Screenshots :
I continue with Castre's minikits!
Thanks for your answer.Megapatchupdate v1.1 i think, i have adjusted the kitbacks now. PM me your email address and i will email them to you.
Thanks for your answer.<div class='quotemain'>
Megapatchupdate v1.1 i think, i have adjusted the kitbacks now. PM me your email address and i will email them to you.
Please remember there are probably around 3000+ files to edit for this patch and most of them have been done by me and Fran, with other files made by other modders.
Hopefully this patch will be complete by late January. If we had more help it'd be done quicker. As it is, i have edited nearly 80% of the game logos, graphics and new kits myself and Fran has done a huge amount of coding. This takes time to do and also we do it in our spare time, which is not that much.. not like an EA game developer.