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TRF World Wide Meetup Day

I'll be representing the Welshies and i've been conversing with Petey about this and we're gonna have to find a little green area where we can have a nice little chuck-about and a game, why not!


Although I warn you all, bad shoulder or not, I am the king of touch rugby and will destroy you all. :D

I assume that also means we're going for the trainers and rugby shirt look as opposed to anything smarter?
Can you organise for us to get into the Rucku party? ....hang on where or what is sirrocco?

Good call about the temple walkie I-B-B, lot's of TV's. It's wise to book a table though, if they're not already fully booked that is [/b]

Its on Shaftsbury Avenue by the Gielgud Theatre. Its a sports bar and we could book a table for the final there, I can enquire if everyone agrees?

I'm looking into booking a room at the Citadines at Trafalgar Square. We should be able to get three or four people in as well as myself (Quintes, you're welcome if you miss the last train home).
Then i shall provide a ball...a welsh one at that!
Rugby league rules (coz touch rugby sucks if it's not 5 tackles) 2 quickest players are captains!
I'm thinking of bringing smart shoes and shirt just in case, but initially attire myself in trainers and jersey (of the welsh variety).

Yeah Pres, book a table there, I'm not gonna be happy standing around holding my pint for the game. I want a seat and a table to rest my drink - and maybe a hot girl to distract me for teh entire game as i stare stalker-like at her.

Shotgun a place in the Citadines!

By the way, what date is the final?
I've got to book a few days off around this event.
Shotgun another place in the Citadines!

Book a place at the Rucku thing...

Should really look at trains now...
I'd just like to point out that I had already MSN shotgunned a place for this hotel before either of the above shotguns were mentioned. Just in case there was a dispute.

At least if there is a place to put stuff, we could always dress casual for a kickabout and then go and scrub up in order to watch the match and partay in the evening.
Well I tried to organise a meet-up with Dan...he was all set to come over for the Waterloo game, I made the mistake of saying "Don't worry so much about the rules..." and he just froze, screamed "RULES!?!?!?!?!" and then ran all the way to Knowsley Road where he was seen actually hugging & kissing the building and mumbling "Nobody told me there'd be rules!"

;) :p :)
I'm sorting it out now! :D

Well I guess the list of things to do (no way we can get a schedule for this haha) will be:

1. Check into the hotel.
2. Go play some rugby.
3. Clean ourselves up.
4. Have a quick drink at the Club.
5. Move on elsewhere for a few more drinks, maybe an early dinner?
7. ????
..and is that when you guys have a giant gay orgy?

you northerners disgust me!!!
No, we're having a "why won't Chiro front up like a man" convention?

We'll be doing work shops on things such as editing posts, making sure that members insult properly and understanding meaning of cowardice. Also, there'll be mod panels from TRF on their experiences with Chiro, an exhibition of baby photos of the wee lad and RC will be hosting a talk on why SH apologists are like Nazi sympathisers in the 1930s. Also, on the fringe, O'Rothlan will be hosting a talk entitled "why chasing up Chiro to wear his punishment signature is like being a debt collector or trying to find Osama Bin Ladin."

It is going to be really good, would you like a press pass?

In other news, if we can get ten people, I can get a table reserved with free food and free entry for £10 a head. So we need more people coming to London. If we go at the present rate (seven people) it'll be £14.30 each, so lets get those three extra people chaps!

I-Bleed-Black, got any Kiwi mates in London who would be up for a night at the RUCKU RWC Final Screening at Bar Sirrocco on Shaftsbury avenue???

Final list for Citadines:

1. Me.
2. RC.
3. Webby.
4. Charlie.

We can fit someone else on the floor, but I say we reserve that for anyone who misses the train home or something...
Yeah I Will be there :D

Prices are great especially as Matt is paying for my accommodation :D

Chiro, you're such a numpty.

I'm loving this plan, this'll be an awesome day.
I'm planning on coming up on Friday and doing some touristy shite, so if anyone wants to join me, they are more than welcome!
Any good rugby shops in london?
Right well this is the list of people who I hear are coming to watch the RWC Final in London:

1. Myself.
2. Getofmyland
3. RC
4. Saintsfanwebby
6. TehMite(?)
7. I Bleed Black(?)

Basically lads, I need confirmation from TehMite and I Bleed Black on whether they are coming or not and whether they have £15 to spare each for the table booking.

I want to get as much cash in as I can before I book next week so for:

1. RC
2. Saintsfanwebby
3. Getoffmyland

Can you please click below and get your share of the accomodation bill to me ASAP please:

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="TRF Meetup accomodation money">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="30.00">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">


Cheers, I'll set up another button later on when I know how many are coming to London for the meet up.
ok i need to know if any of the kiwis in wellington want to meet up for this day. i understand if you guys dont want to. but ill still do it if there are at least 5 people in wellington (I would say wellingtonians but i am not one so anyoen is welcome)

otherwise ill be drowning my sorrows at home at 8am thinking of what should have been :)
So where are we gonna be staying? [/b]

As London seems to be the only city which fails miserably at Hostel accomodation I'm going to phone the Citadines this week and demand a room. Apparently it was "too late" but me and my Essex bullishness shall prevail!
Ok cool let me know how you get on...

Damn why can't we have BT accommodate us... again...
Ok, i've got my transport sorted.
I'll be in London at 11am. You guys will have to tell me where to meet you lot and i'll have to hop on the tube and go around in circles for ages, but kick off's at 8pm so i should have about 30 minutes to spare.

I'm taking normal casual clothes and also some smart-casual (shirt and jeans).
I'll bring the rugby ball - pray it's not raining otherwise that plan is out of the window.

Come on guys, who'll be there and when?!

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