JDV, great patch! Thanks
Just a couple of things I've noticed, for your reference:
1) The player stamina goes down the same for all players. For instance, if I look at the stam in the 50th minute or so, everyone's at 88, across the board. Is this intended?
2) The GWK stadium has a few issues with the players walking onto the field pre-match. They walk right through signboards etc, not through a tunnel.
3) I haven't played a RWC yet, but as the Springboks I beat Argentina 45-10, Italy 45-14, and France 43-24. Argentina should maybe be a bit harder, and France quite a bit harder as well. I know it's a nightmare to tune though.
4) The commentary voices for some players names are wrong. I see it coincides with your roster updates: They call Andries Bekker Dallaglio, and Jaque Fourie is called O'Driscoll. I'm not sure if there is a commentary voice for "Bekker", but is it possible to use the commentary "Fourie" for Jaque Fourie? I haven't checked for any other occurences, just noticed these while playing the last few days.
5) Just out of interest, is it at all possible to replace the commentary voices with a mod later on in the far future? For instance, replacing the commentary audio with phrases from commentators like Craig Marais and Hugh Bladen (or whoever) would bring a nice change to the game. If it IS possible though, I can imagine it would be a menial task to sift through hours of commentary audio to find appropriate phrases, so just call this a far-off wishlist item