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TRF Rugby 10 Patch

Musgrave Park [DAY] with updated posts and adboards


Comments please...
Looks great jdv, really great. Got some questions regaring your rugby roster update patch. Some of the player faces are inaccurate, I mean when you go through the squads for example rangers face in his profile is white not dark skin colour? And when you play the game nonus here is orange, but when he scores in the animation it is fine? Don't know thought I would query you their. Also you know how you extract all those patches and ros files to your rugby 08 main folder, just wondering what about air nz cup mod, kits e.t.c Do you do the same thing?
Whenever I play RWC 2007 mode with any team my game crashes when I return to tournament Central. Can you help please?
Im new to this, what does the editor do ? and how do i use it ?

Ive downloaded the roster and the full patch but only the roster works
I don't want to seem rude or anything but It says on the front page there will be a completed update soon well i its been a while since you wrote that and the season has already started and i want to play. So please can you release the next update
jdv need some questions answered. I know you need to extract the roster patches, and roster ros into your ea sports rugby 08 folder. But what dextract say sanzar o you do with sanzar cup mods, air nz cup kits, team logos e.t.c Every time I say extract sanzar cup, it stuffs up the international teams for example, how do you have the version four roster but sanzar cup at the same time?
Looks great jdv, really great. Got some questions regaring your rugby roster update patch. Some of the player faces are inaccurate, I mean when you go through the squads for example rangers face in his profile is white not dark skin colour? And when you play the game nonus here is orange, but when he scores in the animation it is fine? Don't know thought I would query you their. Also you know how you extract all those patches and ros files to your rugby 08 main folder, just wondering what about air nz cup mod, kits e.t.c Do you do the same thing?

Yeah I know that there are inaccurate player faces and I'm busy fixing it.The orange hair "bug" is an old "bug" that has to do with graphics settings and bytes within the roster file.There is an editor to fix it and I'll try and do it for the next release.

Whenever I play RWC 2007 mode with any team my game crashes when I return to tournament Central. Can you help please?

Make sure that you have loaded the Rugby08.ros file before you play the RWC

Im new to this, what does the editor do ? and how do i use it ?

Ive downloaded the roster and the full patch but only the roster works

You edit players and teams with the editor.Did you extract all the patch files to the correct location?

I don't want to seem rude or anything but It says on the front page there will be a completed update soon well i its been a while since you wrote that and the season has already started and i want to play. So please can you release the next update

Good things comes to those who wait.:cool:

jdv need some questions answered. I know you need to extract the roster patches, and roster ros into your ea sports rugby 08 folder. But what dextract say sanzar o you do with sanzar cup mods, air nz cup kits, team logos e.t.c Every time I say extract sanzar cup, it stuffs up the international teams for example, how do you have the version four roster but sanzar cup at the same time?

1st of all, the .ros folder must go to the my document\rugby 08 folder and not to the rugby 08 main folder in program files.You can't install files from different patches all to the same location, please read HERE to see how to run multiple patches.
Hi JDV. This is a silly question but do you know of anywhere to get the pc version of this game cheap? My version now requiresmy account from EA which i do not remember!!!! Anyway i am patient lol so take your time and produce quality as ever, Smiffy!
Hi JDV. This is a silly question but do you know of anywhere to get the pc version of this game cheap? My version now requiresmy account from EA which i do not remember!!!! Anyway i am patient lol so take your time and produce quality as ever, Smiffy!
You could sign up for a new account on the EA site and buy it through there? It's only £2.50 or so
yaeh but i already have it! Why do EA now have to ask me for my account it was years ago!
Everytime I play RWC 2007 I finish the first round robin game and then go to tournament central. After this the game crashes. I've tried with all teams and same thing happens. Re-installed patch and it still happens.
very appreciative of all the time, effort and expertise gone into the patch. it makes a big difference to the game so thanks a lot. however, a few little sugestions/ questions that I've come across trying to tweak the roster further:

this one is relevant:
1) why are all the players rated roughly around the 82-86 mark?

and these are purely for aesthetics:
2) half of the players are 3 years older than they should be.
3) IMO EA's way of presenting all the names the same, eg. S.BRITS or N.CATO is far neater than ALI WILLIAMS or N TIALATA
3) most players seem to have been given 3 positions, some of which they never play in real life..

otherwise, thanks once more.
Everytime I play RWC 2007 I finish the first round robin game and then go to tournament central. After this the game crashes. I've tried with all teams and same thing happens. Re-installed patch and it still happens.
I'm sorry to hear about your problem man but I can't really do anything about it because that "bug" doesn't happen to me so I don't know how to fix it...

very appreciative of all the time, effort and expertise gone into the patch. it makes a big difference to the game so thanks a lot. however, a few little sugestions/ questions that I've come across trying to tweak the roster further:

this one is relevant:
1) why are all the players rated roughly around the 82-86 mark?

and these are purely for aesthetics:
2) half of the players are 3 years older than they should be.
3) IMO EA's way of presenting all the names the same, eg. S.BRITS or N.CATO is far neater than ALI WILLIAMS or N TIALATA
3) most players seem to have been given 3 positions, some of which they never play in real life..

otherwise, thanks once more.

Thanks for the feedback mate.
1.Yeah I guess I messed up with giving all the players ratings of between 80-90, I tried to make the game "harder" that way but in my own opinion I think it needs to be changed again...

2.Quote from the 1st page of this thread:
*I started to modify the age of players so that they have their real age ingame, I've done this by adding 3 years to a player's DOB, e.g. if a player is born in 1980, I changed it to 1977 so that his real age is displayed ingame.But please note that I haven't done this with all the players.

3.You say tomato and I say tomahto:p.The main reason I did that is because of the 10 000 000 Joneses and Williams-es in the Welsh rugby teams:D(no disrespect intended).Like in the Welsh team you'll have A.Jones (Adam Jones) and A.Jones (Alun Wyn Jones), you get my point?

4.Yeah okay you can argue that not all rugby players plays 3 different positions but most of them do...Some hookers can play prop and flanker.Most locks can play flank as well as no.8 and now-a-days backline players can play anywhere in the backline...
1.Yeah I guess I messed up with giving all the players ratings of between 80-90, I tried to make the game "harder" that way but in my own opinion I think it needs to be changed again...

In making my own rosters, I've found that to make it realistic, they really end up around there. For me, most international level players (that is to say, players that might be considered for international duty) are mid-80's and up. I base other ratings around that, but like JdV said, to make the game harder, I really couldn't make myself take the "fringe" players below mid-70's. I have made a lot more players rated into the high 80s and 90's so on that end it creates a broader spectrum as well as making the game harder. As long as you don't think of mid-high 90's as "near perfect" but more in terms of world class/ experienced internationals. That's another thing. Since it's not a stat, I think a players experience should be taken into account when rating them. So a player that may have never been an international but has had 10 or so years pro experience, I might give them a higher rating then what one would normally say.
Great patch JDV and team!
Out of curiosity, how do you create a representative team? I would like to create a Wales A team.
Nevermind, did a bit of digging around with the xml files and changed Bristol to Wales and made it representative.
I do have another question though- in world league, how do I increase the amount of players available for recruitment?
I ask in this thread only because it seems to be a lot less since adding the patch.
No matter what I try with this game its just not hard enough. thanks for the patch but I picked the worst stats super 14 team and played against the all blacks... RugbyPatch.jpg on elite with injuries and fatigue max setting and advanced lineout mode. Someone seriously needs to find a way to get them to push that last pass, so many times they didnt pass when it was a certain try. And 3 tight heads wtf! lol
Nevermind, did a bit of digging around with the xml files and changed Bristol to Wales and made it representative.
I do have another question though- in world league, how do I increase the amount of players available for recruitment?
I ask in this thread only because it seems to be a lot less since adding the patch.
I actually haven't noticed that but thanks for the heads up, will look into it.

No matter what I try with this game its just not hard enough. thanks for the patch but I picked the worst stats super 14 team and played against the all blacks... View attachment 367 on elite with injuries and fatigue max setting and advanced lineout mode. Someone seriously needs to find a way to get them to push that last pass, so many times they didnt pass when it was a certain try. And 3 tight heads wtf! lol
We are all wishing for a harder game, me too, but at the moment it seems nothing concrete can be done to make the AI harder...

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