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TRF Posters: Do they lift things? What do they lift?? Let's find out!

big ginger 8

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TRF Legend
Jul 4, 2011
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Couldn't find the old gym thread and felt like starting a new one. What are people running?

Currently have a typical set up of two pitches sessions and a match at the weekend. Have one team gym session and there's another one we can do by ourselves but I tend to just use it for assistance exercises and am instead doing the 5/3/1 in season progamme two days of the week (https://www.t-nation.com/training/531-and-athletes) basically ending up with something 6 days a week.

Started this because Brian Alsruhe released a new programme:

Really excited to run it in the off-season, looks absolutely brutal but fun as well.

Nabbed a spreadsheet off of reddit if anyone wants a clearer idea of it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XeFilaQYw2lgqmeNS3-HndwY5F8i3aB-USI9MrayVgU/edit?usp=sharing (if you make a copy of it you'll then be able to edit that and input your own maxes)
I lift about 4 times a week, depending on how much sleep I get (I go before work, so get up at 5am, which doesn't happen if I can't sleep until 3 am or whatever) - sometimes I'll go 5 if I'm feeling it. Have some back and knee issues so listen to how my body reacts to training a lot more these days, rather than just powering through like I used to.

Pretty generic kinda routine, days are built around the main lifts for low reps, and accessories with high reps.
Squat day, Bench day, Deadlift day, Overhead press day.

Gym just got an assault bike so that's making cardio sessions more......interesting.

On the lifting front: It's crazy how weak pro rugby players used to be in the amateur/early pro era. Will Greenwood posts a lot about his workouts on instagram, and recently said he's hit a lifetime PR on overhead press with 60kg, deadlift 150kg and back squat (nowhere near real depth) at 110kg. I doubt you'd find many academy players lifting that light, these days.
On the lifting front: It's crazy how weak pro rugby players used to be in the amateur/early pro era. Will Greenwood posts a lot about his workouts on instagram, and recently said he's hit a lifetime PR on overhead press with 60kg, deadlift 150kg and back squat (nowhere near real depth) at 110kg. I doubt you'd find many academy players lifting that light, these days.

Yeah that's shocking, I remember him saying Maggie Alphonsi had a bigger bench than him. While she probably has a bigger bench than a lot of people Greenwood's a fairly big lad who should move a lot more weight.

Of course now you have the likes of Porter and Healy who reportedly squat 300kg for reps.
2 pitch sessions, match, 2 gym sessions and a recovery session is what I aim for. The recovery session is often neglected for a hangover day.

Current program has no deadlifts so I'm happy af!
The only thing I'm lifting at the moment is my twins. Both weighing 12kg's at the moment and doing about 2000 reps per day consisting of:

Bicep Curls
Tricep Curls
Yeah that's shocking, I remember him saying Maggie Alphonsi had a bigger bench than him. While she probably has a bigger bench than a lot of people Greenwood's a fairly big lad who should move a lot more weight.

Of course now you have the likes of Porter and Healy who reportedly squat 300kg for reps.

Maggie Alphonsi is pretty insane though...

Maggie Alphonsi is pretty insane though...


She is, definitely pretty insane but Greenwood has like 30 kg on her which is huge for bench. Her bench was also like 100kg which should be achievable for any guy above 80kg within the first year of training. Basically the only woman lighter than him (so excluding someone like Valerie Adams) who could be accepted as benching more than him is Jen Thompson.
Is the anti steroid ad "There are no gains to steroids" running in the UK as well as Ireland? I approve warning people of the dangers of steroids and I don't endorse or use them but the slogan is straight up incorrect. Case in point - Arnold, that dude wouldn't straight up own that common name if it wasn't for juice. Other case in point - Countless beefcakes worldwide.
You can absolutely make gains without roids, suggesting otherwise is silly

Roids can take you to the next level, they can help you recover more etc. but they're not necessary

I don't have anything against the juice, if you do it smartly/correctly. It should be used as a "next step" rather than first port of call.
I follow a ton of lifters on Instagram and people always ask them what stack they're on etc but they refuse to help people out until they know what their diet is, how much sleep they're getting, what theyre doing for recovery etc
You can absolutely make gains without roids, suggesting otherwise is silly

Roids can take you to the next level, they can help you recover more etc. but they're not necessary

I don't have anything against the juice, if you do it smartly/correctly. It should be used as a "next step" rather than first port of call.
I follow a ton of lifters on Instagram and people always ask them what stack they're on etc but they refuse to help people out until they know what their diet is, how much sleep they're getting, what theyre doing for recovery etc
Agree with that and I'd add that I think they're only worth it if you want to compete or you back yourself money off your appearance. I think you missed what I was saying though!

I found the group I was criticising, I'll link their site at the end. They're an Irish group whose advertising here is just white writing on a black background saying "There are no gains to steroids". It's factually incorrect and I don't think that's going to prevent anyone considering irresponsibly hopping on juice. Their site is a lot better and more informative though.


It's definitely a campaign I agree with especially now when you have a bunch of "influencers" on Instagram clearly juicing and claiming they're not, plenty of whom are under 18 too. Just have better, hard hitting adverts rather than ones that'll be scoffed at by vain and stupids young men.
Ah yeah, I getya.

Yeah I've never seen any sort of advert or anything about the "dangers of steroids".

Fake nattys are the worst
Never understood why people who clearly cycle deny it, it's like brah your vein is the size of most people muscles.


Brah I just eat a lot of chicken and take maximusle bars.

People are stupid though.
I train with people who take roids and some have a worse physique than I do. People who take them still need to have a good diet and exercise programme but not everyone gets that.
Never understood why people who clearly cycle deny it, it's like brah your vein is the size of most people muscles.


Brah I just eat a lot of chicken and take maximusle bars.

People are stupid though.
Because maximuscle are paying them?!!

But yeah, just good light and filters brah!

Anyone have much interest in the Arnold?

The Wheel of Pain looks like it's going to be pretty cool and is lifted (no pun intended) out of Conan the Barbarian.

Rouge are also offering a $50k prize to anyone who can deadlift over 500kg on the elephant bar. Thor set the record last year at 472kg so it'd be pretty insane for anyone to reach 500.

Very jealous of Brian Alsruhe (the guy who's programme I posted in the OP) and his crew. One of their guys Nic Meyers is competing in the 105s despite usually being a 90kg competitor (there's no 90kg class at the Arnold), another guy Andy is one of Brian Shaw's coaches and because of the Brian Alsruhe and Nic will also be helping him out, Andy himself will be attempting a record hold with the Dinnie Stones and another guy who works out at their gym Olu has been involved with Ray Williams in the lead up. To top it all off there is Miles Taylor who recently went viral, he's a guy with cerebral palsy who deadlifted 2x bodyweight, is coached by both Nic and Brian. As a result of him going viral, Arnold Schwarzenegger reached out to all three of them and has given them an all expenses paid VIP stay at the Arnold.
Aye, I'm excited for it

Been watching Brian Shaw on YT in the build up and he looks in the shape of his life
Saw jujimufu and Larry wheels training out at thors power and Thor is killing it too

Can't stand thor, though