More Welsh lads, joy. :/
In all seriousness though, I'm gonna put this one up tonight and I'm gonna let you guys know the low down for the next few months:
While my schedule is a bit erratic at the moment myself and Rob want to essentially do lots and lots of Lions podcasts in the course of the year, preferably bi weekly or something of the sort. Why you may ask? Because the Lions are awesome, that's why. So far I can count on the following fellas to contribute:
Lucky Number 7
Adding Draggs and Thingimubob gives us a nice panel of users to draw from, albeit a tad Welsh heavy. If anyone else is interested in contributing please comment and I'll add you to my mailing list.
More importantly, if anyone would like to help me out with occasional editing duties I'd appreciate it massively. Seriously, beyond words. PM me.