Bah so close to a couple of perfect scores in tonights matches, lora would have had one if the half time score had stayed the same in Belfast, I could have had one had the Dragon's last score been a penalty instead of a try and Cymrurugbyfan might have had one if Perpignan had tapped on an extra penalty or drop.
Late predictions can still be sent by pm for the remaining 10 matches.
Well I think a lot more people will have a say this time round, the standard of the scores seems to be a lot better this time round, we've had more scores over 60 in this opening round than in the whole of the competition last year.
Shamed! Last time I ever have any faith in my beloved tigers again. It's obviously because I was unable to watch it, classic bad luck! Still think we'll win it, ever the optimist. Not so sure about my chances in this competition though!