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Things to love about rugby

Which Tyler

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TRF Legend
Nov 12, 2015
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Amongst all the negativity about head contacts, abuse of referees, RSA winning the RWC ;), aimless kicking etc etc, weird tournament formats... I've made no secret of my waning love for the game, so - let's have some positivity.

What is still great about rugby?
Pics if you can
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Like you I have really struggled with a waning interest. Watching Top 14 with French commentary has helped a bit.

But starting to watch a few of the Prem games again here and there.

My positivity about rugby is no matter the comp or the teams; I love how a game can swing momentum so much and the impact on the game it has.

Plus recently there have been some cracking last minute match winning finishes.
I love going to the games, having a pint, having a chat with the people next to me. I love that my 10 year old daughter can wander off to one of the food stalls (we have at Coventry) and get herself some chips without me having to go with her, that my partner enjoys coming, that the rugby I watch is at a very good standard for a reasonable price.
Having one of the best clubs in the world half an hour from me with an affordable season ticket is great.

At the top level it is one of the most physical and intense games in the world and there's enough quality to have three entertaining leagues in Europe.

I think most people will be able to find a club that provides a good culture that they like and be able to pick up a role in that club as a player or otherwise. Obviously easier in more populous areas where the game is more popular but I think the days of only fitting in any club if you wanted to drink out of a shoe with your cock out to fit in is all but dead (especially in my experience in Ireland anyway).

It's less emotionally draining to watch now that Johnny has retired too.
Rugby has so many good people.

On a local level i love the fact local teams in my league can beg steal and borrow other players if they are short. Mainly the 2nd and 3rd's. You're always made to feel welcome and appreciated for turning out.

Last year a fund raising friendly had over sixty players turn up from various clubs to play. All just to play with a guy with a serious illness who wanted to play one match along side his son who was just old enough to play adult rugby.

At a local level mini's, juniors etc. It's full of good people, giving up there time for little or no reward. Without them rugby would die.
As a fan I love the champions cup. Having average gems in does dilute it a bit but when the giants play each other it's the best sport out there and you get it every year for a couple weeks a year. Six nations is probably just behind it but champions cup just has this massive intensity and it's refereed for rugby fans unlike the World Cup.

also love the grassroots cause you can always find a role to stay involved. Referee, coach, administrator, chickenshit second XV wing, there's always a place for you.
Rugby has so many good people.

On a local level i love the fact local teams in my league can beg steal and borrow other players if they are short. Mainly the 2nd and 3rd's. You're always made to feel welcome and appreciated for turning out.

Last year a fund raising friendly had over sixty players turn up from various clubs to play. All just to play with a guy with a serious illness who wanted to play one match along side his son who was just old enough to play adult rugby.

At a local level mini's, juniors etc. It's full of good people, giving up there time for little or no reward. Without them rugby would die.

Spot on.

There are huge distinctions between the amateur and pro games.

At pro level you have to marvel at some of the skills, athleticism and power. The big set pieces like the 6N and RWC knock out rounds are great but so much else around the pro game sucks, on and off pitch. I understand why interest has waned for so many.

I'm not linked to a club any more. But I used to love that you had a mix of coppers (usually at the heart of any trouble), doctors, builders, students etc and all people cared about that you gave it a good lash on the pitch and were good on the lash afterwards. I hope that the social side has remained but suspect it's been toned down from the good ol' days.

Regular season fixtures were great but I always had a big soft spot for the 'fancy a game tomorrow' social matches where kicking was frowned on and started at about 3 pints past midday on a Sunday. I was competitive and wanted to win, but rugby was a hobby and so I was always more concerned with having fun than outright performance.

The real highlights were always tours. I'd love to share some of the shenanigans, but what went on tour stays there - thank god smart phones weren't around then!
Spot on.

There are huge distinctions between the amateur and pro games.

At pro level you have to marvel at some of the skills, athleticism and power. The big set pieces like the 6N and RWC knock out rounds are great but so much else around the pro game sucks, on and off pitch. I understand why interest has waned for so many.

I'm not linked to a club any more. But I used to love that you had a mix of coppers (usually at the heart of any trouble), doctors, builders, students etc and all people cared about that you gave it a good lash on the pitch and were good on the lash afterwards. I hope that the social side has remained but suspect it's been toned down from the good ol' days.

Regular season fixtures were great but I always had a big soft spot for the 'fancy a game tomorrow' social matches where kicking was frowned on and started at about 3 pints past midday on a Sunday. I was competitive and wanted to win, but rugby was a hobby and so I was always more concerned with having fun than outright performance.

The real highlights were always tours. I'd love to share some of the shenanigans, but what went on tour stays there - thank god smart phones weren't around then!
Tours were mental. I carry many scars...
I always had a big soft spot for the 'fancy a game tomorrow'
Literally my introduction to rugby.

I was doing work experience with British Gas and I'd been bored out of my mind in the office for the week and managed to get a day out with an engineer.

I sat was in the van waiting and he got in, looked at me and said "want to play rugby tomorrow?"

I said alright and the rest is, as they say, history.
Jesus, I'm struggling to answer this.

I've found over the last 3-5 years every element I loved about rugby has been degraded to a point it's become something i now hate.

My club Cardiff, went regional a long time ago, but it never worked, squads dwindled, crowds dwindled, badge changed etc.
Last few games have seen sell outs at the arms park, but as a season ticket holder we are still treated badly.
Crowds changing, the atmosphere is poor, rugby is low level and it's become extremely expensive every year. Players own food carts and coffee Van's, charge a fortune for food, KO times are hard if you use public transport, I have to leave early to get a train home sometimes, and the worst part? No away fans!!!
Which leads me to the URC, i hate the tournament, fans cant travel, I've met 3 South Africans in 2 seasons FFS. The reason rugby is fun is sitting with opposing fans enjoying the game.
But back to the URC, Dublin based, Irish focused league that would sell its soul for a few more shekels. I'm waiting to see games played in Saudi, or the USA.l, before admitting clubs from those countries.
Eauropean rugby is dead to me. The new tournaments lack the entertainment and magic of the Heinekn cup, since the English and French clubs power grab, then adding clubs from the other side of the planet I just have no interest.
6N are priming to entertain SA in, everyone says they're not, but we all know the money will be too good to refuse when the time comes, and that'll be the end of the 6N too. Currently the tournament is still great fun, I love Rome as a destination, as do I Edinburgh. Dublin is a bit meh, Twickenham is a horror show, and Paris I've had too many dangerous close calls to take my daughter with me.

The RWC has been good, I thought France as a host severely lacked the qualities that made the Japanese visit so great, but i still enjoyed the trip. Expanding to give more meaningless games is pointless, but i get why they are doing it. They want the big nations to show up, and grow the game.

Talk about growing the game, world rugby, as well as WRU in Wales seem to make every effort to take away what makes the game special, the red card lottery is a joke. I get that players need protection, but implementation of new laws needs proper study and trials. These red cards are designed to make games more of a lottery, and therefore offer more upsets and gives wider fans more interest.

I mean the WRU are killing the community game with the new tackle height laws, participation is dropping hard, and will all but vanish, especially at junior level.

My local clubs are drying up, used to have 4 teams, now struggle to get a 2 nds together regularly. Despite all their energy and a lot of finance going into a womans team they just folded, 2 pregnancies, 2 leaving for uni, 1 retired and despite a big push for players little interest from the local community.

Sorry for the rant, but here comes the caveat...

The Lions tour for me is still the essence of rugby, and despite the financial issues the few areas left for actual fans. Not only a tour, but a tour with away fans, and travelling opposing fans. I've been to Aus and NZ on tour and hey were incredible. As was the Japanese RWC, and France I enjoyed too.

Unfortunately I cant play any more, my body is in bits, but i miss it. My local clubs culture has changed recently, it's become sanitised, and at least 6 people have been banned from pitch side for shouting. Not abuse, not profanity or aggression, just shouting. I do get to stand in the mud, in my wellys, over coat, wet, freezing hugging my cuppa, watching 30 kids give it some. I love the smell of deep heat in the morning lol.

I also enjoy the grumble, in our section of the Arms park there are 4/5 groups of long term season ticket holders, and our regular greeting is 'here we go again' and we always end with 'I'm not coming back next week'.

Again, apologies for the whinging, I just dont understand the decisions made by the big wigs that absolutely hurt the game, probably magnified by living under dumb WRU rule.

I was incredibly fatigued after the RWC, and TBH I dont really have the enthusiasm I usually do for the 6N, but it is starting to grow a bit since I returned to this forum.

I also thoroughly enjoy this forum.

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