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The rugby patch season 2016-2017

please put my updates onto your first post, my ANZ stadium(Australia Stadium) looks really good
http://www.mediafire.com/file/d5di2852j67gw4h/EA_SPORTS(TM)_Rugby_08.7z I still need to assign each team's stadium, but the world league should work just extract the files to the main folder, http://www.mediafire.com/file/plcr1xhxw1lo6tq/TRF.ros.7z Roster still needs 2 top 14 teams(brive and some other team) also don't have that team from russia in it. I forgot to upload the rdf file(roster for world league and challenge mode) but you can just set which ever roster you have as default with woosah(old editor without face preview)

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The be2 file has to be adjusted a lil to make it fully compatible with the patch, still need to reassign some faces on the roster too
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After using Ama1's roster i've noticed that Racing Metro has the jnr all blacks kit instead of Racing's
Yes, I switched Racing Metro - because they were causing the game to crash. I tried several work arounds, but came to the conclusion that the team id I replaced
them with had no files associated with them and that the ones in the hidden filenames index relate to Rugby 06.
I was hoping that the Jr All Blacks kits could be replaced with Racing 92's, by swapping the relevant files.
I already found the files and modified them according to the list of ama1 I uploaded them in the main page of the patch 2017
http://www.mediafire.com/file/d5di2852j67gw4h/EA_SPORTS(TM)_Rugby_08.7z I still need to assign each team's stadium, but the world league should work just extract the files to the main folder, http://www.mediafire.com/file/plcr1xhxw1lo6tq/TRF.ros.7z Roster still needs 2 top 14 teams(brive and some other team) also don't have that team from russia in it. I forgot to upload the rdf file(roster for world league and challenge mode) but you can just set which ever roster you have as default with woosah(old editor without face preview)


I have expierenced issues with world league, I've narrowed it down to the rosters causing the issue (I know this is a frequent issue) but when I used your files it loaded fine. The only issue was that world leauge roster was extremely out dated. Did you have a link or could you upload woosah's old editor and tell me how to use a 2017 roster with world league? my editor wont allow me to do it (set default) which is what im assuming I need to be able to do?

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Hey you must be using the newer version of wooasah editor, i'll upload the rdf file tonight which updates the squads

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Like i said i havent touch the world cup files yet, i will once the pools are drawn, what do u mean by old
The roster is outdated in the world league cos halfpenny plays for Cardiff blues
Oh that, the rdf should be updated with the old woosah editor, I'll upload it tonight if you don't have that editor
@geostar is this rdf file of your roster or ama1
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Someone could pass me the file corresponding to the names of the files, I would like to modify the names of the tournaments for future updates

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This updates world league and challenge mode squads, copy to main rugby folder

Thanks heaps mate @geostar ],is it possible that you could up load woosah's old editor so that I can muck around with set rosters???

One more question, with this roster there are no star players (they only have the ^symbol and no special abilitys) would you know how I could find the original players that are now un-active and add them to a roster??? (ill obviously change them to current players, and swap faces etc) its just I miss having the special long boot players or tackle breakers in the game haha. thanks for your help.

Also is there anyway to add face packs to the current roster from previous mods/patches??? for example TRF has really accurate faces for some players and this roster is more updated but isnt any custom faces.
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Star players are in the game, picamoles has carter's ability for example, farrell is the only player who has a big boot in the backline...I'll see if I still have the install package of the old editor. I'll also add a list of players who has the original star ability so you can change them to your liking
There is some issues with the loftus stadium, this seems to be only when playing in the day, I fixed this by moving all patch files to a separate folder and installing the trf10 patch, then moving the 2017 patch files back and replaced files already there..basically I installed the new patch over the trf10 patch

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