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The psychology of choking


Cymro The White
TRF Legend
Mar 1, 2006
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The Champions League semi-finals are still a few days away, but the prospect of the dreaded penalty shoot-out is already looming.

Chelsea captain John Terry has admitted that it took months to come to terms with the spot-kick he missed in the Champions League final in 2008, when he slipped before making contact with the ball.

Wow I wonder how the NZ rugby team feels after every world cup :p :p

Seriously though, i honestly thought this was a different type of chocking. Don't know why there would be an article of the psychology of grabbing someones neck and squeezing lol. Interesting stuff :D :D
Wow I wonder how the NZ rugby team feels after every world cup :p :p

I must say, you've hit on something here. I wonder if this could be the foundation for a whole series of jokes at New Zealands expense? I think when people look back on the origin of where jokes about New Zealand choking came from, they'll refer to your very post. Well done, very clever.
Some teams are destined to choke forever....its ingrained in their makeup as a team ...regardless of them being the better team in a final or a semi final they will always cock it up .
oh c'mon i only joke because im jealous (everyone will think it as soon as they see the thread). I know Wales will never win a world cup cause we haven't got the abilities :D NZ on the other hand have always had that natural ability to play rugby and always are head and shoulder ahead of everyone. But for some reason "choke" at world cups (except for 1987 of course). That could/should change this year though. "Home advantage" + good form = NZ win on home territory :D
I'd rather see NZ win in style than see (insert boring forward orientated team here - Some would argue wales :p) win it :D

But applying this to something regarding me, The ospreys year and after year have choked. You could argue that the team just doesn't function or "gel", but with individuals the region has had collectively over the years, one could conclude that when it has mattered we have choked in the "bigger" games.

Anyways i am more than willing to take more abuse of any hurt NZ supporters :D :D (I love the banter)
hahahaha yer well If you can't receive it, then don't give it :D :D Need something to spice up my life :D Being in a music uni, i don't get any opportunity to display my views on important rugby related topics such as the one above :p (Cue TRF) :D
New Zealand choke all the time (2003 and 2007 really) because they are used to steamroll opposition and don't have any plan B when things don't go their way. They are very weak mentally.
New Zealand choke all the time (2003 and 2007 really) because they are used to steamroll opposition and don't have any plan B when things don't go their way. They are very weak mentally.

So, New Zealanders are mentally weak? Going there are we? Is that a fair assessment? I must watch what I say back as I don't want this thread to become any nastier than that comment already is.

By the way TVH11, at least you were obviously joking. :D

I saw this and honestly couldn't resist. Hope that people see the funny side :D

But i'd love to see if there was some sort of "serious" article on choking in sports (as in physical). We do see it in the game in rolling mauls etc... Would love to see someone try and explain it in more depth than "its gamesmanship" (even tho its a very very very illegal)

I saw this and honestly couldn't resist. Hope that people see the funny side :D

But i'd love to see if there was some sort of "serious" article on choking in sports (as in physical). We do see it in the game in rolling mauls etc... Would love to see someone try and explain it in more depth than "its gamesmanship" (even tho its a very very very illegal)

:lol: :lol: you see that's actually funny and not nasty. Good find mate. :D
To be fair, NZ are usually under the most pressure in world cups.

It should be interesting to watch. Theres no doubt the Ab's will be under incredible pressure and its in the tight games where that could show. Players take less risks and make more mistakes under pressure.
To be fair, NZ are usually under the most pressure in world cups.

It should be interesting to watch. Theres no doubt the Ab's will be under incredible pressure and its in the tight games where that could show. Players take less risks and make more mistakes under pressure.

Agreed, that's why I think we're in as much danger of it as ever. I personally think that if we encounter the French there's no way we'll take them lightly. In fact they are the team New Zealand least wants to lose to in the next cup. Not to say we won't, but they certainly are a side that's had their share.
So, New Zealanders are mentally weak? Going there are we? Is that a fair assessment? I must watch what I say back as I don't want this thread to become any nastier than that comment already is.

By the way TVH11, at least you were obviously joking. :D

If I was like that I'd say that the fact you take it personal proves my point. There's nothing remotely nasty in my post, yet you take offense at it. You guys need a thicker skin, really. People are always gonna try to get under your skin when you're the mega favourite.

And yes I think that's a fair assesment.

You guys arguably play the best rugby and have the best team in the world.Yet you only won once. This is because world cups are not won on skills. They are won on passion, heart and plain balls. Ask an Argie or an English, they'll explain you what I mean.

Feel free to disagree, but I think the 2007 game proves my point entirely.
If I was like that I'd say that the fact you take it personal proves my point. There's nothing remotely nasty in my post, yet you take offense at it. You guys need a thicker skin, really. People are always gonna try to get under your skin when you're the mega favourite.

And yes I think that's a fair assesment.

You guys arguably play the best rugby and have the best team in the world.Yet you only won once. This is because world cups are not won on skills. They are won on passion, heart and plain balls. Ask an Argie or an English, they'll explain you what I mean.

Feel free to disagree, but I think the 2007 game proves my point entirely.

So, we're mentally weak, and now we have have no passion, heart or plain balls. :lol: Got it, thanks for that.
Didn't say I took your comment personally anywhere that I remember. So if you think I need a thicker skin or some other comment that makes you happy then enjoy that. :D

I'm not buying your argument, but as you say you've "proved your point entirely", so I'm sure you can rest easy, safe in that superior comforting blanket of knowledge that you've done that. :lol:

Oh yeah, while I'm about, was just wondering why it is you say that I should ask an Argie about what it takes to "win" a World Cup? They do that one time we all missed? :lol: