Originally posted by esoj@Feb 1 2006, 11:42 PM
legal and copyright have nothing to with swordfish being able to use the same players they do in the other comps into the career mode. this does not appear to have happened at all and there are just random player throughout the career mode. and even the licensed players you can't get ie jason robinson
edit: well seems like the nh teams have real players but you defintely cannot buy any which is still crap/lazy on swordfish's part.
That's harsh considering you have no knowledge or understanding of the terms attached to the license agreements negotiated with the various RFU's and leagues.
Including the real players in the career mode would have been a trivial task but we were not able to. They can only play for their licensed teams.
If you do not like our game then I guess that's okay - we certainly did not expect everyone to, although as far as I can tell you have not actually played it yet - but I know my development team read this board and they are certainly not lazy! I cannot leave that accusation undefended.
Did I wrong you in a previous life, because you seem to have taken great exception to the fact that we made this game?!