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i play wing and im relatively lanky (6 foot 2 160 lbs) so i generally dive at the ankles but if the angles right i will try and put my shoulder into them

our coach always pushes the spiral pass for optimal range and accuracy so ive been conditioned to pass like that more often than not. however since i am from the states ive thrown a few american football passes in sticky situations
Bokmagic, I'm confused about an earlier post where you said wingers don't need a good spiral pass. I would beg to differ, when you get the ball deep in your own zone with only your fullback and another winger to counterattack, your effectiveness in counter attacking depends largely on how accurate your pass is to stretch the field. The opportunities to use it might come less frequently, but the skill is just as important.
How do you?




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I play back row now mainly number 8

if im tackling in the line i will go low and hard trying to wrap the ball up and the player making sure he cant offload.

If im last in defense i will push him to the sideline and make sure i get him into touch...

Kicking well as a number 8 i rarly do that ingame any way it's more head down or sidestep lol

pass i belive in spinning most passes but will give the odd flop pass just to make sure the person can hang onto the ball...

my views i would say that the above would be different for most players and positons...
Bokmagic, I'm confused about an earlier post where you said wingers don't need a good spiral pass. I would beg to differ, when you get the ball deep in your own zone with only your fullback and another winger to counterattack, your effectiveness in counter attacking depends largely on how accurate your pass is to stretch the field. The opportunities to use it might come less frequently, but the skill is just as important.

True. I stand corrected there. Never played on the wing, always at 12, and temporarily forgot all about falling back in support of the fullback. Thanks for pointing that out mate.
Advice: Don't ignore your bad side at passing..... I did and now i'm rebuilding it again- practise makes perfect

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Bokmagic, I'm confused about an earlier post where you said wingers don't need a good spiral pass. I would beg to differ, when you get the ball deep in your own zone with only your fullback and another winger to counterattack, your effectiveness in counter attacking depends largely on how accurate your pass is to stretch the field. The opportunities to use it might come less frequently, but the skill is just as important.

True. I stand corrected there. Never played on the wing, always at 12, and temporarily forgot all about falling back in support of the fullback. Thanks for pointing that out mate.

Or put it in a different scenario. What if the fullback or the other winger was not available? the only way for that winger to escape that pressure coming from the opposition is to do nothing but kick it has far as possible. That's one necessary technique (kicking) for wingers which I see poorly from them.
i play just about anywhere in the forwards but mainly at prop,

tackling: step up in the line, with my weight shifted forward, aim low and hit them as hard as posible with the shoulder lifting a leg and driving forward, with the aim to put them on the ground so fast they cant offload, then back on feet as quickly as possible.

pass: as a prop i find a spiral pass in my armoury can come in very useful.

kick: all i can do is punt a reasonable distance just by dropping at a 45 degree angle and not trying to hard for maximum distance
i play wing and im relatively lanky (6 foot 2 160 lbs) so i generally dive at the ankles but if the angles right i will try and put my shoulder into them

our coach always pushes the spiral pass for optimal range and accuracy so ive been conditioned to pass like that more often than not. however since i am from the states ive thrown a few american football passes in sticky situations

:D haha, i'd love to see that, american football cross field pass, genius!!!! ha!
For a tackle in which you just want to bring the opponent down i personally try to line them up as soon as i can and either hit the waist in which case ill start pumping the legs and try and lift one of their legs, or if they try to step try to get a leg and wrap the arms around, work on any size and believe me being only 5'9ish it works on all sizes.

if you've got a couple of team mates near enough incase this misses or the situation calls for it, if the opponent carrys the ball at chest height try and hit hard with the shoulder into the chest or somewhere in the upper body obviously keeping it legal and drive, if possible aim for the ball.

for side on tackles just focus on their legs and try and slide around them after the hit to get onto your feet and try and rip the ball.

Kick: for a box kick just pick it up take a step back if you have a good guard at the ruck and if going for height and are right footed aim for the right of the bottom of the ball and just put as much as you need into it, works well for me, for lengths just hit further up.

for a simple end over end just have a hand about half way up and strike the ball at the bottom.

normal pass i just pull back and release the ball in the direction i want it to go in.

a spin pass, hand at the top and hand at the bottom of the ball, turn the ball on its side and pull back swing arms in direction of target pull with bottom hand, push with top hand and should work fine,

probaly better advice already given but thought i might as well help :p
I play most my rugby at 12.

Tackling totally depends on the situation. If i can arrive at my opposite number at the same time as he receives the ball i'm going for the big hit. If he takes a short ball from the 10 i try and wrap up the ball carrier on my feet and not let the ball out. If the player tries to go on the outside i try and hit low and hang on.

I don't often kick. If the ball comes to me deep in my own 22 i try and take it up strong and recycle it, hopefully by this time the 10 is in position to kick. If there is no other option i just drop the ball on my foot and try and kick it as far as possible off the pitch.

Passing again depends on the situation. Most of the time i try and use quick, soft hands to shift the ball. only really use the spin pass if i'm throwing a miss move or going wide with quick ball.
i'm 16 and i've played in all the positions bar scrum half , but i always seem to drift back 2 openside


i really believe the times u go wrong is when a) you stop moving B) attempt to prejudge their movment or c)try to attempt 2 big a hit for the situation and your physical capabilities, i mean i've got quite a few mates who have attemptd like brian lima hits or dump tackles in just the wrong situations and have ended up preety worse for wear lol


i believe spin passes r good for style, distance and if u hav the time and skill to deliver consistently, but nothing beats the speed and sheer simplicity of flat passes. more often than not knock ons results from spin passes being to fast or in the wrong times. i strongly believe that at lower level rugby, offloads and close passing should only be flat passing. but i was in the county team for a while and they taught us to develop supplness in the wrist so spin passes become as natural as flat passes, and sure it works with time and pratice, but u rarely go wrong with flat passes.


when i was about 13 i got a knack for just lofting really high aerial balls, i just watched stephan larkham in the world cup final and that style of kcik seemed so perfect and brilliant that i kinda got addicted lol! but really in game situations i stick with my repetiore of stuff like grubber kicks, torpedoes or skimmers (low flying torpedoes), in sevens also for a laugh we've got this move where i kinda do a bannana kick over for our winger, more often than not its just embarrasing lol! :D

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