Originally posted by Los Lover@Oct 26 2005, 03:33 PM
well I dunno about the rest of you, but I am not getting sucked into buying it to "test it out" etc cos "it's out soon go out and get it" etc..."i am the pied piper" etc.....it may well be digsballz shithouse rubbish.....I'll see a gameplay video or hire it out b4 I touch this potential turd with a 5 mile long barge pole.
fact - it may be simply a graphical update of one of the flattest, most lamest sports sims in years (WCR).....apart from more options, what guarantee is there that really anything has changed at all?
there is definitely NO jumping and the stupid unrealistic and lamo speed bar/circle/whatever is definitely still there - cos you know how when Howlett makes a break in the world cup final with his life and career on the line..he will probably want to have a breather and slow right up after 20 metres....NOT. What other rude awakenings does the game have in store that we don't know about?
It is a November 11 release here (2 weeks) here and it is 80 dollars nz!!!! Like a 2K game or something......smells fishy to me - but then it always did...and I wasn't wearing the rose-tinited specs like the rest of you lap dogs.
Oh well...rugby league is out though...you all showed me....
Oh no hang on......it is 'slated' for a november release and you all suck....that's right, sorry, forgot briefly the willingness of everyone to embrace the ignorance of facts in relation to this game and rugby league 2 that are undeniable. Or maybe the thought of me being right again egged you all on - either way, again, I was and you weren't. There is an easier option - trust what I say.