I agree that the current quota system is shallow and bluntly discriminatory.
Thrusting "colourful" players through the ranks with the "fake it till you make it" mentality is never gonna work. Ever, for anything.
Not only that but the way the ANC is implementing it is not holistic and there is an obvious agenda being served.
Where is the other races representation? Why are Indians and other Asians not part of this demographic representation pursuit? Weren't gays also repressed? Should we add them as well? Amputees have also been given the short stick in life (no pun intended). Should we represent all of these previously disadvantaged groups?
No of course not, once you look at the the reality of the situation makes it quite easy. It's a bit silly pushing this type of system when you pick and choose to suit one race group. According to the ANC the Beast doesn't apply to be qualified to be a quota player, because he's from Zim. Xenophobia much? Also do most Indians have any interest in rugby? I come from KZN and I only played against 1 Indian EVER, and that team was from Stanger mind you.
Nope, the most sporty things Indians are interested in is deciding whether to support Man Utd or Liverpool, and choosing which one of their 7 Ferrari jackets they gonna wear with their gelled up hair to the Suncoast Casino.

(Tongue in cheek, Durbanites will get it)
The ANC is a racist, sexiest, xenophobic government that is hellbent on repeating the same fundamental mistakes the Apartheid government made. Legislating racial policies.
Everybody and their dog knows that grassroots is where the effort should be. There is a huge imbalance in SA, society and sport wise. Everybody knows that. And if someone had a solution to the problem they would be given the Nobel Peace Prize and the reward would be retired forever.
Fingering whites for the inequality problems we face today is as useful as fingering blacks for not having the wheel pre-colonialism.
It's unconstructive and irrelevant for present day South Africa.
Lets use our resources and efforts to target the root of the problem. Not at discrimination. You're never gone get anywhere bring one race down to bring another up. The government and national organisations seem to be getting this lately if the media is too be believed.