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Should Welsh pro teams join the English Premiership

I think most Welsh people would say yes. Fixtures with Bristol, Bath and Gloucester are comparable to local derbies, and even the London sides are easy for fans to travel between. As a result there would be good away support at a lot of games.

A few years ago I would have said that the English clubs wouldn't want us, but with the financial issues engulfing some English clubs, if ever there was a time, now might be it.

I even think Wales would consider a 3+1 or 2+2 approach here, with the regions split between the Prem/Championship as that would solve some of the immediate financial issues facing the WRU/regions.

I don't have any issues with the quality of the URC, if anything the Welsh regions are the ones holding it back, but Welsh supporters obviously just don't have much appetite for it. Away travelling support is also non existant.
Considering how many English clubs are run by successful businessmen if it made any financial sense to bring the Welsh sides in it would've been seriously touted by now

The only way if should happen is if they join the bottom tier and work their way up, they shouldn't be gifted top flight spots because they failed elsewhere
What about promotion and relegation? Currently the Premiership is effectively a closed shop due in a large part to ground capacity. If the premiership allows Welsh teams in would they be able to come in without meeting the standards required of English clubs in the championship.
What about promotion and relegation? Currently the Premiership is effectively a closed shop due in a large part to ground capacity. If the premiership allows Welsh teams in would they be able to come in without meeting the standards required of English clubs in the championship.
All the pro Welsh teams have big enough grounds, which putatively they'd be able to fill more easily in the Premiership than in the URC.
All the pro Welsh teams have big enough grounds, which putatively they'd be able to fill more easily in the Premiership than in the URC.
They would need to be otherwise there would be legal action from the championship clubs. Personally if the Welsh clubs want to join they need to earn it like championship clubs do but I am somewhat biased towards championship rugby
I just don't think we need any more cross border competitions. Dilutes the value.
I can understand this argument against a British and Irish league, because then Europe would only add France and Italy (ignoring the SA sized elephant in the room), which would then be devalued.

I don't necessarily see an Anglo-Welsh league devaluing Europe in the same way, as 3 leagues would still be coming together.
As with most things sport these days. Value of the competition means very little. Sponsors, tv revenue and money talks.

Look at the rumblings of a euro super league in football still going on.

In business it seems values have a funny way of changing when the cheque book comes out.

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