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Run keeper app.


Waikato Junglist
Jun 2, 2008
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Hi team,

Since last year I started keep tracking of all the sports I'm regularly doing to stay fit. Till spring this year I used an Excel sheet but now I'm using Run keeper. It's an app for mp 3 players and smart phones that allows you to calculate speed, distance, keep stats etc...

The normal version is available for free. But after having a decent look at it it's also quiet limited :D, and here is the tricky bit.
They offer lots of features when you buy an upgrade and become an elite customer. The price for one year is very cheap, but as I'm only running, biking and swimming to stay in shape I'm not sure if this upgrade would benefit me.

I contacted the company and they replied to me with there hardcore sales talk. Anyway, I was wondering if somebody else is using this app and if she/ he would recommend the upgrade.

Many thanks.
Funny you should mention this - I downloaded the free version last night and am about to use it for the first time :D

It was reccomended to me by a friend who really reccomends the upgrade, for the extra analysis/graphs/charts etc. you get with it
The guy who reccomended it does triathlons so likes all the analysis type stuff - suppose its up to whether you think you'll use it a lot
I think I'd upgrade apart from I'm getting a Garmin 310XT in a month or two and that's got loads of analysis software with it, so I wouldn't use it after then
Cheers mate, In the beginning I was a bit sloppy when it came to entering the data but the last two months I'm using the app on a daily use. ( I don't have an iPhone or other smartphone so just using my watch and putting the data in afterwards).
You could also buy a monthly membership but the long term membership get's the incentive.

Could you ask your friend if he would recommend the upgrade for someone who just uses this app to stay in shape and only runs, bikes and swims?

He said:
"I'd recommend getting elite for the year, ALOT more features. The free profile you can only see graphs for your distance, weight or body fat but it's still pretty helpful and easy to use either way - it depends whether you can justify the money or not"

Suppose it's up to you how much detail you want from the output!
True and it's only 20$ not the biggest amount of money spread over one year.
Will ask my colleague who recommend me this app, he's doing the same things as I do, would like to see which stats he uses.
Thanks for the input Olyy.

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