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Well i don't have alot of questions nor are they long, but i play rugby. I teach it to middle schoolers as well. My athletes are always asking whats good to eat or drink before a game to get them going? Not being energy drinks seeing as they make them crash and burn and i dont allow it.

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I actually feel that Rugby is a great way for youngsters to stay out of trouble too. Many parents are enrolling their sons and daughters in our middle school program in order for the children to stay off of drugs or other peer pressures. Energy drinks are very bad for them to have before a game I suggest you replace energy drinks with good ol' water.

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Food mainly carbohydrate, fat and protein. Each of them has their own specific functions in the body. Carbohydrates can be found in particular rice, bread and potatoes. The main function of carbohydrates is to bring the body movement of energy. Fat can be found in butter, cheese, chocolate and nuts, and they are as a reserve of energy and establish the necessary cells and hormones.
Eat well, thats mainly the key.Ive used Protein shakes to get me big but every supplement must be balanced out by propper meals.IT even says, it should do anyway, that supplements should never be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.Im sure all of us rugby players eat enough :D
Btw.this CCCP stuff, whats the story behind the name hope it doesnt turn people back into communists :/
What "normal" food are best when doing sports? Im not takling about supplements and shakes. Just normal, everyday dish that you can make in your kitchen. I got this recipe for beef stew (shortened) and it looks very nice, and tastes good (made it already). But if there is something better or more "efficient", I'd be happy to try it. I don't want to get fat, you know ;) So I guess i should invest more in proteins, not in carbs?