wowwwww, haven't seen such bad defense (SF) in a long time from a pro club...incredible stuff. Almost inviting, like, "hey you, come on in here there's a bit of space...go on, go on, I'll give you a 3sec heads up before I start chasing ! Promise !..." you've got to be kidding me...
And those passes from SF !! The wide Plisson one that led to the interception, but the greatest was Bonneval throwing it to Arias in their own 22 flying into touch, that was priceless. They seriously looked like an Espoir team there.
Both teams are fairly bad today, but SF just look either of: tired, or disinterested. I'm being objective, not making excuses. This is a side that was 2nd in the Top 14 just some months ago, and they've basically full strength this afternoon.
Bizarre very French.
One positive: Danty is showing some skills beyond his only mass, and is reaaaally looking good for the near future, goddamn...I'd like to say a more accurate and broader-skilled Bastareaud (who knows what a pass is).