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Rugby 2012

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU HB!!!!!!!!!!. I am one of those people who been waiting for a rugby game to come out on the xbox 360 for the past 3 years, this has made me so happy and i cant wait for the game to come out.

St Helens RLFC, do you have any clues for us to when there will be any announcements made about the game? I cant wait for screenshots, I know they wont be out for ages but...... i still cant wait.

Here are just a few things that i think will be needed to make a great game.
  • manger mode is a must, like in fifa.As close to fifa as possible in manager mode please.
  • License


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Howzit Rugga Ffans ,

Firstly, Thank you HB studios for taking on a new rugby 2012 which I believe will be the new frontier for rugby ***les from here-on out.

My main change should be the competiveness at the breakdown (This is when a ball carrier gets tackle or falls with the ball) for both parties (attack and defense)
• Simplify breakdowns with a numbers game. The more player’s you have at the immediate breakdown (within a vicinity of 5metres around the ball or ball carrier) the more your chances should be to win that ball, attacking or defending. Currently in 08, if 1 Kiwi player runs away from support into 8 Japan players you still stand a good chance of retaining that ball.
• Make sure to take note on the positioning of a ball carrier when & where he goes down, this should be a real decider for retaining or losing the ball.
• Ensure that game plans allows gamers to add more “fetchers†to a planed move to ensure the retention of the ball. (Fetcher is someone that supports a ball carrier to ensure clean and fast ball)

Then there is some basic’s changes that needs some attention
• More accurate info on players (i.e: Positions & Abilities)
• More variety on kicks, where the Gamer can choose the strength of all kicks. (currently 08 chip kicks does not give the desired affect- too long) The following kicking options needs attention. Chips, Grubbers (Grubber’s must also be effect kicking option for positioning) and Cross-kicks.

Cheers Boys.
Handsome Hog
1. An built in roster editor
2. Game statistics (like madden - want to be able to track Tackles, Turnovers, Tackle Busts etc for each player)
3. More varied lineout options
4. Backline move editor (like the playmaker editor in the EA Maddens).
St Helens RLFC, do you have any clues for us to when there will be any announcements made about the game? I cant wait for screenshots, I know they wont be out for ages but...... i still cant wait.

All I can tell you is that I am working with HB about some more information being revealed. I will post any information I have when I get it.
Ok, thats fair!

Im looking forward to it.

I think it would be cool if TMO was brought into the game, when you score in the very corner it should happen.
Handsome Hog gave some great advice there, players should be turned over if they go into contact by themselves and we should be able to see the players take the ball unlike in the previous games were the ball just rolled over by itself to the other side of the ruck! Defence is a big part of the new game, the defense has to come up off the gain line,they just stand there while the player you are controlling shoots up by himself and does a superman dive. Superman takles have to be taken out of the game, they are very unrealistic!

Thanks again!
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Would be so easy and very useful if we can update the roster online like in FIFA 10.

HD graphics is a must!All the other basics have already been covered.
The following is just my own personal speculation, but anyhow.

One of the things that we need to remember is that Fifa and Madden have huge, no HUGE markets. Huge markets bring much larger budgets. The rugby market is going to have to re-establish itself well with this ***le in order for there to be a future for rugby games.

Things like TMO, whilst making sense in context to the real world, would also cost money to implement. I'm not sure if I'd want to trade off a solid on-field game in both single and multi-player for things like that.

My guess is that HB will probably be in many ways starting from scratch with this game, but the more things they have to overhaul and re-work like the diving "Superman" tackles, the more potential there is to lose things that worked well in relation to the gradual improvement from Rugby '04, '05, '06 (not sure if '08 was a big improvement personally).

One aspect of the game that has been mentioned time and again over the years for needing re-working is the "breakdown" or "ruck" ball winning mechanism. This is going to be the most important thing in many players eyes as it is the very heart of the gameplay.

I'd be interested in seeing what posters think would really work well in regards to winning (or losing) ball at this point of the game. A starting point, I'd thought of was having the field slightly highlighted directly behind the ruck to show the "gate" or "channel" that players can enter the ruck legally. The familiar (A) or (X) to add players to the ruck, with the left stick guiding players through the gate with a penalty if a player engages that ruck without doing so. During this time and until the referee calls "RUCK", you could work for the ball with the (X) or (Square) buttons. Persisting longer and with more players enables you to have a higher chance of winning the ball, but also of giving away a penalty after the "RUCK" call. Removing players would be the (B) or (Circle) buttons.

Just some speculation. Any thoughts?
Just do it however it was done in Jonah Lomu Rugby, I heard no complaints about the way it worked in that game.
One other thing...this is small but I'd imagine it'd be easy to fix. nothing is more frustrating then scoring a great try by running down the field etc, and then when you dive for the line, you get tackled by a poor animation just before end and you go over the line in a physics defying tackle. I think if there was an animation that was consistant with how a player dives for the line, it would go down well. And I like my Superman Tackles!
My wish List:

Match rating system (Like in FIFA, although based on your positions requirments).
Improved animations (Side steps, Hand offs and bump offs).
Improved kicking (Chip kicks, grubbers).
Man of the Match (NBA style where it shows the players game stats as well).
Access player match statistics in the pause menu during a game (Madden/NBA style).
Hit stick for tackling with the right analogue (Rate of success and type of tackle based on players tackling and defensive stats)
Improved Rucking and mauling.
Ability to be held up in goal.
Custom tournaments & more leagues.

I would also love to see more depth with the individual statistics like takles, missed takles, try assists, ball touches, kicks in play, tight head scrums won, line out wins, turnovers, line breaks ect...

It's great to see there finally reaching out to the rugby gaming community, this is a big step in the right direction for this series!
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Personally I feel the most important things are:

  1. Online play
  2. Fixing the breakdown
  3. Better offensive and defensive AI
  4. Easier to modify rosters
  5. Officially licensed teams
  6. Improved graphics
There are other things they could improve of course, but I think if they get those six sorted then that's a pretty good start at least.

Other little irritating things... make drop kicks easier, get rid of the delay between pressing the pass button and passing the ball, fix the advantage scenario where kicking the ball out ends the advantage, also stop ending the advantage the second someone high tackles you, stop having the opponent tackle you when you're over the tryline, make it more difficult to steal opposition lineouts, improve the set play feature, get rid of star players with superhuman stats.... the list goes on.

But I think these are all things that HB could realistically achieve, even with a small budget.
Yeah those points 1,2 and 3 are all very important for improving the gameplay. Points 4,5 and 6 should be a given.
I like the concept for the breakdown Craig. Makes sense to allow cheating, by not entering through the gate or by continuing to play at the ball after the ref calls ruck. That'd make the game feel very real from the breakdown perspective for players. You could also have the gate only highlighted on medium difficulty. On easy the gate wouldn't be reffed so players wouldn't need as much skill to enter through the gate etc. On Hard the game assist highlighting of the gate would dissappear meaning players would have to know the boundaries better.

So yeah. Great idea for ruck IMO.

In terms of other gameplay I agree 100% about chip kick needing improvement. And go back to the old drop kick system too.
Maybe are more detailed maul system with a button option to break off from the main maul.

I don't expect lineouts to be too much more that 08. Just allow the option of choosing the numbers and then 3 or 4 jumping options (for a full lineout). Then allow the choice of off the top or to form a maul etc once the receiver catches the ball. Maybe have the hookers throwing power determined by the pull back and push forward of the thumb stick. The distance pulled back determines throw power. The straightness of the pull/push determines throw straightness. So like Tiger Woods golf on EA and the way that works for swings.

That's probably enough from me for now. So easy to get excited and carried away with such exciting news for rugby gamers!!
Yeah those points 1,2 and 3 are all very important for improving the gameplay. Points 4,5 and 6 should be a given.
I like the concept for the breakdown Craig. Makes sense to allow cheating, by not entering through the gate or by continuing to play at the ball after the ref calls ruck. That'd make the game feel very real from the breakdown perspective for players. You could also have the gate only highlighted on medium difficulty. On easy the gate wouldn't be reffed so players wouldn't need as much skill to enter through the gate etc. On Hard the game assist highlighting of the gate would dissappear meaning players would have to know the boundaries better.

So yeah. Great idea for ruck IMO.

In terms of other gameplay I agree 100% about chip kick needing improvement. And go back to the old drop kick system too.
Maybe are more detailed maul system with a button option to break off from the main maul.

I don't expect lineouts to be too much more that 08. Just allow the option of choosing the numbers and then 3 or 4 jumping options (for a full lineout). Then allow the choice of off the top or to form a maul etc once the receiver catches the ball. Maybe have the hookers throwing power determined by the pull back and push forward of the thumb stick. The distance pulled back determines throw power. The straightness of the pull/push determines throw straightness. So like Tiger Woods golf on EA and the way that works for swings.

That's probably enough from me for now. So easy to get excited and carried away with such exciting news for rugby gamers!!

I've never had someone add to one of my ideas so perfectly. Yeah, totally agree with those variances for different difficulties. I just can't see them going to Jonah Lomu rucks. They were a lot of fun and would make a fun arcade option, but it just wouldn't tie in with being much of a current simulation of rules.

Totally agree with going back to '06 drop kicks.They were immeasurably more fun, realistic feeling and accurate. Lineouts in '08 style would do it for me too.

By the way, great idea with a button option to peel off a maul if you can get the ball to the back. That'd be very awesome.
So excited. Thinking about the kind of achievements that could be included too.
ok finally a rugby game waited so long.......so things are looking positive for us rugby fans...........i myself loved rugby08 and i`m still playing it
i just have one problem and that is y is it not coming out on PC when most of us that played the game played it on PC........we play the guys on the forum`s MODS
this game needs to be on PC to because its not everyone that can make that step towards going out and buying a XBOX360 or PS3 i dont wanna give out more money
on a console when i already have an expensive PC that can do just as good as the console even better....oh ye and the online play,uploading replays on the forum(big hits,great tries)etc.
my ideas is as follow:

1.needs to be on PC to
2.online play with countries hosting their own servers (to reduce lag issues)
3.a database similar or better than FIFA based games because rugby detail just as much soccer
3.a career mode that lets you control one player to grow him in his career something like that
4.7`s tournaments
5.unlockable clubs like maties etc. (most springboks come from maties)(lol i`m a south african sorry)
6.morale..(e.g the HAKA helps the All Blacks win)
7.LAN option would be nice in regard for online play
I'd like there to be a "bias referee mod" added so I can screw over the Hurricanes again and again with Johnothan Kaplan.
Regarding the breakdown idea, the ideas here are great, but I think it's important that it all happens relatively quickly. It would get a bit annoying if it took 30 seconds to get the ball every time.

I'd like there to be a "bias referee mod" added so I can screw over the Hurricanes again and again with Johnothan Kaplan.

Yeah that was pretty awful display, especially at the end. The mod should come complete with 'stop watching the game' and 'ask the TMO unanswerable questions' buttons.
I don't want the controls to get too complex, as I can't use the r-stick or the d-pad, so I would like to see alternate control options. NHL 09 did this well. I can understand why set plays are mapped to the d-pad, and I'm happy to go without them, but I'd like to be able to do lineouts without asking my carer for help. (Which makes competing for the opponents throw nigh on impossible.)
When will we know if this game will come out on PC too?Would be a real shame if Rugby 2012 is to be a console-only game!

Other things I would like to see are:
*Larger club squads (max 40).
*Scout for new young players during club tournaments.
*More stadiums.
*3rd kits for teams.
*The ability to start a maul anywhere
*More set-plays like in Rugby 2004

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