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Rugby 08 confirmation ?

same here. Can't bloody wait. Hope theres new offensive moves, although looks like there isn't!!!
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By the look at those pictures of the game, its the same graphics quality as in cricket 07.
As long as the gameplay shows some improvement the graphics can stay the same for all I care.

Definately. I would much prefer the graphics to have stayed exactly the same and just work on the gameplay. I hope thats what they have done in fact. In reality what more could they do with ps2 graphics, and I dont think the project justifies ploughing manpower into the PC graphics.

At this moment in time I am unconvinced about a ps3 and 360 version. We know there is no online for PS2 and PC, so I just couldnt see why ea would bother with next gen without it.
True, that was just what I was told by a 2IC at EB, should have some more concrete info when flatmate gets back from meeting in Oz in a few days...
EA is evil because it posts a profit. AK's perfect world no companies would be allowed to post profits - because profits are evil!

And AK, you ignore the fact that the same source which your basing your whole rant on has said that there is a 360 Version coming later/

i said no x360 version BY THE LOOK OF IT ........meaning at this point in time, i dont see any X360 logos on any pack shots, regardless what is said

i am going off the pack shots

profits are good Ripper........monopolisation is not........NFL liscense for example

And yes CA Ivo.........of course i love to exagerrate and sarcasm is a beautiful thing.......i will attack, score trys creatively with my offense.

I hope Dobrien is on the money with next gen...........but as Knows said if there is no online on pc version, its a big chance there is no online on any versions, in which M$ wont have a bar of for its X360.

I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best...........

I will accept and have fun with a direct port of 2006 onto next gen graphics and power.

Just dont dumb down the next gen version if there is one.

I just wish the breakdown/rucks/mauls got an overhaul, to a more human controlled, manual feel.

At the moment its who is isolated loses the ball........there should be alot more elements involved....i liked the 2001 system dig push dig push - or JLR's system - at the moment, its to semi auto.


:p - <---------yes i should have used one of these in the first place :bleh!: :bana: :cheers:
I just wish the breakdown/rucks/mauls got an overhaul, to a more human controlled, manual feel.

At the moment its who is isolated loses the ball........there should be alot more elements involved....i liked the 2001 system dig push dig push - or JLR's system - at the moment, its to semi auto.

Man, if they only fixed this that would make a huge diffence for me. I also hate the scrums so if they could make them like League scrums I'd be happy also. :p
and hope when you create a player they dont look like a damn retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think a rucking system where you had to hit a certain pattern of buttons quickly as soon as the ruck was beginning to form, would work.

Like the offload button that appears briefly, but it might be Y,A,B. Or X,A, L1. Something like that, if your quick enough with your hands, you win the ball.

Same in real rugby, if your quick to the breakdown and go quick for the ball, you may just turn it. Couldn't hurt if they made it a swich-off-able option.
yes that would work

even something like RC2006, where u had to time the rotating circle in the mauls to get ultimate go forward

anything that involves timing, or combo's of keys, and the user wins the ruck, not the AI.

however the ability of the user winning the ruck is effected by the rucking stats of the players involved.
i know this seems silly, but that looks like the most lacklustre cover design ever, like a shitty mock up (i know its not!), all the screenshots are from the same match! and im sure theres usually atleast a bit of variation in teams etc...none of those pictures appear to show any thing that flatters the graphics, or player likenesses etc, like they had on the others.....

well at least its good to see we actually have a licensed IRB World Cup.
will be cool if only in the world cup the kits had the rwc logo on them.
i know this seems silly, but that looks like the most lacklustre cover design ever, like a shitty mock up (i know its not!), all the screenshots are from the same match! and im sure theres usually atleast a bit of variation in teams etc...none of those pictures appear to show any thing that flatters the graphics, or player likenesses etc, like they had on the others.....


But what more can anyone really do with PS2 graphics now? Yeah they could improve the pc graphics significantly, but they arnt going to plough loads of resourses into amazing pc graphics which will probably sell way less copies than the ps2 anyway.

I dont have an issue at all with the graphics at this point, I would much rather they tweaked the worst things about 06 gameplay wise.

Who in all reality would pick up rugby 08 and go " Well yeah the gameplay is much better and they have tweaked all the things that didnt work, but I cant be arsed with it cos the graphics are the same " ?

If it ever comes out on next gen, then the graphics would be judged on next gen standard but until then I think they were fine as they were.
Yep, I'm just happy with official comps, teams, and updated rosters and skills...
dont think i can have made my point very clear from that, i know the same engine or whatever, and it was certainly good, that doesnt bother me. what i was saying is, on the back, all the screenshots are from the same match, and on the old ones they had pics which flattered the graphics like good player close ups or whatever. this one just seems lazy, with only 2 teams on the back etc..

(this is all about the cover, not gameplay or graphics!lol )
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I just wish the breakdown/rucks/mauls got an overhaul, to a more human controlled, manual feel.

At the moment its who is isolated loses the ball........there should be alot more elements involved....i liked the 2001 system dig push dig push - or JLR's system - at the moment, its to semi auto.

Man, if they only fixed this that would make a huge diffence for me. I also hate the scrums so if they could make them like League scrums I'd be happy also. :p

It would seem like intergrating a maul system to a set play would be fairly easy, for the most part teams of pro status normally have the maul as a set play. And again timing would be the key. I think the mauls and rucks system could be done with a system that involves timing and rating of rucks stats. Example would be like a bullseye graph, the closer you get to the bulls eyes the more push you have, the better the player ruck stat the larger the bullseye, and the more players you put in the ruck or maul the slower the graph goes so you can time the button press on the bullseyes, and then there should be a very small cheat graph , which if hit right on would for sure win the ruck or maul, but could also get penalized, this means two graphs set to two buttons you have the option to try to cheat or play fairly, but both systems would work simalar, with cheating also using particular player cheating ratings. I have been pushing for manual rucks since the first rugby game :) .
cheers and Salu
Oh come on guys! After '04, I could understand AK's and the subsequent posts. After '05, it still would've been a little understandable, but after '06?

I wouldn't blame them if they did put out a pile of crap after what I've just read.

What's it based on? An early pack shot. All EA pack shot feature lists are poorly written and never say whats actually good about the game. If they bothered to write improved gameplay, they'd have a job explaining it in the 10 words that theres room for!

Where is the praise for improvement from '05 that '06 ushered in? Where's the hope for '08? If EA's rugby team feel that they can never win, why should they try for you?

It's obvious with '06 that they did produce better under the newer development head. Lets hope for the same improvement between '05 & '06 and stop talking boycotts based on pack shots.

Also, it's not 2 years. Just over 18 months. Thats to be expected for a buying base like Rugby has.

Also, AK. You've never been so offended in all your life? It's a rugby video game early pack shot man!

I wish I had your life if thats the most offence you've taken.

After all, BLIC wasn't the world beating, great game that you had me waiting for.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but geez!, is anyone ever wrong around here?

Oh yeah, just EA........

Valid points CA but we're not discussing praise for 06 here, the fact is that if alll they'll give us in 08 is rugby 06 with added RWC labels and updted rosters, we might as well put the money some of us are going to pay to EA together and hire a team of programmers under the supervision of Woosah et al and update 06 independantly. Infact, if someone found a way to take 06 online I bet that will sell more copies than EA would sell copies of 08 if the latter doesn't have online play.

Sure we are clutching at straws as we have no concrete evidence as to the true quality of the new game but compare current football games with rugby 06 and you can see why people are demanding better than what has been presented with 06. The old chestnut of an excuse that rugby has a smaller market and therefore who can blame developers if they take maximum profits from an inferior product is a bit of a defeatists atitude. Build it and they will come - I'm no economist but surely a game of great quality will have a better chance of expanding that small market than a game of average quality.

I can tell you this, if 08 does not have online play I'm not buying. Not because I'm tight, but like you imply, 06 is good enough. The quality of EA Rugby series has improved exponentially since 1995, (apart from 2004 if I remember correctly), any improvements to 08 that borders on 'average' when compared to 06 would not be enough of an incentive for me to spend the money and I hope the same goes for any person who's not in the "coming over the carpet at the sight of a cover for 08" -crew.
um found some very intersesting info today, but not sure if its true, but still bloody exited. A friend of mine that works in game told me that the rugby 08 demo will be on the xbox marketplace in about 3 o'r so weekds. now i don't now if thats true o'r not but i don't think he's lie to me. If it is that means that we shall see the full game soon!!!! YE! :bana:
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