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Rugby 08 confirmation ?

"...I agree it's stupid, but they do have to have consent in case a players naming rights in relation to their rugby career are held by their home nation's rugby union.

You can say it's crap, but it's true.

It's like saying that it's crap that you have to ask your local council for consent to put an extension onto a building on your own land, unfortunately you have to in most parts of the world. With naming rights you also need consent.

Do I think Serge Blanco or Grant Fox would sue EA? No, I don't. Do I think that companies like EA have to protect themselves from publishing intellectual property and names for which they don't have consent?

No. I know it as a fact.

Any Classic All-Blacks side would need NZRFU approval, EA's current rights don't extend to historical teams or players. They would not grant permission unless all the players whose names are used consented to it.

I'm banging my head against a brick wall here as I know no-one seems to understand legalities unless it relates to current players..."
CA Iversen.

Okay I agree with some of your points and you should make absolutely no mistake I am well aware of the legislation that surrounds intellectual property and naming rights.

However you made a point about needing local council consent for building permits even when it is your own land. Now this is a common mistake made by many people. Technically speaking (in Commonwealth countries) you do not and never will "own" that land. It is not called real estate because the property (or property ***le) is real but rather it is royal. In other words it is "owned" by the Crown, or said representative of the crown. The word "real" actually stands for royal. Think of Real Madrid and know that they are called Real Madrid not because there is a "fake" Madrid somewhere else but rather because they are Royal Madrid. When you "buy" land all you are getting is control over that land for a 99 year lease. Obviously this is a very simplified version of property law but is just goes to show how easily people can get the wrong idea.

Now back to IP and naming-rights.

When rugby was an amateur game no-one really cared about protecting the "property" of the game but now that it is sold like a whore to whatever commercial interest pays the most everyone is extremely precious about their rights.

So essentially EA pays the IRB and other unions for exclusive computer game rights for the names of players, competitions, team names, blah, etc, etc. The money that the unions get may be used to pay players and the players have already agreed that their image rights (in this names, and likeness) may be used in a varied use of media when they signed their contracts.

Now the Unions state that they own all of the rights to all of their players going right back to the very first international player that took the field. However this has been untested and generally and from a legal standpoint it is a complete minefield. Because the international players were not paid the Unions could have a very hard case to prove that they had done enough to secure IP and image rights for these players.

Also it is important to note that every single player has to give their individual permission for all the "classic" rights to be used is a bit of a farce. What about dead players? Do you have to ask their family? In that case, to whom in their family has to be asked? Can it be anyone? Or does everyone in their family have to agree? A legal minefield.

This harks back to a Superbowl copyright issue. I cannot recall which Superbowl it was but essentially (and this is the very brief version) coverage of a certain game was never copyrighted and as such was in the public domain. This meant that anyone could broadcast this footage. The NFL tried to claim that it was the legal owner of the broadcast even though this was long after the fact that it had been broadcast by another company and a long time before they tried to "claim" it.

And on a side note - did you know that I am breaching leagislation by referring to is as the SuperBowl - I should instead be calling it "the game" or other generic description. I hope that I don't get sued.

Now all of this is probably besides the point and that is that simply EA does not want to do anything that is likely to draw legal action.

And they are especially careful about not putting players into the game that have similar sounding names like Lamo, Colon, etc.

To be honest though EA have (most of) the licences and they just need to negotiate harder to be able to use classic players. And if they lack this ability or the unions prove to be unwilling they should just drop the classic matches and have instead a scenario creator that allows us to do it for them.
Must say I've just dipped into this thread and seen loads of people saying they won't buy it unless this or that is done. One thing to guarantee no further versions would be if everyone boycotted this game - no profits, so why would EA bother with it again.

Alternatively if everyone does buy the game EA might start to think there is life in this product after all.

I know this is sort of wrong (if a games rubbish you shouldn't really buy it and this would work with football where the market is huge) but not buying it because it's not exactly what you want is kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face in this case where EA must be questioning whether to make more or not!!
Good point Welshy.

We may be at the mercy of a big company, who may sometimes produce rubbish product.

What we forget though, is that they are still the hand that feeds for now. I know I'd like a better dish myself, but I think we have to take what we can get until things change.
Hey, theres always RL2 you defended to the death right?

And there will be some kind of gameplay updates - "Creative Scoring" do any of you know what exactly it is?

What, You Don't? Than why bag a feature you know sweet f*** all about?

Take the "Shot Stick" on the 2K Series - Sounds like a minor thing, but it completely changed the way I personally played Basketball Games.

excuse me for having a different view to you your's highness.

nobody knows much about this game for sure but this is EA here and we have a good idea of what to expect epsecially with their recent next gen offerings. EA always market their stuff in some creative way to boost their sales of crap games. 08 is simply a money grabbing attempt imo and until I see otherwsie then that is what I think it will be. take your hand out of ea's ass for a second and take a look at reality and especially at what ea have offered for the next gen so far. stop defending a company that dishes up crap constantly ripper and look at the reality of what they make.

Just to say that in France, the game should be available in September on all supports, inc Xbox 360 according to Micromania ( a game shop.)

Seems pretty logical with the Rugby World Cup here...

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Hey, theres always RL2 you defended to the death right?

And there will be some kind of gameplay updates - "Creative Scoring" do any of you know what exactly it is?

What, You Don't? Than why bag a feature you know sweet f*** all about?

Take the "Shot Stick" on the 2K Series - Sounds like a minor thing, but it completely changed the way I personally played Basketball Games.

excuse me for having a different view to you your's highness.

nobody knows much about this game for sure but this is EA here and we have a good idea of what to expect epsecially with their recent next gen offerings. EA always market their stuff in some creative way to boost their sales of crap games. 08 is simply a money grabbing attempt imo and until I see otherwsie then that is what I think it will be. take your hand out of ea's ass for a second and take a look at reality and especially at what ea have offered for the next gen so far. stop defending a company that dishes up crap constantly ripper and look at the reality of what they make.

If RL2 wasnt a money grabbing attempt, then I dont know what is. It was the biggest load of shite going and they knew it. Didnt stop them releasing it though did they.

Must say I've just dipped into this thread and seen loads of people saying they won't buy it unless this or that is done. One thing to guarantee no further versions would be if everyone boycotted this game - no profits, so why would EA bother with it again.

Alternatively if everyone does buy the game EA might start to think there is life in this product after all.

I know this is sort of wrong (if a games rubbish you shouldn't really buy it and this would work with football where the market is huge) but not buying it because it's not exactly what you want is kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face in this case where EA must be questioning whether to make more or not!!

So we should buy their **** just in case their next game is a good one?

******** to that, I would rather have no rugby games than **** rugby games and give the money to a charity.
Well, their last game was a good one. Not great, but good.

I was angry and rubbishing them after '04, pretty annoyed at the '05 attempt and am fairly happy after '06.

I may be crazy but after someone does something crap, I get annoyed. After something improves I go a little easier on them.

Mind you we have seen running demo's of the product on offer haven't we? We all know how hard or not they are working on PS3 or Xbox 360 don't we? We've all played a demo too, huh?

No. We're all angry at a box shot.
Mind you we have seen running demo's of the product on offer haven't we? We all know how hard or not they are working on PS3 or Xbox 360 don't we? We've all played a demo too, huh?

No. We're all angry at a box shot.


Go and have a look at 05, the 'looking to offload'- animation was already there , exactly as it is in 06, the only reason they didn't go all the way and chucked it in then was because they held it back, otherwise what would the major upgrade have been to 06 apart from the obvious?

This is the problem with EA - they are holding back, because if they sell the game with everything we want, ONLINE play, controlled offload, manual rucking, and even classic matches we would buy one game and that's it. That business model is not really good for them, understandably. So they'll keep selling it just below par so they have less work to do for the next version and so it'll continue until we have artritis in our hands.

I thoroughly enjoyed playing 06 and still do, it is a great game, thank you for the hours of entertainment EB Studios, EA Sports and everyone involved.

But be warned, I will single handedly halve your sales with my arm of truth should it not be at least 90% as good as it says on that blurry box shot.... :ph34r:, should it satisfy I will give you all a brazillian virgins
Maybe I've just got used to games getting only 20% better each year. Even though we all know it could be another 100% better, lol.
Must say I've just dipped into this thread and seen loads of people saying they won't buy it unless this or that is done. One thing to guarantee no further versions would be if everyone boycotted this game - no profits, so why would EA bother with it again.

Alternatively if everyone does buy the game EA might start to think there is life in this product after all.

I know this is sort of wrong (if a games rubbish you shouldn't really buy it and this would work with football where the market is huge) but not buying it because it's not exactly what you want is kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face in this case where EA must be questioning whether to make more or not!!

Nope, sorry i dont agree with that. I dont care what EA do to be honest. Im not going to keep on buying games from them if they keep on giving us crap or not living up to expectation. Biting the hand that feeds? feeds what? nothing but the left over poo from Fifa. Its not to satisfying for me, is it to you? Why should I spend my $ on a game in hope that EA will suddenly change their ways? They don't even do it for their big franchises so why would they do it with rugby? If its crap, I wont buy it simple as that. and if that means no more rugby games then fine ill go and play something else and just watch it instead.
the quality from 2006 exists

we just want more of an upgrade as indicated by the box art

in 2 years we deserve more

but EA already know, 2006 is a quality template to work from, and EAknow the RWC is a cashcow timing window to release a meer upgrade of 2006.

IMO the best/or biggest thing EA should look at is next gen - but i have a x360, so yes this is a bias view of what they should deliver

Give me 2006 on next gen, and i will BUY BUY BUY!!!!!

If there is no next gen, and i use the ole ps2 again.......i want more than creative tries, and rule the world - which i have already been doing since JLR!!!!!
Well, their last game was a good one. Not great, but good.

I was angry and rubbishing them after '04, pretty annoyed at the '05 attempt and am fairly happy after '06.

I may be crazy but after someone does something crap, I get annoyed. After something improves I go a little easier on them.

Mind you we have seen running demo's of the product on offer haven't we? We all know how hard or not they are working on PS3 or Xbox 360 don't we? We've all played a demo too, huh?

No. We're all angry at a box shot.

I take it this was aimed at me? Think you took my post a little wrong. I was basically refering to the poster who said in so many words " even if the games are **** we should buy them or they will stop making them altogether "

Im sorry but I cant go along with that. If EA dont want to make good rugby games then they can **** off.

The only problem I have so far with 08 is that it certainly appears as if there is no online play, which I think should have been a nailed on cert for us this time around. Also with features such as " creative scoring " listed on the box you can only worry for the quality of this ***le.

I wonder if they will use RL2 online as a yardstick ie, they will say " It cant be done well enough to warrant ". Unfortunately I just think thats down to Sidhe having a shite team. I base that on the fact that both PS2 versions of rugby stunk and the fact that RL2 on any version was an atrocity. The testers who cut off their balls and said " Yeah Mario thats great man " should be hung from the fleshy part where their balls used to be.
I was basically refering to the poster who said in so many words " even if the games are **** we should buy them or they will stop making them altogether "

Im sorry but I cant go along with that. If EA dont want to make good rugby games then they can **** off.


Well, in an ideal world EA would make the perfect rugby game but the budget they have to do it will be determined by the likely sales. Unfortunately the market for a rugby game probably leads to a small budget (especially compared to Madden or FIFA) so progress is slow.

I'm not saying if 08 is shite you should by it regardless rather any improvements should be encouraged.

At the end of the day it's us who ultimately fund these games by buying one years and allowing a profit to be made, part of which is used to fund the next installment. Larger profits from the last or a larger market will increase the budget on the next - such is the way of the world! I know EA is a massive company who could afford to plough more into Rugby and make a loss on that one ***le but they'll treat each game on it's own merits and so they should - that's business.
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Well, their last game was a good one. Not great, but good.

I was angry and rubbishing them after '04, pretty annoyed at the '05 attempt and am fairly happy after '06.

I may be crazy but after someone does something crap, I get annoyed. After something improves I go a little easier on them.

Mind you we have seen running demo's of the product on offer haven't we? We all know how hard or not they are working on PS3 or Xbox 360 don't we? We've all played a demo too, huh?

No. We're all angry at a box shot.

I take it this was aimed at me? Think you took my post a little wrong. I was basically refering to the poster who said in so many words " even if the games are **** we should buy them or they will stop making them altogether "

Im sorry but I cant go along with that. If EA dont want to make good rugby games then they can **** off.

The only problem I have so far with 08 is that it certainly appears as if there is no online play, which I think should have been a nailed on cert for us this time around. Also with features such as " creative scoring " listed on the box you can only worry for the quality of this ***le.

I wonder if they will use RL2 online as a yardstick ie, they will say " It cant be done well enough to warrant ". Unfortunately I just think thats down to Sidhe having a shite team. I base that on the fact that both PS2 versions of rugby stunk and the fact that RL2 on any version was an atrocity. The testers who cut off their balls and said " Yeah Mario thats great man " should be hung from the fleshy part where their balls used to be.

No. You can not take it that this is aimed at you. How can you "take it" that it is? Context please?

It is a very general post. You are far from the only one with negative views towards EA's rugby product.

Also, and again you can't "take it" that this is aimed at you or any particular person, but I agree with Welshy, EA don't have an unlimited budget for Rugby and some of us, will pay for average or slightly better games. So sue us. Moaning at EA hasn't helped anyone in the last 10 years that I've seen. Go play other games and get over it. Again in general at the detractors of a decent game in '06!

By the way, please can one of these angry fans post some gameplay clips?
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Well, their last game was a good one. Not great, but good.

I was angry and rubbishing them after '04, pretty annoyed at the '05 attempt and am fairly happy after '06.

I may be crazy but after someone does something crap, I get annoyed. After something improves I go a little easier on them.

Mind you we have seen running demo's of the product on offer haven't we? We all know how hard or not they are working on PS3 or Xbox 360 don't we? We've all played a demo too, huh?

No. We're all angry at a box shot.

I take it this was aimed at me? Think you took my post a little wrong. I was basically refering to the poster who said in so many words " even if the games are **** we should buy them or they will stop making them altogether "

Im sorry but I cant go along with that. If EA dont want to make good rugby games then they can **** off.

The only problem I have so far with 08 is that it certainly appears as if there is no online play, which I think should have been a nailed on cert for us this time around. Also with features such as " creative scoring " listed on the box you can only worry for the quality of this ***le.

I wonder if they will use RL2 online as a yardstick ie, they will say " It cant be done well enough to warrant ". Unfortunately I just think thats down to Sidhe having a shite team. I base that on the fact that both PS2 versions of rugby stunk and the fact that RL2 on any version was an atrocity. The testers who cut off their balls and said " Yeah Mario thats great man " should be hung from the fleshy part where their balls used to be.

No. You can not take it that this is aimed at you. How can you "take it" that it is? Context please?

It is a very general post. You are far from the only one with negative views towards EA's rugby product.

Also, and again you can't "take it" that this is aimed at you or any particular person, but I agree with Welshy, EA don't have an unlimited budget for Rugby and some of us, will pay for average or slightly better games. So sue us. Moaning at EA hasn't helped anyone in the last 10 years that I've seen. Go play other games and get over it. Again in general at the detractors of a decent game in '06!

By the way, please can one of these angry fans post some gameplay clips?

Who's angry? Well apart from you that is. :D
Well I was cranky when my little girl woke up at 5.30ish so there :p

I'm really looking p'd off whenever I post without emoticons in fast reply aren't I, lol.
the figures for EA as a company are really intersting. they have lost quite a bit recently but still are sitting on 3 billion dollars of money.

for them rugby isn't that big compared to fifa or madden which sell well world wide. rugby though they can see though does have some kind of market out there not as big as fifa or madden but enough to make a game and make a profit of it. hell it's not even that hard for them since they already have things like the fifa engine in place. the trick for them is adding enough features and advertising them so that people buy it every year. fifa and madden started out the same way then EA got competition from people 2k and konami with pes.

rugby06 was also a result of competition EA knew they had to do something since another rugby game was coming out and potenially stealing some of their sales. rugby06 was a huge improvement on previous attempts to expect a vast improvement on this for 08 is a bit crazy imo. rugby 08 will most likely be the world cup version of fifa. there might be some new things but it will basically not really have anything amazing and will cash in on the world cup. I hope rugby 08 isn't like this but based on previous EA ***les and especially the next-gen attempts at games I won't be holding my breath for 08.
Got some bad news guys... apparently there will be no next (current) gen Rugby 08. So it's just PC and PS2. Also 08 is basically 06 with the official World Cup and new rosters, same engine etc. Nothing wrong with that, but as fans of the series we probably want more.

Of course confirmation of this is needed, but I believe it.