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RC3 English Patch


Academy Player
Feb 26, 2017
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Newcastle RU
Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_26_12 PM.png Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_27_27 PM.png
Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_19_51 PM.png Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_24_04 PM.png Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_20_13 PM.png Rugby Challenge 3 24_08_2019 5_21_37 PM.png


This is taken from an original DB, so if you want the extra stadiums, you will have to ask one of the specialists.

There some Zippy stuff, Megapatch probably, Cristian, LoupBlanc probably as well so that he can call me dishonest again, Players taken from one of Dolf's DB too.

In there:
The Full Data, pkcmn and DB


- GK IPA Championship players, logo, jerseys, flags, posts, swipe screen
- England National League one (instead on the Pro D2) with players, logo, jerseys, flags, posts, ball, swipe screen
- Gallagher Premiership players, logo, jerseys, flags, Posts, swipe screen

- Players done for Premiership, Top 14, Super Rugby, GK IPA, National League one and most International teams.
- Promotion and relagation done.

Any suggestion for an improvement is welcome as long as it is polite and respectful.

Last edited:
Excellent mod! Congratulations! Do you know how to modify the stadiums? For example, modify the stadiums that come by stadiums in the English league. It can be possible?
Excellent mod! Congratulations! Do you know how to modify the stadiums? For example, modify the stadiums that come by stadiums in the English league. It can be possible?

Unfortunately not. I've spent a long time trying to figure out how to modify stadiums. Haven't been successful.
I discovered how to view the archives of the stadium through a pssg viewer. But I don't know how to modify the stadium with a new base
Great Mod! Enjoying it.

I do have one question though. It might be some other issue but someone might know. It seems that when playing I can't throw to certain locks in the lineout.
Happens with Adam Coleman and Rory Arnold all the time. I have had the issue before but if you just swapped their position to the other lock it would work. I guess that was only in some cases.
Had the same issue with Sam Whiltelock for the ALL BLACKS too. Any known solutions to this or ?
Amazing work Billyboybilly!!!!!!!!! Congratulations,You have made a great work! Thank you!
@jonnypcash have no idea mate. That's related to the gameplay which i haven't touched.

All good. Posted another thread and found the answer. Apparently you can't have a #4 Lock in your starting lineup over 2.00m! Tested it and it works as long as you switch your locks as long as they are 2.00m or less.
FYI just in case someone says your mod broke the gameplay which obviously it did not.
Thanks though
Really enjoying the mod. Just messing around with the sliders to get some better games now.

If someone good at creating faces can help doing the Rugby World Cup refs and give me the hex it would be nice.
I'm Mainly after Barnes, Pearce, Owens, Garces, Poite and Gardner.

View attachment 7326 View attachment 7325
View attachment 7320 View attachment 7321 View attachment 7322 View attachment 7323


This is taken from an original DB, so if you want the extra stadiums, you will have to ask one of the specialists.

There some Zippy stuff, Megapatch probably, Cristian, LoupBlanc probably as well so that he can call me dishonest again, Players taken from one of Dolf's DB too.

In there:
The Full Data, pkcmn and DB


- GK IPA Championship players, logo, jerseys, flags, posts, swipe screen
- England National League one (instead on the Pro D2) with players, logo, jerseys, flags, posts, ball, swipe screen
- Gallagher Premiership players, logo, jerseys, flags, Posts, swipe screen

- Players done for Premiership, Top 14, Super Rugby, GK IPA, National League one and most International teams.
- Promotion and relagation done.

Any suggestion for an improvement is welcome as long as it is polite and respectful.

View attachment 7326 View attachment 7325
View attachment 7320 View attachment 7321 View attachment 7322 View attachment 7323


Данные взяты из оригинальной базы данных, поэтому, если вам нужны дополнительные стадионы, вам придется обратиться к одному из специалистов.

Есть кое-какие материалы от Zippy, возможно, Megapatch, Cristian, возможно, LoupBlanc, чтобы он снова мог назвать меня нечестным. Игроки также взяты из одной из баз данных Долфа.

Полные данные, pkcmn и DB


- Игроки чемпионата GK IPA, логотип, майки, флаги, посты, прокрутка экрана
- Национальная лига Англии 1 (вместо Pro D2) с игроками, логотипом, майками, флагами, столбами, мячом, пролистываемым экраном
- Игроки Премьер-лиги Галлахера, логотип, футболки, флаги, сообщения, прокрутите экран

- Игроки, выступающие за Премьер-лигу, Топ-14, Супер Регби, GK IPA, Национальную лигу 1 и большинство международных команд.
- Повышение и понижение в должности выполнены.

Любые предложения по улучшению приветствуются, если они вежливы и уважительны.

Спасибо, отличная работа!

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