Originally posted by forumuser@Oct 27 2005, 08:33 PM
not sure how everyone else feels about this but it has also occured to me that part of the problem with the crowding in the midfield that you get in both wcr & jlr might be due firstly to:
The pace of the game.
Pace at which the defending back row, or whoever it is, get across to tackle in the midfield Not even Micheal Jones was that fast!
Pace at which the backs themselves move , particularly defending ones
Both of these might lead to congestion in midfield. Not saying i want a slow game but sarificing a bit of speed to open up midfield might work?
Not sure how RC06 works but in neither WCR or JLR could you employ basic rugby techniques of particularly well; Drawing the man and passing to the extra player (although i did like the way players looped around in to create extra man in wcr) or running at the inside shoulder of the defender to stop him drifting out. By opening up a gap between two defenders in this way you create a whole for the man outside you to burst through. The only problem here is that most rugby games don't have much control of passing. Just l/r or miss 1 l/r. although ea recently did the "flick on" well, there is no option to weight the pass as you get in soccer games. By depressing the pass button for less time a weaker pop pass could bring the palyer outside you closer in and allow him to go through the gap instead of straight in the defending man. In WCR & JLR there is a frustrating amount of passes where your team mate receives both defending man and ball at the same time; hospital passes.
From the top of my head i recall that ea rugby 2001 did these, apart of the passing bit, quite well, i guess the rear view camera angle helped? Perhaps this and the way the defenders scream across affects midfield play, which should be one of the most exciting parts of the game - opening up the opposition backline. Not that it should be too easy on the other hand. Perhaps this is what you mean by balancing up the game play?
i know they're not really questions but any comments, by anyone, would be welcome