I wouldn't say we're above race, there is quite frankly a shocking state of racism in the UK
between ethnic minorities. Government figures are reporting a progressive decline in hate crimes* committed by whites against ethnic minorities and vice versa, however, they show between 1996 and 2006 a sharp
rise in hate crimes perpetrated by one minority against another.
Also, in the UK, the picture is more complicated than simply saying "The UK is a racist country". In places like Scotland, Wales, the East and Southwest of England, there are less racial tensions and a more laid back attitude. However, in places like London & the South East, the Midlands & North of England and Northern Ireland, there are seriously hardcore problems. When you split those problem areas up to analyse further, you find that tensions between whites and minorities are mainly in the North of England, the home counties and Northern Ireland with minority vs minority tensions rising in the Midlands and London with whites as a mere spectator.
When you look at the statistics, where they take place, etc, the issue of race is a highly complex issue and the traditional idea of "whites being the oppressors" is slowly fading into obscurity.
(* inciting racial hated, racially aggravated assault, using racial slurs, stuff like that)
You're joking right? I have seen a lot and when I was living in England, heard a lot.[/b]
No, I'm not joking. I've been to plenty of rugby or cricket matches involving England & Australia and I haven't seen any England fans start chanting about Australia's treatment of Aborigines or start chanting "you're a bunch o'racist missionaries!" or something like that. You do realise that the average Brit these days probably doesn't even know that Australia even
has any aborigines. The UK's perception of Australia is much like the United States: John Howard, Crocodile Dundee, awful beer and Neighbors augmented with stellar sportsmen. So quite frankly BigTen, after about five pints, the
last thing most chaps here want to do is engage in an intellectual discussion on Australian social policy and debate over the role Christian missionaries in the 50s and 60s in the Aussie outback.
Usually when I attend Ashes matches, there is the usual banter over "convicts" and "soft poms" and even the occasional food fight with sandwich crusts and beer but I haven't exactly seen a member of the Barmy Army, drunk to the gills on Scrumpy Jack formulate a intellectually devastating attack on Australia's record on Aborigines over the last 50 years.
In fact, the worst thing I've heard said about the Australians, was actually by an Australian ex-squaddie of the Australian army (RAR I think) where he blamed the drive towards making Australia a republic (and I quote) on "those f***in' Catholic Irish in Australia" which was quite an eye opener. It was interesting because when he asked me if I knew anything about the whole "shall we ditch the Queen or not" debate initially I was like "er....I ain't touching that with a 50 foot bargepole, its your country, you sort it out!"
I still maintain that our Rugby fans have to be some the most dull and depressing fans around and refuse to believe this vision that
every other fan outside of England has that somehow we're a bunch of racist and arrogant drunkards who either wear top hats, tails and a monocle and snicker loudly like Dick Dasterly*, plotting the political downfall of Ireland, Scotland or whatever or wander around with no shirt on, an England flag tattoed to their belly and lug garden furniture around in Belgian town squares. One thing that us England Rugby fans try
damn hard to do is to try and separate ourselves from the racist, drunken and riotous mob that trashes half of Europe when the England fag-ball team goes a'tourin'. And if that makes us kill-joys and party poopers then so be it.
What I was talking about was banter between fans and I think you're confusing that with the regular ignorant, Daily Mail fueled idle talk in regular life on the high street or in the greasy spoon cafe where grizzled 50 year old Essex women or the
nouvous riche of the Home Counties bang on about "immigrants" in broad Estuary English!
So to recap. England Rugby fans are