Hey Guys,
So we have made mention previously that we have been working on a patch for Rugby World Cup 2011 and we were aiming to have it out prior to the release of the game. We were informed today that the Xbox 360 Patch Version 1.01 should go live on Friday August 26th. At this point we don’t have a definitive date for the PS3 patch as it is currently in submission but we will let you know the date when we know more information on that.
Here are some of the issues that we have addressed as part of this patch:
- Improvements have been made to the CPU decision making logic at the end of games particularly when behind on the scoreboard.
- Addressed an exploit around losing lineout throws close to your own line, particularly when thrown to the back and intercepted by bringing the throwing teams line up to the goal line when line outs are taken within 15 metres of the goal line
- Winning a lineout close to the opposition line with a throw to the front often led to easy push over type tries from a maul. We have made it more difficult to push as the attacking team in this scenario and as the defensive team you have more chance of preventing the push over.
- Addressed the exploit that allows you to constantly put up and unders into the air and catch them with minimal effort to advance down the pitch on all difficulty levels.
- When attempting to take an up and under or attempting to catch any high ball and dropping it forward, you would regularly not be called for a knock-on. We have now addressed this bug.
- Drop Goals no longer count if the ball has just been played from a scrum or from any free kick until the following phase. You can still attempt the drop goal but the points won’t count.
- Particularly on the Hard Difficulty setting when playing with weaker teams it was incredibly difficult to maintain possession at a ruck. We have played around with the balancing at the breakdown and it should make the ruck breakdown less frustrating and minimize the instant turnovers on Hard with weaker teams, whilst still maintaining the difficulty
- Reduced the angle at which you can maneuver the kicking arrow for conversions and penalties to reduce the chance of exploiting penalty kicks by moving the arrow far left or far right and putting no power on them and running over for an easy pick-up try.
These will be the most noticeable changes as part of this patch. We are continuing to watch for your input on the forums and are continuing to fix issues that you are encountering where we can.
We are aware of the issue around the high tackle 50 metre penalty shot issue and things such as Stephen Ferris having the incorrect skin colour which are issues that we are definitely looking to address in a later patch. Our intent was to address what we could prior to the game hitting shelves. Rest assured though we are taking notice and intend to address these and some other issues as soon as we can.