From what I've read, it looks like it's going to be a big step up from the Wii, and will easily outperform both the 360 and PS3 in terms of graphical grunt. That's to be expected though, considering the age of Microsoft's and Sony's offerings. The next gen versions of those two will probably trounce the Wii2, although they don't look like appearing for a year or two after the Wii2. Looks like Nintendo is using the same business model as the Wii, get in early and build a following before the competition.
The controller is rumoured to have an intergrated touchscreen, which will both tie in to main games played on the tv, or act as individual virtual consoles independantly of each other. Looks to me as though they're gonna be targetting a share of the ultra casual smartphone market aswell, although the DS would make more sense in that regard. The screened controller is also rumoured to be paired with a standard dual analogue control system, so is Nintendo also targetting some of Sony's and Microsoft's more hardcore gamer market aswell. No word on how motion controlls wil be integrated, but I'd emagine a souped up Wiimote will be present.
Overall it looks interesting, but at the same time looks like they're just shoving everything they can think of into one package. What really worries me is the potential price of accessories such as extra controllers etc. Surely a controller with an integrated touchscreen is gonna set the consumer back a hefty sum! However Ninty could choose to take less profit to make them equivalent to current controller prices. Apparently Nintemdo can manufacture the Wiimote for $6 each, so they make a hell of a profit on them when the retail for over £20 (over £30 for a long lime if I remember right).
read somewhere that they claim the console has graphics more powerful than ps3/360. Probably just a bold claim by nintendo not to be labelled as the "kids console"
Not really a bold claim. It's rumoured to have a similar processor to the 360, a tripple core IMB chip, but clocked at higher frequencies. But the main part is the graphics processor, which is rumoured to be based on AMD's R700 architecture, that is a big, big step up from the ageing tech in both the 360 and PS3 (PS3 is based on a GeForce 7800 for reference). It's still a long way behind current PC performance, which is a further two generations along, but considering Ninty probably started working on this console 2+ years ago, that's understandable. With the improved optimisations present in consoles, and the reletively low resolutions of TV's, it should easily churn out some propper high-def gaming that is at least comparable to the PS3. We should also finally see some decent antialising, something the 360 and PS3 lacks, which will make things look much smoother in comparison.