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NFL Predictions

NOt really. It's hard to think of stripping the ball unless you're in a good situaton for it.
NOt only that, but why try to intercept if it's 3rd down (or 2nd in Can. football) when they could tip it up and let the receiver catch it? It's just smarter to smack it down.
Originally posted by neh@Dec 5 2004, 09:17 AM
thats becuase its more logic too put in the big hit. In union u try and secure ball almost anyway u can, and tackling is one of the main ways of stealing ball. And if someone from union went to play football they would have the same mentality as all football players but use their brains more , like trying to rip the ball and actually catching interceptions instead of just knocking the ball down and acting like a hero
Neh you don't know a goddamn thing about football do you lol
i watch up too a quarter at a time i dont know everything but i know everything that needs to be known. infact im watching a game now the jaguars vs the steelers and ffs ive seen tougher defence in a soccer game, and the funny thing is its just gone halftime and the commentaters like "WHAT A MATCH!" im like the biggest sport fan ever ill watch anything but f*** i find it hard too watch nfl f*** all big hits f*** all skill just a bunch of big black guys acting like ****a's
Originally posted by Canadian_Rugger+Dec 6 2004, 02:44 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Canadian_Rugger @ Dec 6 2004, 02:44 PM)</div>
@Dec 5 2004, 09:17 AM
thats becuase its more logic too put in the big hit.  In union u try and secure ball almost anyway u can, and tackling is one of the main ways of stealing ball.  And if someone from union went to play football they would have the same mentality as all football players but use their brains more , like trying to rip the ball and actually catching interceptions instead of just knocking the ball down and acting like a hero
Neh you don't know a goddamn thing about football do you lol [/b]
Firstly your an idiot if u think ripping the ball is an effective tactic in football lol

trying to rip the ball would just give the offensive team more yards and an easier first down. If you goto hit a guy when playing football you hit him you don't think of grabbing the ball. Also the play in football stops as soon as the players knees touch the ground so trying to rip the ball is pretty pointless when you would be better off knocking him back as many yards as possible.

The Whole point of delivering the big hit is to knock the ball out of his hands

Again you base all your statements off facts that you haul out of ur ass. Get a f***ing brain and do some research ebfore you post moron
yea watever f*** ripping the ball didnt u see the first bit in my post u f***ing idiot "its more logic too put in the big hit"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure u pretty much never have a chance of ripping the ball but ive seen games where the quarterback makes a bad throw and its going straight into a deffenders arms and he knocks it down then smashes his chest acting like king kong, tell me y do they do tht so often when they can easily catch it, or is there a ruling there that im missing?
and dont call me a moron of this forum u little man because u know u wouldnt have the guts too say it in person! jeez its obvious nfl is a stupid game becuase only american canadians or wannabes can get into the sport, and its not surprising considering how every american, canadian person ive met is an up them self arsehole
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
Firstly your an idiot if u think ripping the ball is an effective tactic in football lol

trying to rip the ball would just give the offensive team more yards and an easier first down.  If you goto hit a guy when playing football you hit him you don't think of grabbing the ball.  Also the play in football stops as soon as the players knees touch the ground so trying to rip the ball is pretty pointless when you would be better off knocking him back as many yards as possible.

The Whole point of  delivering the big hit is to knock the ball out of his hands

Again you base all your statements off facts that you haul out of ur ass.  Get a f***ing brain and do some research ebfore you post moron[/b]
owned common wally i really didnt think u were one of those computer freaks that think getting owned is being a ****** to someone behind ur computer screen ten thousand miles away
Originally posted by neh@Dec 6 2004, 03:03 PM
and dont call me a moron of this forum u little man because u know u wouldnt have the guts too say it in person! jeez its obvious nfl is a stupid game becuase only american canadians or wannabes can get into the sport, and its not surprising considering how every american, canadian person ive met is an up them self arsehole
hahaha wow how old are you neh....

Firstly neh I am not the one challenging someone's guts on this forum you little twirp.

I don't have a problem with anyone or any culture for that matter but what I do have a problem with is people who tend to put down other cultures or sports just because its not their country's number 1 pasttime.

I am a fan of both sports and think both have their positives and negatives

Atleast in the NFL they don't run around in skimpy short shorts with socks pulled up to their f***ing hips and they don;t wear tight shirts so their nipples show thru them lol

Rugby is your sport and you play it

Football is our sport lets leave it at that and stop having a whose balls are bigger contest you twat
f*** u arsehole ill be seeing u at the ruenion, oh and im 17 and NFL is gay and southpark was right f*** CANADA, and yes rugby players do wear wat u said they wear now i will tell u the gay **** an nfl player wears, running shoes that most likely have padding in them they wear goofy socks that go half way up there legs, they were tight ass pants exposing there fat asses these pants also have padding they also wear underpants that have more padding(a box) jeez im only half way there, they wear a silk shirt(how gay is tht), they wear underneath their shirts the biggest set of shoulder pads they can find, on their arms they wear pads so they get grazes ffs, (this is deffinately my longest post!), they also wear gloves to keep thier precious fingers from getting cold or dirty, now too the head they wear a neck brace, a mouth gard something on their nose to make them breathe easier, and too top it off a helmet made out of the same stuff they use too make spacecrafts!
Originally posted by Canadian_Rugger@Dec 6 2004, 03:43 PM
in the NFL they don't run around in skimpy short shorts with socks pulled up to their f***ing hips and they don;t wear tight shirts so their nipples show thru them lol
Hips? It's knees buddy, there's lot of tradition in our uniform so don't go there. And the bit about the nipples. I've never noticed nipples showing through. Why have you?

Originally posted by neh@Dec 6 2004, 05:02 PM
oooo i knew he was a batty boy, i f***in knew it well he is canadian soo its not his fault, "in the NFL they don't run around in skimpy short shorts with socks pulled up to their f***ing hips and they don;t wear tight shirts so their nipples show thru them lol" surely u mean soccer? i still dont remember ever noticing a nipple tho.
neh, calm it down, the forum isn't here for huge arguments and you're getting way out of line... its getting kind of racist as well, and bloody immature considering you are nearly 18?
Originally posted by neh@Dec 3 2004, 01:22 PM
imagine a fit mean machine like rupeni in the NFL what a sight that would be

Rupeni a ''Fit Machine?"
Originally posted by neh@Dec 6 2004, 03:55 PM
f*** u arsehole ill be seeing u at the ruenion, oh and im 17 and NFL is gay and southpark was right f*** CANADA, and yes rugby players do wear wat u said they wear now i will tell u the gay **** an nfl player wears, running shoes that most likely have padding in them they wear goofy socks that go half way up there legs, they were tight ass pants exposing there fat asses these pants also have padding they also wear underpants that have more padding(a box) jeez im only half way there, they wear a silk shirt(how gay is tht), they wear underneath their shirts the biggest set of shoulder pads they can find, on their arms they wear pads so they get grazes ffs, (this is deffinately my longest post!), they also wear gloves to keep thier precious fingers from getting cold or dirty, now too the head they wear a neck brace, a mouth gard something on their nose to make them breathe easier, and too top it off a helmet made out of the same stuff they use too make spacecrafts!
lol this just proves my point of what a complete idiot you are!!! Yes your right it is your longest point and upto this point the most idiotic and unthoughtful one yet

and Wally just so you know, I just said the whole thing about the shorts and socks to prove a point

I love playing rugby and I love watching it. I got into it a lot over the past couple of years and have become obsessed!! It is my favorite sport. I also like American Football and as a North American it is our sport and I feel proud to say I am an American football fan!!! Their are problems with the sport but their are problems with every sport.....

I am more then willing to debate this issue to death with you neh but I know with your mindset and attitude that would be very counter-productive.

Also if you'd like to arrange some International Meeting spot where we can duke it out I am sure it could be arranged
Originally posted by Ripper+Dec 7 2004, 09:48 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Ripper @ Dec 7 2004, 09:48 AM)</div>
@Dec 3 2004, 01:22 PM
imagine a fit mean machine like rupeni in the NFL what a sight that would be

Rupeni a ''Fit Machine?" [/b]
god are u brain dead ripper" imagine a fit mean machine like rupeni" which means imagine him fully fit

And canadian_rugger f***ing oats im counter-productive nfl is gay and only dumb shits like u ur other canadian mate tht american dude and the dumest of u all ripper will disagree. Yes there are things wrong with everysport but there will be f*** all people tht disagree with me in saying tht nfl has the most. I would dearly love to have a reunion mate
but u will have to wait till i get a break from the army preferibly straight after i get out of basic training
we are secretly planning to invade aussie, why else do you think so many new zealanders live in aussie?
Originally posted by neh@Dec 7 2004, 02:19 PM
we are secretly planning to invade aussie, why else do you think so many new zealanders live in aussie?
oh your in the services are you

so am I

what part are you going in

I am in the Infantry

2nd battalion RNBR (North Shore) 2nd Company

Its a reserve unit but I am only 17 and finishing my studies first

I plan on attending Royal Military College in the fall to start my training as an Infantry Officer for the Canadian Armed Forces Reg Force
Originally posted by neh+Dec 7 2004, 12:42 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (neh @ Dec 7 2004, 12:42 PM)</div>
Originally posted by Ripper@Dec 7 2004, 09:48 AM
@Dec 3 2004, 01:22 PM
imagine a fit mean machine like rupeni in the NFL what a sight that would be


Rupeni a ''Fit Machine?"
god are u brain dead ripper" imagine a fit mean machine like rupeni" which means imagine him fully fit

And canadian_rugger f***ing oats im counter-productive nfl is gay and only dumb shits like u ur other canadian mate tht american dude and the dumest of u all ripper will disagree. Yes there are things wrong with everysport but there will be f*** all people tht disagree with me in saying tht nfl has the most. I would dearly love to have a reunion mate
but u will have to wait till i get a break from the army preferibly straight after i get out of basic training [/b]
how long is Basic in NZ anyways

Our BMQ is 12 weeks in length with Infantry qual being another 3 months after that

Also are you just going into BMQ right now????

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