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Moving from second row to outside centre


Bench Player
Oct 17, 2010
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Hi there, as the season comes to a end over summer I really want to move possitions, mainly down to I've always played 2nd row and have always wanted to play centre but just settled into playing second row this season as i've been relativly unfit and know right now with my stamina currently I can't play there.

So as said with 2 games left in the season and potentially 1 more depending on the cup semi-final, over the summer I really want to work on getting to play outside centre for next season.
Is there anything major (other than stamina and speed which i know i'll work alot on in the gym and out running over summer) that needs work? I can currently pass fairly well and my kicking from hand isnt great but it isnt bad at the same time.. I'm mainly just looking for some tips etc to prepare over the summer holidays so when I goto uni I can try out for the uni team as a outside centre (and when im back play with my current team at #13.. or if the uni team fails the local team up there)

So yeah overall any tips to improving speed and stamina overall? and then improving any skills needed for outside centre?
As I cant edit now.. Just thaught i'd add if it helps at all im around 6'3 / 6'4 and around 14 stone 8/9.. I'm not the fastest of runners as I know speed is quite important but im not slow either and its one thing I want to attempt to possibly improve. other little things with tackling im not bad but not fantastic (mainly confidence with it all)so yeah thats about it :/
Work on acceleration and developing a good step.. you want to be hitting the line at full tilt as I am assuming at your size you will be used as a bit of a battering ram through the middle. footwork will be key in defence for you and learning how to read the game too
What Lucky Number 7 said. Also and this probably the most important.......
Get a nice flashy hair cut, cause arguably thats the most important thing when playing in the backs :p :p

Good luck in the move :D
What Lucky Number 7 said. Also and this probably the most important.......
Get a nice flashy hair cut, cause arguably thats the most important thing when playing in the backs :p :p

Good luck in the move :D
I was going to say that....but for once in my life I decided to take something seriously...
Yeah, do plenty of cardio work over the break eg. running or biking... If you've got good access to a gym you could even do some rowing, this should get your fitness up. I'm assuming that (because your playing lock) that your a pretty big/strong guy so i'd say to do some work on your agility and passing making sure to work on passing in both directions.

Lastly you'll need some bright red or flouro green shoes cause they'll make you run alot faster! :D
Yeah, i would have to say forget about sidestepping. Getting the right weight transfer and explosion in a step takes months, figuring out the timing of when to throw down a step takes years.

Just focus on picking great angles, run into gaps and not players and always give it a bit of leg drive to ensure you push past the advantage line. Also make sure you always run onto the ball at pace and never slow down into contact. Its pretty simple stuff, but if you so it well its invaluable for the team (Think Smith, Fourie)
Thanks for the tips also lol at boots and hair :p I'll just stick to short hair and some nice a simple black boots :p

My plan mainly for the holidays was running and cycling outside increasing distance for stamina then going over the field opposite where I live two - three times a week to work on sprinting, kicking and passing along with working in the gym on bikes, treadmills and rowing machines to go with weight work. One other thing I've been debating is joining the rugby league team starting up (despite never playing league and only watching 1 game) as I've heard its alot faster paced than union which should help in terms of stamina and speed
argh fecking lack of edit button <.< Sorry for the double but on the note of training balls does anyone here know what they use in north east England (Middlesbrough)? as in wales they generally use Web Ellis WRU match balls during games, I'm only wondering as i'd be looking at buying a ball to practice the whole kicking and passing stuff with and would rather use a ball that is close to what would be used up there rather than what we use here.
Watch sonny bill and practice offloads if you don't have great offloads then watch roberts and nonu.
Hi TS,

I did the same thing a couple of seasons ago, the obvious suspects to improve are your speed, repeated speed and i'd also include lateral agility — as the new wide open spaces leave you open to be exploited by more fleet-footed backs. When you are new to the backs unit and aren't familiar with defensive alignment and used to lateral movement at the quicker speed it's easy to over commit on the drift or not read the looping/switching players when they fall into your defensive zone.

It's one thing to be a good tackler and a completely new ball game to be being a good defender.

Good luck, go well.
I also made this transition a couple of years ago and I recommend working on your footwork and passing (as this could turn out to be a big part depending on how your team play), and also stamina for definate.
Sorry for the bump but thaught I'd update, I've hit a "bump" with this :p Had surgery on my shoulder (bankart repair) so an't play this season at all.. It isnt all bad though.. Got 6 weeks in a sling (5 weeks 5 days now though :p) Then I can start running again. To add to that weights can be started again next april ish after physio is over.

So the new plan is Cardio training (speed and stamina ofc) starting in 6 weeksish. Continuing whilst at uni then when I can start weights again to bulk up a bit again continuing cardio work all the way to the start of the 2012/13 season. If this all goes to plan not only should I be pretty much in the best shape of my life xD but also ready fitness wise to play in the backs :)

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