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London Irish considering game in Boston


Bench Player
Oct 30, 2010
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London Irish boss Toby Booth has revealed that the club is exploring the possibility of following the example set by Saracens in staging a Heineken Cup game overseas.Sarries will tackle Biarritz in Cape Town, South Africa on January 14 of next year and Booth is now hoping that the Exiles will be able to arrange a game in the United States.
"We've talked about taking a fixture elsewhere, some place with historical significance like Boston," he said. "It would be a fantastic idea. If we can expand the game globally then that's a good thing."

Ireland would seem a more viable option for a game overseas given the club's historical ties with the country. However, Booth revealed that the club is looking "further afield" in an effort to break new ground. "If we can highlight the quality of rugby, the quality of the competition, then that should be welcomed and encouraged.," he said.

Booth conceded that some fans will be opposed to the idea of taking a European fixture away from the Madjeski Stadium, but he believes the likely commerical benefits of such a move cannot be ignored. "It's very difficult, if you're a season ticket holder and a paying fan of course you want to see your team every week," he said.

"I understand that. But I'm not talking about doing it every week but a one-off every five years. When the NFL come over here it broadens the sponsorship base and opens different revenues.
"The fans are very passionate about watching the team at home but I'm sure if it can open up different commercial opportunities then that gave you the opportunity to have more money in your club to recruit better players, that suits the club long term."


Nice idea, however not sure it's gonna work out.

I can see where he's coming from, but London Irish isn't the team to do it - while the Plastics in America may like the "Irish" part of their name, I think a Leinster game would go down better (unless it's Irish vs Leinster), or a team with more internationals in that more casual rugby fans would be interested in seeing
What next Italy playing in New Joisey?

A decent idea although theyd get a bigger crod in Lincolnshire....possibly

I can see where he's coming from, but London Irish isn't the team to do it - while the Plastics in America may like the "Irish" part of their name, I think a Leinster game would go down better (unless it's Irish vs Leinster), or a team with more internationals in that more casual rugby fans would be interested in seeing

Don't know, there may be more Irish in Boston than in Ireland ;) Ok, I exaggerate, but not by too much. I'd fly from where I am to Boston for a professional match. Not much rugby around my parts, and I miss it since moving back to the States 7 years ago. I'm sure if it was marketed, the game could draw a pretty big crowd.

When the big European football teams come to the States they can sell out 120k stadiums. Granted, Rugby is not as popular even as football here, but still.

Boston and the NotNots have plenty of kinship - Both think they're Irish but really have about as much connection to the Emerald Isle as a Chinese sweatshop.
Boston and the NotNots have plenty of kinship - Both think they're Irish but really have about as much connection to the Emerald Isle as a Chinese sweatshop.

Why, are there a lot of Chinese sweatshops in Ireland...?

More then there are Irish instead of "Irish" in Boston or London Irish!
I honestly don't know why people get annoyed at London Irish's team name. Sure, there may not be many Irish players there but I don't hear many complaining about the Fighting Irish nickname afforded to Notre Dame, the lack of native Americans playing for the Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins or the fact that no Lions line up for the pointless British and Irish "dream team". London Irish have some Irish heritage and I for one have no problem with their deficit of Irish born players.

It would be interesting to see if they could get a crowd or much of a press following in Boston. Getting 10,000 people to turn up for a one off game is no use if you don't leave behind a legacy and try to cultivate a fan base on the other side of the Atlantic.
If they were to choose an American city Boston would certainly be the best option for several reasons;

Firstly, they all get a semi when they hear the words "Ireland" or "Irish" or anything related to the country.

Secondly, There's plenty of places in and around Boston where the match could be held. Somewhere like Harvard or BC's American Football grounds would be most ideal.

Thirdly, it's possibly the most sports mad city in the world.

Finally, pretty much every pub in Boston, Irish or not (although they're all Irish) show all Six nations matches and a hefty number of Heineken Cup matches.

There could easily be a market for this.
I honestly don't know why people get annoyed at London Irish's team name.

It's more then just the team name, they way they play the Irish victim card and take themselves so seriously while doing it is embarrassing for even the non-Irish.

How pathetic is a bunch of identity-less morons playing the "we pine for a land we've never seen" routine then a team like Munster or Ulster come rocking up? It's farcical. And also they have nothing to do with the original London Irish, just using that name as a marketing tool.
It's more then just the team name, they way they play the Irish victim card and take themselves so seriously while doing it is embarrassing for even the non-Irish.

How pathetic is a bunch of identity-less morons playing the "we pine for a land we've never seen" routine then a team like Munster or Ulster come rocking up? It's farcical. And also they have nothing to do with the original London Irish, just using that name as a marketing tool.

Ah, I understand now.

They're rugby's version of Celtic!
Scotland or London Scottish should do a game in Corby
There are more Welsh than Irish players in the LI squad.
Indeed, heres also the same number of Kiwis as Irish players in their squad. Perhaps they shoould call themselves London Reading or maybe even Reading? Or maybe they could do a game to appeal to their spiritiual "home" and play in London. :p

If you wanted an English team for Irish supporters Tigers would probably count as being the "most Irish".

Apart from Irish frivolities I think it could be a good idea to play in Boston if only to extend the reach of the game, I am not sure whether it would work though.
Better off sending a Super Rugby team, that way the Americans may see some tries runs and hides.
They should change their name in fairness. If they were London Exiles for example it wouldn't seem as silly or even London Blacks would make more sense!

Better off sending a Super Rugby team, that way the Americans may see some tries runs and hides.

Maybe the yanks might want to see a proper competition. ;)
Everyone knows their real name these days is the Not-Nots.

That said, I do know of quite a few Irish-born living in London who look at London Irish as their team.

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