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It would be interesting to see what happened with a change in physics... maybe some technically minded person can have a go at changing them and see how the AI holds up! Roll on 2006 I suppose...
i have no problem with the player physics, no problem with tackling or anything. been playing on legend for the last few days with no problem

the only physics that i have a problem with is the ball. when it gets kicked it just bounces straigh tup i havn't had many balls kick on or bounce in funny angles a rugby ball would.

thats my only gripe of this game (apart from lack of chaging controller config)
Maybe physics was the wrong word... do you not think they have the manouverability of trucks?
na not really, they seam to move like normal people to me, in rl you can't just turn on a dime or anything but thats just me.

it does feel a bit slow but to me it just feels realistic as well

thats my opinon dont hate me for it
I think the problem with movement is more when you get a guy into space, then he stops dead or runs backwards, or when you try to change direction and the player stops dead and the player twitches out or runs backwards. They seem to move well until there is some space or an oportunity out wide, then things go wrong. It almost seems like its programmed this way to make it more difficult.
Yeah it does. This isone of the first sport games that has taken a while to get used to for me. Apart from car racing that is (I suck at those games), though that doesn't really count as a sport.

I think that is what's annoying. When you can't get stuff done early you may tend to reject it and claim it to be terrible. However the lifespan of the game may be ultimately lengthened if the game is difficult to get used to and once you get something right you'll be so much happier than if you did it in a much more simple game - I assume.
Originally posted by CeeJay@Dec 13 2005, 12:42 PM
I think the problem with movement is more when you get a guy into space, then he stops dead or runs backwards, or when you try to change direction and the player stops dead and the player twitches out or runs backwards. They seem to move well until there is some space or an oportunity out wide, then things go wrong. It almost seems like its programmed this way to make it more difficult.
defintely agree and when you get an intercept the player runs backwards most of the time and is facing the wrong direction. also goal line defence sucks as your player seems to go the wrong way most of the time or just doesn't seem to want to tackle anyone. whether or this is intentional or a renderware limitation hard to say
hmm... I haven't had that goal line prob yet. Then again I always have the marker as the orginally selected player!
it happens when they go for a scoot from dummy half most of the time your player will be past them before they attempt to tackle or simply just go the wrong way and you fail to stop them despite doing everything humanly possible to. it does happen a few other times when they pass it close to the goal line as well.
oh well lucky you then. it has happened to me on numerous ocassions and no amount of button bashing gets the player to move the righ way or tackle fast enough in most of these situations
Jacko must be playing on easy, I didnt hav any of these problems until I upped the difficulty.
All right, while none of you probably care, here's what I've got to say after playing this game for a while. (I've only played PS2 version)

Ok, I've mainly focused on the negative stuff, but I enjoy playing this game. 7.8/10

Which fits in (note: some of these have gone down, e.g. RL would've been an 8 when it came out)...
Rugby 2005 8.0/10
WCR 8.0/10
Jonah Lomu Rugby 8.0/10
RL2 7.8/10
RL 7.5/10
Rugby 2004 2.0/10 (hey, it's got Super 12!!!)

Front end (menus and stuff like that)

Obviously I agree with everyone here, the menu loading times are just slow and not very pleasant.

However in these menus are all the game modes I could ever want, perhaps with the modes just needing tweaking.

Quick game - not too exciting.

Single game - all the options you'd ever want for that. Rather nice.

Online play...
Firstly, do we have to see that bloody contract type thing every time? Once would be enough?
A general open chat lobby would be nice.
Headset support would be nice.
Chat at half time and full time would be nice.
Being booted back to the main menu at the end of a game isn't that nice.
Good to see Sidhe are tracking pause times/quitters.
Would be nice if some sort of symbol system was given to users. ie 5 star for someone who quits less that 5% of the time and keeps pause times under 5% of game time, 4 stars for someone who quits less than 10% of matches and keeps pause times under 10% of games etc.
Also a little flag for where the user is would be good. I'm over saying nice now.

Franchise mode..
Here is where I disagree the most with the complainers. It has everything you could ever need. I've had four serious injuries until June, never more than 3 at a time.
I am yet to see the judiciary in action for my players.
I play 15 minute games and usually end up with around a 16-6 scoreline. I can see myself entertained by this until at least RC2006, probably longer.

What's lacking in game modes? Training and mini games. I still struggle to pull off some of the new gameplay features such as kick the ball along the ground, diving on it, stripping etc.

The gameplay....
Cut scenes are just annoying. Even Rugby 2005 pulled this often better. Loading times at splash screens are annoying. Yes, I can/did turn them off, but I shouldn't have too. They aren't realistic either. i.e. Woo! I just scored a conversion that doesn't effect the end result, let's hug!

Replays/video ref. Loads of work can be put into this. I'd like to see more replays. Video ref is a nice addition but need a couple more replays.

Kick offs. Just grand.

Tackling. Maybe I need to turn this aspect down, as I can quite easily keep a team in their own 20 after 6 tackles. Animations are quite good, but sometimes get weird buggy ones.

General play Kicking. Punting is good. Up and unders need better jumping. Grubbers suck. Or maybe I do. But when I bring it down so it says it will go 10m it goes 2 or 3m. Last play kicking near in goal is lame.

Goal kicking. Good.

Passing in general. Good.

Passing from dummy half. Sucky. Seems unresponsive. I say pass left. Dummy half goes for a run instead. Probably just something to do with transition between RL1 and RL2 though.

I'm bored now.

Still. I don't think it's as bad as some are saying.

So what's the deal with representative selection? The two blokes from the Broncos who got picked hadn't even played a single minute in the NRL for me. I don't particular get enjoyment playing with the Maroons when their best player is Danny Nutley..
Originally posted by BL1@Dec 17 2005, 11:22 AM
Is it better than RL1?

Not in my eyes. Still playing RL1. However there are a fair few who think it surpasses RL1 by a long way so I think you will have to make your own decision.

Maybe a rental job ?
Originally posted by JJ-@Dec 16 2005, 06:09 PM
All right, while none of you probably care, here's what I've got to say after playing this game for a while. (I've only played PS2 version)

Ok, I've mainly focused on the negative stuff, but I enjoy playing this game. 7.8/10

Which fits in (note: some of these have gone down, e.g. RL would've been an 8 when it came out)...
Rugby 2005 8.0/10
WCR 8.0/10
Jonah Lomu Rugby 8.0/10
RL2 7.8/10
RL 7.5/10
Rugby 2004 2.0/10 (hey, it's got Super 12!!!)

Front end (menus and stuff like that)

Obviously I agree with everyone here, the menu loading times are just slow and not very pleasant.

However in these menus are all the game modes I could ever want, perhaps with the modes just needing tweaking.

Quick game - not too exciting.

Single game - all the options you'd ever want for that. Rather nice.

Online play...
Firstly, do we have to see that bloody contract type thing every time? Once would be enough?
A general open chat lobby would be nice.
Headset support would be nice.
Chat at half time and full time would be nice.
Being booted back to the main menu at the end of a game isn't that nice.
Good to see Sidhe are tracking pause times/quitters.
Would be nice if some sort of symbol system was given to users. ie 5 star for someone who quits less that 5% of the time and keeps pause times under 5% of game time, 4 stars for someone who quits less than 10% of matches and keeps pause times under 10% of games etc.
Also a little flag for where the user is would be good. I'm over saying nice now.

Franchise mode..
Here is where I disagree the most with the complainers. It has everything you could ever need. I've had four serious injuries until June, never more than 3 at a time.
I am yet to see the judiciary in action for my players.
I play 15 minute games and usually end up with around a 16-6 scoreline. I can see myself entertained by this until at least RC2006, probably longer.

What's lacking in game modes? Training and mini games. I still struggle to pull off some of the new gameplay features such as kick the ball along the ground, diving on it, stripping etc.

The gameplay....
Cut scenes are just annoying. Even Rugby 2005 pulled this often better. Loading times at splash screens are annoying. Yes, I can/did turn them off, but I shouldn't have too. They aren't realistic either. i.e. Woo! I just scored a conversion that doesn't effect the end result, let's hug!

Replays/video ref. Loads of work can be put into this. I'd like to see more replays. Video ref is a nice addition but need a couple more replays.

Kick offs. Just grand.

Tackling. Maybe I need to turn this aspect down, as I can quite easily keep a team in their own 20 after 6 tackles. Animations are quite good, but sometimes get weird buggy ones.

General play Kicking. Punting is good. Up and unders need better jumping. Grubbers suck. Or maybe I do. But when I bring it down so it says it will go 10m it goes 2 or 3m. Last play kicking near in goal is lame.

Goal kicking. Good.

Passing in general. Good.

Passing from dummy half. Sucky. Seems unresponsive. I say pass left. Dummy half goes for a run instead. Probably just something to do with transition between RL1 and RL2 though.

I'm bored now.

Still. I don't think it's as bad as some are saying.

Nice review bru.
Originally posted by JJ-@Dec 16 2005, 07:09 PM
All right, while none of you probably care, here's what I've got to say after playing this game for a while. (I've only played PS2 version)

Ok, I've mainly focused on the negative stuff, but I enjoy playing this game. 7.8/10

Which fits in (note: some of these have gone down, e.g. RL would've been an 8 when it came out)...
Rugby 2005 8.0/10
WCR 8.0/10
Jonah Lomu Rugby 8.0/10

RL2 7.8/10
RL 7.5/10
Rugby 2004 2.0/10 (hey, it's got Super 12!!!)
i dont know how you can not only give jlo rugby, wcr and r2005 all the same rating - but you only gave jonah a 8!! jonah lomu rugby was the greatest game ever! it deserves at least a 10/10.

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