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It's Christmastime at TRF!


Official Plastic Paddy
TRF Legend
Sep 18, 2006
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United States
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Happy Christmas one and all!Ã'* We are officially only a few days from what Andy Williams dubbed, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"Ã'* I couldn't agree more with the old crooner.Ã'* We'll all be rushing a bit to buy last minute gifts, or heading out to get in our cars, on a train, a plane, maybe a boat to go to our family and loved ones.Ã'* I hope you all don't let the spirit of over-commercialization ruin for you, as it does many, what is a magical time.Ã'* This is the time of year when we can resolve our diferences.Ã'* We can truly be an agent of Peace and Goodwill.Ã'* Christmas inspired the 1914 temporary truce between the British and the Germans in The Great War.Ã'* I think, for me, aside from the religious meaning, this is what Christmas is really about.

Here at TRF we have a lot to be joyous about. St Helens RLFC stated that "2009 has been the year where we have smashed through the 10,000 barrier mark (we did this in October) and we have continued to grow in size at a remarkable rate."Ã'* Can you believe it?Ã'* 10,000 members on TRF!Ã'* I know that's a lovely treat in our precious forum owners wee stocking!Ã'* We're a growing family here on The Rugby Forum. Ã'*

My wish is that you all have a great holiday, that you enjoy sharing presents (and that you each get that rugby jersey you've been wanting), that you're able to reconnect with family and friends, and that you end 2009 on a high note.Ã'* Whether your waiting on Father Christmas, Santa Claus, St. Nick, Perre Noel, Christmaskind, Julemanden, Vader Kersfees, Babbo Natale, or even サãÆ'³ã‚¿ã‚¯ãÆ'*ãÆ'¼ã‚¹, I hope your Christmas is full of magic, and lots and lots and lots of Merry Making!


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