Hi, don't know if you read any of the reviews on Steam. But I would like to clarify the negativity, at least from my perspective.
The problem with the game is not comparing it to other sport management sims. If you have ever played Pro Rugby Manager 2005, simply opening up the ***le screen of PRM 2015 will make you realize that this game is somewhat of a con job... I have been a very big supporter of PRM 2005, and I think it still has major potential. Unfortunately PRM 2015 does not polish what 2005 had. In fact it seems to be using the exact same code base, same flavor text for e-mails and notifications, and even the same soundtrack. The match engine also seems to be recycled from 2005, with some slight changes which are turning out to be bugged over the 2005 version of it.
The only thing that is new, is the UI. And when I say UI, I literally mean the buttons and window navigation. The content and pages are still the same.
At face value this sadly looks like an attempt to make a quick buck off of the franchise, by building hype and PR with pre-orders. And they have mostly been successful. I think the money this game generated was a major score compared to the costs of (re)producing it.
So in summary, I would say do not waste your money. I think for now the people who already spent their money on it can only hope that Cyanide will react to the negative backlash and realize that they are trying to milk a community who were willing to support them in creating a good game.