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Ireland v Namibia

Poor bit of refereing there by the Ref! Never even crossed the line in Flannery'e hand!
Terrible Irish performance, no excuses for that kind of crap. France and Argentina will be licking their lips in anticipation of playing Ireland now, especially after the maul was destroyed and Ireland got destroyed on the ground.

If Jtuge hadn't been so favourable to Ireland we could have been in serious trouble
You know, after the England vs USA game, I was very depressed, suicidal in fact.

You know what I really needed to brighten my day up? A really inept and rubbish performance.

Cheers Ireland! :lol:

Can't take anything away from Namibia though, they really played hard and were on Ireland whenever they got the ball. Didn't give BOD or D'Arcy any space to do anything and just suffocated them at times. It was very fun to watch!
Anyone who says Flannery grounded that ball is a communist. [/b]

Joel Jutge you ASSHOLE !

Scoreline (even though it's not -that- drastically different) misdirects the actual performance here tonight, Namibia are the modern day heroes of the minow nations, in my opinion now anyway, seriously.

punched WAY above their weight and my gosh did they impress.
They can go on and lose the next 2 games 100 - 0, I don't think it will take away the respect they've probably earned tonight.

Even the commentators weren't commentating any more, they were just talking about how awe struck they were about the Namibian performance.
<div class='quotemain'> Ireland vs South Africa A....I'd expect Ireland to walk this by at least fifty points. [/b]

There goe's his mighty predictions again :cheers:


Obviously, you had predicted all along that it was going to be such a tight match? Righto... :rolleyes:

Ireland should have walked this, everyone was agreed on that so I'd save the petty points scoring and focus on congratulating Namibia on playing their socks off and rumbling Ireland all around the park.

Seriously, go off topic again and I'll take action. I await with anticipation for what you'll do next... :lol:

In all, most of the junior nations have put in superb performances, my top five:

1.Namibia: For pushing Ireland hard all the way and turning in several awesome tries.
2.Portugal: Just for sheer guts and determination and for wearing their hearts on their sleeves.
3.USA: For actually providing some sort of entertainment and bossing England around towards the end.
4.Canada: For controlling Wales for the best part of the first half and turning in what was the makings of a total rugby upset before running out of steam.
5.Japan: For simply never giving up despite the fact that even George Gregan weighed about twice as much as the average Japanese prop. Also for some superb counter attacks from deep.
Pardon my naivety, but i have to ask this: I´ve just seen the Ireland vs. Namibia game and i would like to know which jersery colours were Ireland and which Namibia.
And another question: Why didin´t O´Driscoll, O´gara, D´Arcy , Hickie or O Connel play ???
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what a shame,just waiting for shtove opinion :lol:

irish fans keep.............. :lol2tn:
It was very fun to watch! [/b]

Speak for yourself.

Horan- decent at scrum time but poor carrying decisions in open play

Rory Best- International hooker can't throw the ball straight

Hayes- decent scrummaging but caught badly for Namibia's 1st try

O'Callaghan- given his impact probably never made it onto the pitch to play

O'Connell- Slightly better than O Callaghan but well below his standards

Easterby- non existent

Wallace- clearly unfit

Leamy- decent 1st half but disappeared in the 2nd

Stringer- couple of **** passes and almost threw an intercept which would have made it a one score game. poor

ROG- forgot how to place kick and kick for position. awful

Hickie- poor all round performance from dropped balls to poor decisions

D'Arcy- Always willing but dropped some easy balls

O'Driscoll- Faded into obscurity after his try and hit an awful 22

Trimble- diabolical apart from his catch and lucky kick. Looked out of his depth even against Namibia

Dempsey- No real attacking threat. Didn't look particularly interested

Flannery- better than Best but shouldn't have lost the ball over the line

Simon Best- Still can't scrum

Neil Best- An improvement when he came on

Murphy should have come on earlier.
Pardon my naivety, but i have to ask this: I´ve just seen the Ireland vs. Namibia game and i would like to know which jersery colours were Ireland and which Namibia.
And another question: Why didin´t O´Driscoll, O´gara, D´Arcy , Hickie or O Connel play ??? [/b]

1. Ireland were in Dark green with Namibia in blue.

2. O´Driscoll, O´gara, D´Arcy and O Connel at least did play.


Credit to Namibia, best performance by any 'minnow' so far in this World Cup. They have improved by leaps and bounds and will now be trying to really rough up the other sides in pool D from now.

France will really have to be careful now.
Fair dues, Namib - tough f'ers. Ireland don't have the strength in the pack - that's all there is to say. BOD is great, but watch out for those drop kicks. And Hickie clearly had his hands amputated in the dressing room and hastily sewn on backwards by a prop.

Waited four years for this ... fly blown piece of **** :rahh:

I suppose if you put Canada's first half performance along with Wales' second half performance, and add a sprinkle of Portugal, there's the makings of a decent NH team.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what a shame,just waiting for shtove opinion :lol:

irish fans keep.............. :lol2tn:

Ireland won their match. :lol2tn:
Great performance by Namibia! Very impressive.
The last Irish try should not have been awarded which (as far as I know) would have given Namibia a bonus point..

Some exciting rugby in the last couple of days!

<div class='quotemain'>
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what a shame,just waiting for shtove opinion :lol:

irish fans keep.............. :lol2tn:

Ireland won their match. :lol2tn:

:lol2tn: :lol2tn: :lol2tn:

OK. The english speaks up for the irish. But who can speak for the english??? (USA 10- Eng 28 :wah: )
<div class='quotemain'>
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what a shame,just waiting for shtove opinion :lol:

irish fans keep.............. :lol2tn:

Ireland won their match. :lol2tn: [/b][/quote]

Pretty badly :lol2tn:
It's always good to root for the underdogs especially when they end up playing so well.
Namibians must be very proud.
Ireland played absolutely terribly.

This had been one of the most entertaining matches so far.
Very good watch.
Absolutely gutted , Ireland have no excuses , typical Irish performance when it comes to the easy matches they perform like ****. Ireland never win by alot in any sport , but today they should have.. These guys are ranked 25th! Most of the world class teams put 100+ points on them!

Im not saying Namibia played bad , just that Ireland have let themselves down and should have performed like a team who is in the top 5 rankings in the world. They need a overnight reformation and to learn how to get their act together! Once they do that they can show their true colours! As of now we deserve all the abuse we can get ... so lets have it.
Waited four years for this ... fly blown piece of **** :rahh: [/b]
Yep and it feels like its over after 80 mins. I'm gutted, simply gutted. The only positive's I can take from this was that were that we didnt lose, and that we didnt play like that against France or Argentina.

Main negatives are that we probably will play like that against both Argentina and France, so things are probably gonna get worse before they get better (we go home!).

From a Namibian point of view, I have to say they were pretty impressive. I dont want to take away from how bad Ireland were but these guys put some fantastic hits in. Their backrow was immense and they simply didt stop working for eachother. As the game went on they got better and better.

Irish fans keep.............. :lol2tn: [/b]
What exactly is your problem with the Irish? I simply dont understand where its coming from. Did you have an arguement in here with someone or something? You've made about 20 rugby related posts in the past 2 weeks and pretty much everyone of them consists of you saying Ireland or the Irish team is crap. No objectivity, nothing to back them up, just constant flaming.

Not one post as far as I could see related to the French team, nothing on the match v's Argentina. In fact, pretty much nothing on France full stop.

Are you just a forum Troll (seem to be lots of them on here of late) or do you have anything useful to contribute?
Nicely put, well here's one for Karthago, that was a vachement terrible performance from the Irish, not too many positives to take from that one. Massive credit to Namibia for fronting up and taking their chances, I just hope they don't run out of steam in their latter games and take a pasting.

As for us my brother-in laws prediction of us not getting out of the pool is looking a decent bet to take now, although I'm sure the odds have shortened significantly.

I just don't understand this Irish attitude of spluttering and farting their way through weaker opposition in world cups and test matches, this is the world cup for **** sake, I'm not asking for the peak performance but surely we should be expecting to beat Namibia by more than 15 points.

Handling errors were unforgiveable, perfect conditions and they're playing like the ball is a bar of soap. O'Driscoll when will you ever learn that you do not have a kicking game, stick to what you're good at you gimp, POC, stop trying to be a centre, you don't have the hands for it and Hickie seriously seems to have picked up this nack in recent times of screwing up scoring chances so sort that out sharpish.

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