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How popular is the State of Origin in NZ?


TRF Legend
Sep 14, 2012
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I've seen some AB players like Charles Piutau supporting the SOO. So how popular is the event in NZ?
Yes, its really big here. Most Kiwi rugby fans barrack for one or the other of the two teams.

I first started following Queensland when former NZ and Sea Eagles coach Graeme Lowe was their coach, back in the days of Alfie Langer, King Wally Lewis, Mal Meninga, Willie Carne and Paul Hauff. I have followed them ever since.

Who can ever forget Mark Coyne's "miracle" try to steal victory from under NSW's noses in Game 1 of the 1994 series

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I'm not convinced it "huge". It's definitely followed by league fans - but it's still relatively niche. I'm not convinced most New Zealanders would know when it was on.
It's been a while since I've experienced the State of Origin while living in New Zealand, but I'd imagine the following is strong in places like Auckland, where the support for league is stronger than other parts of the country.

I don't follow league anymore, because there's so much Union to follow; if I did watch a game, it would probably be a test match involving the Kiwis over the State of Origin
It's pretty huge in Auckland, among your average sport fans at least. It would do far better over here if the games didn't end around midnight though, and normally on a "school night".
Virtually non existent outside of Auckland and some professional rugby players. For instance, out of the 1500 boys at my high school I knew of 1 that watched it.

But aucklanders under 30 probably follow league more than union
I'm not convinced it "huge". It's definitely followed by league fans - but it's still relatively niche. I'm not convinced most New Zealanders would know when it was on.
I for one am into sports hence to talk about sports regularly with others as small talk yet rarely know when it's on.

Just thinking this through. There are about 50 people on my floor at work in wellington, pretty average people. About 7 might watch the all blacks, 0 the state of origin (though a past team member from Auckland would watch it)
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