I thought I'd stick this post Michael Hooper talk here.
Yeah I had to take a couple months off from working out starting last December to about may due to anxiety. Went to doctor tried medications and they alone didn't work. I just had to find a way to destress (finishing law school helped with that) before I was able to focus on a workout for more than 5 min.
Most people my age that I know are on some type of anti-anxiety or anti-depressant.
Yeah, I strongly suspect its a generational thing and in 20-30 years as the pre internet generations fade out in Scotland it'll be nearer 30-40% (rather than the current 16%) of the population per annum taking at least one anti-depressant as it's a completely normal reaction to a society where so much is geared towards getting an emotional reaction out of you.
Fertility rate is tied to stress and anxiety and is globally plummeting (even in Africa I read that the birthrate is now 2.8 (and falling) compared to the replacement rate of 2.1). There'll be other factors obviously, but I think its valid to make the point.
One of my parents had a high stressed job and I saw the impact of that at an early age so it completely shaped how I live my life to try and:
1. minimise work related stress (changing job if required, but generally being very robust in explaining when I'm working at capacity and that any additional task will require a line manager to explain what existing tasks they are happy for me to drop)
2. prioritise downtime and sleep (including a siesta of up to 40 mins if my body feels like it)
3. moderate exposure to the parts of the TV and internet chasing advertising revenue, ratings or self esteem specifically by trying to get a rise out of me.
Best wishes to you and anyone else being mentally pushed and pulled by modern life.