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Halo: Reach

4 days before release the XBOX gets a red light of doom..

*dramatic music*

Fixed now and I have until the 17th to complete the game as thats when the XBOX buggers off to Salford Uni.
I'm such a nerd this evening that I'm tempted to head into town and pick it up at midnight... Strewth, I need a real life fast...
No midnight launch here. But my pre-order is ready for collection. Tonight, I make love to a video game.

Hopefully Reach will make Lips get off my damn gamer card. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Yaaaasss, finally got the game

So much more realistic than the previous ones.

Hate the multi-player with the power-ups though, especially the on the saves you from stickies
Oh, and there are too many places where one can camp with the sword

Also, can anyone here hear anyone else on multi-player? I'm getting nothing and i changed all my settings from off to on

Help, I miss my team-mates screaming at me for my incredibly poor yet incredibly lucky sticky throwing
Most of the time players use party chat now instead of the game chat channel, hence the silence so nobody has to tolerate the 10 year old gobshites who are clearly better then everyone else!!

Once you get used to the different classes, you'll wonder how you ever got by without them in the previous Halo games.
Well, the reason I hate it is because I am a 'team player' if you will.
I see a building/place that has like 2/3 guys in it, and I just run in throw a grenade or two, and then let off as many rounds as I can
As you might have guessed, I don't really survive for long with these 'tactics'. However, I usually end up with a kills:deaths ratio of 4:5 or so, which is not a bad return considering I average 7/8 assists a game (one game I ended up with 19 assists! [and like 2 or 3 kills])

Now, with these power-ups, someone can just 'lock-up shop', wait until I finished my clip and then chase after me knowing that I have bad lag so they nearly always win the melee battles.
It is really fustrating for me, because I have shaky hands/bad co-ords and thus can't use those funny accurate weapons which we always seem to start with.

On the note of that one power up I am speaking about (armour lock or something), how exactly do you beat the guys who use it? If you come across one, and have no grenades, what do you do, as they always seem to win the ensuing fight (I see this happening to teamates as well, so its not just my lag[not that my lag is entirely to blame though])

I use the jet-pack for interests sake, its the only one I seem to be able to use properly
Armour lock makes them temporarily invincible, plus they will release a short EMP when they deactivate it. However, when they are in AL, they are stuck in place and the camera is locked in position. The best thing to do is manoeuvre yourself to a position behind them far enough away to not be caught by their EMP and wait until they're vulnerable again. They won't be able to see you so you are prime to unload part of a clip into their back then performing an assassination before they can turn and retaliate.

Not that I've spent too much time practising or anything...
Ah, so it must be that EMP you speak of that always gets me.

That should help a lot (but with my aim I can take nothing for granted)
Practice is the key. My preferred choice of weapon is the DMR or Carbine (dependant if you're a Spartan or Elite) - Ironic as I've hated them in every previous incarnation of the game. A couple of headshots and they'll take most anyone down in MP.

If you're just spraying the assult rifle, you'll likely not get many kills. It's chuffing useless if truth be known.
Does anyonr know how to make quick 'darts' when meleeing or using the energy sword?

One time I was literally 3 body lengths in the air (jetpack) and a guy got me with a sword

I had some french ******* laughing at me cause I didn't know how to do it when I had the sword :(
When you have the sword, the targeting reticule will glow red when you can "dash". Simply attack when it's red and you'll automatically lunge for a strike. Insta-kill glory awaits.

P.S. Blocking a dash-strike with another sword strike looks really cool on the replay mode.
Aye, thanks for thr help

Certainly seems a lot more effecient than simply slashing at a retreating opponent

Btw, the help you gave me with the armour lock has resulted in me having a positive kill/death ratio

However, if you come across anyone who's mastered the shotgun-melee combo, you can forget about being awesome with the energy sword. It's still the most devastating tactic in the close-combat maps.

However, if you come across anyone who's mastered the shotgun-melee combo, you can forget about being awesome with the energy sword. It's still the most devastating tactic in the close-combat maps.

Can you kill another player with a direct shotgun blast to the head?

Mind I got a 9 kill shotgun spree on Sword Base, only to be ended by diminished ammo (hence my above question)
The lads were awful upset, and my rep went from 100 percent avoid me from quitting early to 66 percent not liking my behaviour
Ever had that feeling when the sole service provider in your area, after 2-3 years of haggling, finally connects a cable from the high-speed connection across the road to your house, and your kill:death ratio suddenly goes from 4:3 to 5:2, and the ability to download 1.4 GBs in 2 hours as opposed to an entire day?

Yip, pretty awesome feeling if I do say myself B)
4 MB line iz da zhit B)

I'm not very good on Reach online. Was better at Halo 3. Havnt played it in a while, day off tomorrow so might break it out again

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